Chapter 19: Rough morning and Slither's lesson

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Chapter Summary: After a rough start to the morning their exciting lessons begin, starting with Slither despite the reptile's discomfort.

Casper hadn't been able to go back to sleep, instead, he spent the last few minutes of the early morning gazing up at Thatch and admiring his sleeping boyfriend. When the alarms started to go off around the room Casper could hear them faintly, and they woke Thatch up easily. Honestly, if Casper hadn't been awake the ghost knew he would have slept through the faint sound- good thing Thatch was a light sleeper.

The tired vampire yawned and stretched lightly before he opened his eyes, first looking at the lid of the coffin tiredly before he noted Casper by his side. A smile came to his lips and he wrapped his arms around the ghost, nuzzling him. "Ah, I thought it was just a dream..."

Casper shook his head and laughed softly, holding the vampire tightly in return. "It's no dream, Thatch... Now come on, time to get up," he teased.

"Yeah yeah, go get some clothes on marshmallow." He said, quickly kissing Casper's cheek before letting the ghost fazed out of the coffin. Casper only made it halfway back to his bed before he heard a thud from behind. After a moment the lid of the coffin slowly opened and Thatch got out, rubbing his hurting head.

"Ugh... it was locked." He muttered weakly, carrying his clean outfit for the day to the bathroom so he could go change into it, his cape currently draped over his head to just keep the light far away from him as possible. Seems the normally awake vampire was actually sleepy for once. Perhaps that fight with Dummy Girl was more exhausted then he let on.

Casper rolled his eyes and went on over to his bed. Casper noticed the bag of clothes under his bed had been... moved. His eyes narrowed and he carefully grabbed the bag, pulling it out. He nervously opened it, then let out a soft yelp as dozens of spiders crawled out. Casper dropped the bag and floated off the ground, letting the spiders scurry off, causing some of the other students to freak out as well.

Slither seemed utterly unfazed by the spiders, watching them scurry off as he moved over to Casper. "I didn't know you liked spiders..."

"I don't," Casper frowned deeply. "Someone stuffed my bag full of- oh no..." Casper quickly reopened the bag, and much to his horror all the clothes Thatch had gotten him had some sort of liquid, or drink poured all over them, making them wet and sticky. No way he could wear them like this. Oh well, he'll just have to go to class like he normally did. He sighed, pushing the bag back under his bed to deal with later.

He sadly floated over to Ra's sarcophagus and knocked on the lid, and when he got no response he knocked louder. The lid of the sarcophagus slowly opened and Ra groaned tiredly as he sat up, looking dead as ever. "Morning Ra," Casper greeted kindly and helped the mummy climb out despite his soured mood.

"Morning Casp..." the mummy tiredly greeted as he rubbed his eyes. He started to head for the dorm doors as per usual, just whining and dragging his feet. Casper weakly smiled and glanced back into the room, looking at Slither who looked like a lost puppy just hanging around Thatch's coffin. Casper motioned for him to follow and the gloomy monster followed suit, following the ghost and the half-asleep mummy out in the hall where they normally wait for Mantha.

Mantha left her room looking... pretty rough. Her hair was messed up and she was currently carrying her right arm, carefully reattaching it back to her body.

"Rough morning?" Casper weakly smiled. Mantha did not look impressed.

"Stupid Harpy took my arms and feet. All I gotta say is, I plucked a few feathers and she is so not happy." She smirked, looking rather pleased with herself. "No one messes with me... Hey, where's Thatch?"

Rewritten- Let Love FlowWhere stories live. Discover now