Chapter 33: Photographs

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Chapter Summary: The deed is done, Dummy Girl has her camera. With the comfort of his fellow classmates, they all set out on a goal to stop Dummy Girl's plans.

The second the alarms went off Casper was eager to get to work. He gave his beloved vampire a swift kiss on the cheek before he unlocked the lid and forced it open, quickly scurrying out of the coffin. Thatch climbed out of the coffin after Casper, waking up promptly now. Seems the vampire was getting back into better health after starving himself for a week! It was a comfort to see Thatch bounce back so quickly. Honestly, vampires were so wondrous.

Casper flew around the room quickly, shutting off the alarms as everyone woke up since everyone hated that dumb ringing sound. He also didn't want a single chance of anyone they didn't want hearing them, this had to be done quickly and silently. Casper decided to make sure Ra was getting up as well so the ghost opened the lid on the sarcophagus up, smiling at Ra as the tired mummy tightened the bandages on his legs. "Morning Casp," the mummy greeted calmly. "Ready to get to work?"

"Ready as I'll ever be," Casper nervously smiled, wringing his hands together. Casper was nervous and excited all at once. Yes, they could get caught, but to see everyone wanting to help bring much-needed comfort. "Let's get to work Ra." He said, offering his hand to the mummy. Ra chuckled and took it, accepting the help out of his sarcophagus before he released the ghost, letting Casper fly and hovered near the door as the crowd of boys gather in front of him one by one, expect for Slither. Slither was... leaving? The serpent just slithered passed the group and Casper to get to the door. That made no sense, even Mosshead was standing in the crowd of helpers! Clearly, the swamp monster didn't want Dummy Girl winning after what she had done to him.

"Slither?" Casper frowned, watching the snake monster open the dorm door. Slither glanced back, then shrugged and just left. Casper didn't bother chasing him, he needed to concentrate. But even as he turned back to the group he could see Thatch was just as puzzled as he. Thatch was tapping his foot, and starting to look as anxious as Casper felt now that Slither had just up and left. But the ghost tried to keep his head on straight and his mind clear. "We split into pairs of two. We got to cover as much ground as we can before anyone else wakes up. There's an incinerator in the cellar, burn the pictures there. And uh... please don't judge Thatch and me from the photos Dummy Girl took," the ghost weakly added on.

Wolfie laughed, his tail wagging. "Oh, Casper I don't think there's anything on those photographs that can surprise us monsters! The most shocking thing in the world was you picking Thatch, nothing afterward could be more surprising than that." The werewolf quipped, gaining some chuckles and laughs from the fellow boys. Casper gently smiled and nodded as he lowered himself, letting his feet touch the floor.

"Let's get to work." He said confidently and opened the dorm doors, leading the group of boys out- just to be greeted with Slither leaving the girls room, helping the female students sneak out so they didn't wake Dummy Girl. Mantha, Harpy, Mickey and Monaco, and Triclops all carefully exited the dorm, then Slither shut the door ever so quietly.

Casper gave a confused look, and Slither almost helplessly shrugged again. "I figured they might want to help. We need all the aid we can get, right?"

"Slither, you're amazing." Thatch grinned and walked over to his friend, playfully ruffling up his gray hair. Slither smiled and looked at the floor, trying to hide his face from the students.

"Can't believe you forgot us," Mantha teased the mummy and ghost as she went to their side. "Honestly Casper, you'll need us... Also, I'm taking over. Wolfie and Harpy, go to the cafeteria with Mickey and Monaco. Fly-Boy and Triclops, head to the library-" Mantha started to give orders. Casper decided to just back off and let Mantha do her thing. Casper then figured he would oversee everything and help out everywhere. He quickly whispered that to Mantha and she nodded, waving him off as she continued to give orders to the students, having them pair up.

Rewritten- Let Love FlowWhere stories live. Discover now