Chapter 37: New School New Night

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Chapter Summary: Having separate rooms suck, so Casper sneaks out after hours to catch up with Thatch and make sure everything is ok.

This was terrible. Casper was horrified. He stood by the door to his new room, his heart in his gut. Oh, the room was great, it was one of the many, many rooms they had in the castle. His new room had a soft bed with warm-looking sheets, even a feather-stuffed pillow. It looked so welcoming. Near his bed was his own dresser even! He also had his own desk and on top of it, a candle was lit, giving the room a soft golden glow. The curtains over his window were pulled back, letting in the fresh night air. Oh, his room was perfect, welcoming and honestly quite comfortable... But the thing was... He was alone.

Casper turned back around to argue, but Clementine had already moved on, guiding each student to their own private bedroom. The boys were in the West Wing, the girls in the East Wing. Mantha was utterly separated from them, then the boys were all forced in separate rooms. Casper dropped his bag by the door and hovered around his entry, staring into the hall and watching as one by one the students were guided into their rooms to settle in for the night. He rested his hand on the wooden frame, and without meaning to, he started to hover off the ground, just because he was nervous and he also wanted to get a bit higher so he could see further down the hall. He recognized this hall, of course, Thatch's bedroom was a few doors down... or should he say, all the way down the hall? Clementine had purposely put Casper and Thatch on opposite sides of the hallway, as far away as he could get! Hell Ra just got the bedroom beside Thatch!

The friendly ghost could feel his face slowly go red, but he tried to keep calm. He had no reason to be mad at Ra, so what if Ra was placed beside his boyfriend and not him? Fine fine, FINE. Whatever!

Casper huffed softly, and once the last student walked into their bedroom Clementine waved her hand and the torches in the hallway went out, only leaving the candles in their separate rooms keeping them from the dark. "Go to sleep children. No sneaking out and talking. If you must there is a washroom at the end of the hall." She called down the hall for all students to hear. "Now then, goodnight!" Then all their doors slammed shut. Casper huffed, angrily staring at his shut door before he tried to let it ok. Okay fine, it's time for bed. It had been a long day... But he still wanted to see Thatch. So, Casper decided to buy some time. He'll wait until he was sure everyone was asleep before he snuck out to see Thatch.

So, the friendly ghost started to unpack. He only had the outfits Thatch had given him, so he put those in his new dresser. His school supplies, notebooks pens and the like got sorted onto his desk. A picture of his family, Fatso, Stinky, and Stretch was placed upon his dresser, facing his bed so he could look at it. It was nice to have their photo here, even if he was so so far away.

No shortcuts to Deedstown, no sneaking off to see them or Jimmy. He would write a letter and ask Cappy to deliver it, Cappy was always so kind when it came to these sorts of things. He had to say sorry to Jimmy, but he would write often. He was sure that would help somewhat... and maybe, maybe on the weekends, he could sneak off? He wasn't sure though, Deedstown was so far away- did he just hear a door open?

Casper blew out the candle on his desk quickly and floated over to the door, not letting his feet touch the ground despite knowing stone doesn't creak like wood. He put his hands on the dark wooden door and pushes his head through, peering into the hallway. Clementine was walking down the hall after apparently visiting Thatch's room.

The mother was holding up a lantern, lighting her way as she walked in the dark. Casper quickly retreated back to his room and flew to his bed, diving under the covers. He shut his eyes tightly, back turned to the door. He held his breath- he didn't know why.

The door slowly opened, the light flooding into the room, but it was gentle and restrained, not enough to wake a sleeping child. Casper listened closely, hearing the soft clank of Clementine setting the lantern outside of the open door, then her footsteps as she walked into his bedroom. He opened one eye, just barely. On the wall, he could see her shadow drawing near his bed. He didn't know what to exact, but as the footsteps stopped right beside him he shut his eyes, trying to look like he was peacefully asleep.

Rewritten- Let Love FlowWhere stories live. Discover now