Chapter 40: Found it.

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Chapter Summary: Getting into the lab seems to be just as problematic as discovering the entrance! Once inside, nothing goes according to plan and trouble surrounds the group.

Casper just wanted to sleep forever honestly. Or at least for a few more hours. He groaned softly and nestled into the blanket as lights came on in the room and he could hear the steady footsteps heading over to the bed, the clicking of the heels on the red carpet gave it away, it was Clementine. While he was momentarily proud of knowing who it was without even opening his eyes didn't mean he was pleased. He just wanted more sleep.

"Thatch... And Casper it's time to get up," Clementine happily cooed. "Come on, time to go to breakfast," she said firmly as she rounded the bed, going over to Thatch's side. Casper felt the bed dip more on Thatch's side as she sat down, pulling Thatch into her arms in a loving hug. "Thatch, Casper looks exhausted. Get him up and dressed and down to the dining room," she instructed, giving the vampire a quick kiss on his forehead. "But do so gently, the poor thing looks so tired... I didn't know moving here would be so hard on him." She softly pondered. "When you head out make sure none of the students get lost," she added as an afterthought, tousling up Thatch's hair before she walked out.

Casper mumbled, pouting as he felt the living vampire beside him move, pulling the blanket off. Well, he supposed this was bound to happen if he kept staying up so late. Casper yawned and stretched out before finally opening his eyes, peering up at Thatch who was just grinning widely at the ghost, looking rather amused. Casper yawned widely and just laid there, idly watching the amused vampire. Casper silently swore he would somehow get revenge on Thatch for this. Dumb vampires and their need for practically no sleep.

"I'll go get your clothes. You rest your eyes a bit more." Thatch decided on his own. Oh, thank goodness. Casper nuzzled back into the pillow and shut his eyes, just trying to get those last sweet minutes of peace. He didn't really hear Thatch get up, suppose he dozed off partly. He only noted the sound of things being moved around, then the next thing he knew Thatch was putting shoes on the fully dressed ghost. Casper rubbed his eyes and looked down at the vampire, trying not to smile as Thatch softly hummed while tying the laces. So cute...

Ah, but back in the old-style clothes! They were very similar to what Thatch had Casper wear last time, just not as 'fancy' looking. Thank goodness for that honestly. Casper sighed heavily, and once he felt Thatch finish tying his shoes the ghost forced himself to sit up, stretching out and whining. Thatch just laughed and climbed back up onto the bed, grabbing his brush off the side table. Casper watched Thatch brush his hair back, pure muscle memory to get it into its' classic style. Then the vampire turned to Casper, scooting closer and started to brush Casper's hair, even if it wasn't really needed. Since Casper could change his appearance at will that meant he had perfect control of his hair, so he never let it get messy. But Casper let Thatch do whatever, and it took less than 1 second for the ghost to realize the feeling of brushing out hair was very relaxing. The ghost hummed and leaned towards the vampire, resting against his chest.

Thatch didn't comment, content to have such a peaceful morning with his ghost. Plus since it was partly his fault Casper was so tired this is the least he could do for the other. Thatch kept the fluffed up look to Casper's hair, not brushed back like his own. He liked seeing Casper's fluffy hair, it fit the ghost's bubbly personality. Thatch then set the brush aside and wrapped his arms around the ghost, pulling him close as they both just sat on the bed, enjoying the silence in the morning hours. That was until Slither and Ra busted in. Go figure.

Despite Ra being utterly passed out last night, he was loud and awake this morning, though his pendant was still softly blinking... so creepy. The mummy was the one to bust in the room, a big grin on his face and he looked ready for anything. Slither slowly followed, hanging back at the door and nervously peering in, keeping his head low like he was expecting to be yelled at for intruding... Thatch was most likely itching to do, but he didn't want to completely ruin their peaceful morning.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2020 ⏰

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