Chapter 24: You Plan And You Fail

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Chapter Summary: Paranoid and cautious the group bands together to try to protect Thatch from any more attacks, but they're planning was all wrong.

Mantha was already in the hall waiting for them. She was even pacing around so Casper could see something major was on her mind. But, she was refusing to speak. She only guided them to the cafeteria quickly, and Casper didn't question it. Yes, he was concerned, but he knew Mantha would tell them once they all sat down. So they grabbed their trays from the lunch ... thing. Casper still had no clue what to classify it as. A big purple monster. That's all he could figure out.

Casper was happy to see they even sat in the same order as the day before. Ra, Mantha, and Slither on one side while he and Thatch got the other. The way they positioned themselves was so Casper and Thatch had their backs to the wall while the others had their backs to the rest of the room, as to shield them and so no one could sneak up on the couple.

Once again Thatch wasn't eating, and it was of concern to Casper. Thatch didn't even look at his food. He had just set his tray down and actually scootched it more towards Slither. It was of great concern, but then Casper tried to brush it off to Thatch being a vampire. The monster of the night had claimed the food wasn't as nutritious as blood, and Thatch did have animal blood over the weekend. Maybe he simply didn't need to eat. Casper couldn't linger on Thatch for long before Mantha was itching to talk now that they were all sitting and the room was filled with the talking of other students. With such noise, people couldn't hear what they were saying.

"Guys, we need to watch Thatch today," She warned lightly. Everyone was listening more, confused at her words of warning. "I heard Dummy Girl whispering to Harpy and Triclops last night. I couldn't hear the details- I should have thrown my ear- but they're planning something. Dummy Girl is planning something to hurt Thatch again, I'm sure of it. They were plotting to hurt him in Dr. Burns class."

"Well, that's right after this," Ra muttered softly, looking at the vampire. The mummy was already fiddling with his necklace, turning it over between his fingers, something he always did when nervous. Thatch sunk back in his seat. He looked upset, but at the same time somewhat understanding as to why he was the target. Everyone hated him...

"So they're wanting more revenge on me? Fine. Let them try." He hissed softly, but his voice sounded so weak compared to any other time. He probably hadn't fully recovered from yesterday.

"Thatch no, you got so sick yesterday," Casper spoke comfortingly, leaning against the vampire's side to capture his complete attention, and it worked. The vampire smiled gently and wrapped an arm around his ghost boyfriend, nuzzling close to the other. Casper tried not to smirk. He was learning exactly what Thatch needed and how to fulfill his need for acceptance and love. It was so cute. "We'll look out for you Thatch, right guys?" Casper directed the question to everyone at the table.

"I'll be upfront today." Mantha reminded. "So I'll be facing the class. No way I don't see them going for Thatch. Maybe you shouldn't wear your cloak though," she offered lightly. Thatch defensively raised his hand, clutching the bat clasp around his neck and his eyes narrowed. "Hey hey calm down, just a suggestion. That's how they got you last time."

"I know," he muttered after a few tense moments. Casper could understand why Thatch was on edge and defensive. He had a huge target on his back. Thatch clicked the clasp open, letting his cloak fall from his shoulders. He caught it before it touched the ground and he neatly placed it in his lap while he removed the clasp itself, slipping it into his pants pocket for safekeeping. "If you think it'll help then... okay." He agreed with the zombie. Certainly, something new, what a great change!

"Ok so Mantha is our eyes, but we got to take extra steps," Ra muttered. "Thatch sit by me today. I sit middle front."

"What? That's dumb..." Slither hissed. "You're putting him in the middle?"

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