Chapter 9: Town Outing

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Chapter Summary: Thatch and Casper head into town for some supplies, despite Clementine's fear. After getting the first thing off their list they're spotted by a young human, Angelina.

Casper woke up alone in the big bed, ever so alone. The ghost slowly sat up, his eyes scanning the room but he saw no sign of Thatch. The room was cold and empty, but the curtains were open letting in the sunlight. Seems Thatch woke up early and just didn't bother to awake the ghost or something. Casper slowly slid out of the bed, leaving the warm comfort of the sheets behind as he looked around the room, making sure to check the corners of the ceiling to see if Thatch was just hanging upside down in his bat form.

With no sign of Thatch in the room, the ghost sighed, running his fingers through his soft blue hair. It was only then Casper noticed on the foot of the large bed was an outfit laid out for him. With a smile the ghost boy went over, picking it up- oh what was this...?

Casper's brows furrowed and he laid it out on the bed, trying to see what it was exactly. It was utterly ancient. There was a white button-up shirt- but that was to be covered with a long, darkly colored vest with matching boy shorts. Then knee-high socks and even matching colored shoes- something a rich boy would have worn in olden times. Was Casper really suppose to wear this?!

It seemed to be his size as well- which they had discovered last night during their little raid of Thatch's closet. It seemed to be in good shape too, in fact, it looked almost new, handmade even? Was Thatch dressing like this all the way up until now? And if so, why did he change clothes to go to Scare School? That bat was an utter mystery at times. Plus, thinking Thatch would dress this way just didn't seem possible. Thatch... in shorts? No way.

Casper looked around the room desperately one more time, but there was no Thatch. Would it be considered rude not to wear the clothes given? Most likely... so Casper sucked it up and started to get dressed in the outdated attire, socks and all. Casper was only getting used to wearing basic items due to Thatch giving Casper a shirt and pants, but to be wearing a very stiff, outdated outfit was just beyond weird. But, he had wished to become closer to the vampire and this was the cost. Outdated clothes.

Once dressed the ghost boy walked out of the room, finding it odd his steps now made a sound. Wearing clothes was weird, he felt weighed down by them. But, he had to admit they didn't look too terrible now that he was actually wearing them. He could get used to this, maybe. For now, he could deal with it...

Casper started to walk down the eerie hallways. It was impossible to tell if it was night or day with all the curtains shut and none of the torches lit. There was one grandfather clock he could see, but it was partly covered by a white sheet haphazardly tossed over it. The ghost had the feeling he wasn't allowed to touch it, so he didn't. His presence wasn't welcomed in this castle. It was best not to overstep anymore than he already had.

As the ghost explored the castle he soon saw a soft glowing light. He followed it, and upon entering he was in the kitchen. It was large, with several stoves (now covered in dust). This place could be beautiful, if only it was taken care of. Now it was just old and forgotten despite the two vampires still living here. On the prepping table- where normally the food was prepared was a big, dead stag. Its stomach was cut and blood was freely flowing from its body. There was a groove in the table, collecting the blood and having it all drain off into a well-placed bucket. Thatch was sitting at the kitchen counter, waiting as his mother softly hummed and got him a glass of blood.

"Think this will do for now? I know you said you're getting awfully low on blood as of late..." She sweetly smiled, offering Thatch the glass. The vampire didn't look too happy with the drink but willingly took it.

"I hope so," Thatch knew deer blood was clean, but it wasn't the same as human blood, plus it didn't have as much nutrition in it. "I've actually eaten all my blood packets. Mom, they don't offer blood at the school!"

Rewritten- Let Love FlowWhere stories live. Discover now