Chapter 18: Dummy Girl and Slither

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Chapter Summary: Thatch finds himself enraged with Dummy Girl, while Casper starts to bond and understand Slither more.

The second the rule-breaking pair stepped out into the night air Thatch hissed very loudly- like an angry cat before he started to move away from her. He was heading over to a bench, presumably to sit and just try to ignore the talking puppet.

"Come on, let's go talk in the forest. No one will find us there, huh Thatch?" Dummy Girl smirked cockily. Thatch stopped walking and looked back at her, his eyes narrowing as he watched the proud looking piece of wood.

"Excuse me?"

"Oh, nothing. I just thought you would prefer the forest. After all, that's where you and Casper go," she said airily.

"... You shouldn't know that."

"But I do, now don't I? Don't worry about how I know, I just got my ways. Now Thatch, please be reasonable and stop all this dumb... dating ideas. I mean, you're a vampire. Why are you dealing with a ghost, let alone a friendly ghost? You're losing your touch." She tried to reason with her old friend. She rather have Thatch back in their group, all theirs again.

She calmly walked towards the vampire, her wooden feet rather loud on the stone path. Thatch made a face, seeming annoyed at every sound she made- let alone her dreadful voice. He just wishes she would shut up.

"I'm fine the way I am, I'm happy." Thatch rolled his eyes. "Now this is just a waste of time. It's late and I'm tired. I rather sleep than see your termite filled face." He snapped and turned away.

"Watch yourself! I'll make sure you and Thrall-Boy suffer if you keep this up! You think you can just ignore me, I was your friend!" She yelled after him, hoping he wouldn't just walk away. It was hard enough getting him out of that dumb coffin.

"... Excuse me?" Thatch paused, glancing back at her.

"You heard me, I'll make sure you suffer."

"Oh, not that, your threats are as hollow as your head. What you said before that." He calmly directed.

"Um..." Dummy Girl paused, a look of confusion on her painted face. Much to the vampire's annoyance it actually took Dummy Girl a few good seconds to get the wooden gears in that hollow head working. "Thrall-Boy?"

"Oh yes, there it is..." Thatch almost hummed. He started to walk towards Dummy Girl, and in turn, she started to take equal steps back. "Thrall-Boy... that's an insult now, isn't it?" He almost hummed. "You know, the way I was raised thrall is just a word we call our most trusted servants... Course, you're implying it as an insult, and to Casper of all people."

"Thrall is an insult, and it's not my fault your parents were the freaks of the vampire world." She snapped harshly. "Your parents and Casper are making you weak. They're all useless to you- holding you back. I want to help you."

"By removing everyone in my way." Thatch sighed- clearly, this was something they discussed a lot.

"Exactly! Crush anyone in your paths, you take over the Underworld. Kibosh is done and you rule, and I, your faithful assistant will tend to everything." She sweetly spoke.

"I always thought you were so smart when you came up with that brilliant plan. You were useful to me in my goal to become the best vampire, that's why we are friends, right?" He smiled and offered his hand out. Dummy Girl foolishly took it.

"Well course, I'm just here to make sure you stay-"

"I truly hate you. I despise your existence now. Thrall-Boy, ha... You know how to strike a nerve. Maybe instead of causing laughter- which you can't even do- your power is pissing people off." His moved his hand and grabbed her by her wrist, starting to drag her towards the forest. "You want the forest? Fine- I'll take you there. I hope you'll never leave it."

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