Chapter 34: A Manora Romance

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Chapter Summary: Thatch, riddled with worry takes his mind off his troubles by telling the scare school a tale of his parents.

What could one do but wait? Everyone sat and waited in that lunchroom, eyes drifting from the clock to the door. It felt like a drawn-out, tortuous eternity when in truth it was only a half-hour. Casper could see Thatch was the most impatient. He kept pacing around, fiddling with his cloak nervously. A few times he would go to the door, open it and just peer out before he shut it and resumed his pacing. He was utterly distressed.

Casper softly sighed, sitting between Ra and Mantha as he tried to decide what to do. Thatch's pacing was driving everyone insane but he understood the vampire was nervous, who wouldn't be? Thatch's poor, mourning mother was talking to the ruler of the Underworld. His mother, who hadn't dared step a foot outside in years had suddenly left her castle, the stone walls, the mortal world to come here- and to do what? Talk to the most terrifying ghost in the whole known universe! Thatch looked like he was about to be sick, and Casper could feel it too. Even Slither, the emotionless pale monster was rattling his tail. He was watching the vampire intensity like he wanted to say something, but fearful as if when he opened his mouth he might be sick.

Casper looked at Mantha for some sort of answer, and the zombie made a brief motion for Casper to go do something. The ghost shook his head and crossed his arms. He wanted to wait for Clementine and Kibosh to return, what could possibly a friendly ghost like himself do to help this situation?

"So... That was your mom?" Mosshead timidly piped up from his seat. Harpy squawked in curiosity as well, her huge eyes watching the vampire as his pacing stopped. When the pacing finally stopped the students naturally seemed more relaxed. The former bully was putting everyone on edge without even meaning to. Whenever Thatch was in a bad mood it meant hell for everyone.

"Yeah, that was her..." Thatch muttered, his eyes narrowing as he took a more defensive stance, facing the students with his back to the door like he was some sort of guard. Casper could understand it, to Thatch, his mother was a queen, royalty that needed to be protected and praised. Vampires were so... weird.

"She was pretty," Wolfie commented, trying to lighten Thatch's mood. Wolfie wanted to keep on friendly terms with the vampire. After Thatch had panicked and took him to the nurse the werewolf found himself more caring towards the vampire, even if they had despised each other before.

"She's more than 'pretty'." Thatch replied coldly, probably without even meaning to. "She's an utter grace, a queen of her time! She used to have an army of maids to obey her every order, she ruled with an iron fist but had a kind heart to those who deserved it." Thatch started to rave. The students were all listening, curious. Homelife was rarely discussed at school, so it was natural for students to wonder about other people's families, especially if they were a different type of monster.

"Tell us more," Mosshead muttered, and his words were met with a general agreement from the students. "How is she so brave to stand up to Kibosh? They seemed like they knew each other."

"They do," the young vampire said proudly. "Kibosh and my dad used to work together. Mom often baked cookies and stuff for when he dropped by," Thatch grinned. "Mom and dad are very respectable after all, some of the best vampires in the world! Mom's very reserved though. She doesn't like to leave her home... In fact, she hasn't left home in over a hundred years..." He muttered, his gaze drifting back to the door, but the students didn't seem done with the vampire, their curiosity getting the better of them.

"Tell us more about your home!" Quasi called out. At this point, Casper was getting a bit done with everyone questioning his vampire. Casper rose from his seat and walked over to Thatch, gently taking his hand to give Thatch some comfort, and just to pull his attention away from the distressing situation.

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