Chapter 23: Let's be friends Slither

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Chapter Summary: Wanting to befriend Slither was something Casper never thought he would have to do, but it felt right. After seeing Thatch get along with Ra and Mantha it only felt right Casper befriended Thatch's only friend.

Casper wasn't woken up by his normal alarm, but instead by Slither who had gently nudged the ghost. Casper lifted his head, seeing he now had a nightside table- which Slither had most likely just carried in, The gray monster was also laying all of Casper's clean clothes on top of it. Casper didn't even get to sit up fully by the time Slither was turning away to leave. The monster had only wanted Casper to know where his clothes were, in case he somehow missed them when the ghost woke up. "W-wait, Slither." Casper hurriedly said, nearly stumbling out of bed in his rush, his blanket wrapped around his legs. He managed to stand, and he tried to ignore the fact his legs were tangled in the thin blanket. He wanted to have a nice level, calm conversation with the other. He knew things had been rough, and in all honesty, even if Thatch approved of Slither so easily that didn't make them all happy friends. Slither had been their enemy, and unlike Thatch, Casper hadn't had time to build trust with the other. He barely knew anything about Slither. What were his motives? His goals?

Casper wished they could all be happy friends because maybe then Ra and Thatch would stop sizing each other up every second they were awake. Honestly couldn't they see they had so much in common? They both slept in objects meant for the dead, they're both creatures of the dead (Vampires counted, even if Thatch was a living vampire). But because the world wasn't such a friendly place like Casper wanted, he had to take things slow and make friends the proper way. Building trust like he had oh so carefully did with the grumpy vampire. Yesterday was a good start, but he knew almost every day would be an uphill battle until who knows when.

Slither obediently stopped when called and looked back to the ghost, his head tilted to one side like a confused dog, waiting for the next order to be given. Casper could tell Slither only stopped to listen out of some level of respect for the ghost and nothing more. That had to change quickly. Slither wasn't used to taking orders from anyone other than Thatch, but for the vampire's sake, he was willing to listen to Casper; for now. The gray monster reached out after a moment of observing the ghost, stretching his arms across the distance and helping free Casper from the blanket- then he simply made Casper's bed from where he stood before he drew his extendable arms back.

Honestly, Casper still found the whole stretching thing kinda creepy. Where were Slither's joints? His bones? When did they start and stop? Surely he had a skull and jaw, and maybe ribs. But where was his arm bones?! There was much Dr. Burns missed, but when didn't the teacher miss something? Their whole course was a joke, especially when it was over fleshies.

Casper decided it was best to just not mention or ask about it.

"Um, thank you..." The ghost carefully started, smiling at the monster. At least Slither saved him some embarrassment, even if the ghost could have just fazed through the blanket. He kept forgetting that he was a ghost. Maybe it always slipped his mind because he was the only ghost in the school and because no one else did it Casper often forgot that he had the ability. It was a lonely feeling, almost. If he didn't have such great friends it probably would have bothered him more. But such thoughts should be saved for later. He needed to focus on the has been bully in front of him.

Slither was clearly dear to Thatch, so Casper felt the great need to befriend him, get Slither's approval and trust just as Thatch was trying to do with Ra- who was honestly being just terribly stubborn about everything. But Ra was a different story, but for now, according to the clock they had about 10 minutes before everyone's alarms went off. "Why are you up so early?"

"Too much sleep..." Slither answered dutifully. "Plus, laundry. I always fetch Thatch's clothes." He added on with little thought. So Slither did basic tasks for the vampire often? "Your's were dry too, so I figured..." He didn't finish that thought. He just stared off, not all too comfortable speaking with the ghost- and Casper simply had to remedy that as soon as he could.

Rewritten- Let Love FlowWhere stories live. Discover now