Chapter 13: Thatch's soft side

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Chapter Summary: Being back at the school has some challenges, all revolving around Thatch's bullying and Slither.

Casper had spent all of his breakfast trying to deflect a lot of his friend's questions. He just tried to keep it vague, saying they went to Thatch's house while claiming he forgot exactly where it was- that the location was just far away and he doesn't even know the way because all he did was follow Thatch. Casper did say Thatch's house was pretty big, but scary looking with large stone towers and big hallways. At that point they asked even more questions, so Casper had to tell them it was a castle and not a normal house, and that it was in the human world. That only spurred their confusion and interest. Did Thatch live in the human world? In some castle? So outdated and Casper had to agree to that, but add on that it was pretty cool.

Casper managed to avoid talking about a lot of stuff. Thatch's father, Vincent. The human town nearby with that weird fleshie, the ballroom dance... The kiss. There was much to avoid, Casper too shy to admit much to his friends. He didn't want to say much until he and Thatch figured out what was going on between them. Yes, Casper knew he could trust Mantha and Ra to keep secrets, but this was his and Thatch's secret. He needed to protect it more than he did his own. So, by the end of breakfast, he had only told them Thatch lived in a very fancy castle- he had described many of the rooms in grand detail to take up as much time as possible.

When the bell rang Casper smiled and got up to walk with his friends. His blue eyes turned to look across the room, spotting Thatch with his friends doing the same. Casper could see Slither glaring right at him, not even trying to hide it.

"Oh, Slither was so mad after you left to follow Thatch," Mantha whispered, grabbing Casper's hand to guide the ghost out. "Best to avoid him for now. He was the one that informed the Headmasters you had left."

"Oh..." Casper softly murmured. He never thought Slither would go out of his way to make his life hell. Normally Slither was the most passive of Thatch's gang. He'll have to be more careful, that snake monster was keeping such a close eye on him and Thatch now. But Casper knew at night they would sneak out and have their moonlight stroll. He knew now the vampire cared for him.

But even so, it bugged him to see Thatch so distant- and there he goes bullying Wolfie. Great. Casper stopped at the cafeteria doors, sighing heavily.

"What's up Casper?" Ra paused, looking back at the ghost.

"It's nothing. I'll catch up," Casper said simply and started to walk back towards Thatch and Wolfie, feeling slightly annoyed. They were barely back an hour and Thatch was giving Wolfie hell. Yes, Casper remembered why, but surely Wolfie could have a break for just one day!?

Ra and Mantha stood by the door, while their braver ghost friend walked up to the gang. "Thatch, Wolfie- we're going to be late." He said instead of telling the vampire to stop. It felt awful not truly helping the wolf, but if this is how Thatch cared for Wolfie nothing could be done, right?

Thatch glanced at the clock, and even if there was plenty of time to get to class he nodded and backed off from Wolfie. "Come on gang," He said as he turned away, allowing Wolfie to pop up and dust the dirt off his clothes. Thatch then hurried past Casper, avoiding eye contact as he headed for the door. Casper did happen to notice the light coloring on Thatch's normally pale cheeks. So cute...

Slither seemed annoyed when Casper came close but followed Thatch and the others. His beady gray eyes narrowed hatefully at Casper as they passed. Casper paid them no mind. He did what was needed. As long as Thatch was in charge Slither couldn't hurt him either.

"Wolfie," the ghost started gently as he turned to the other. "You gotta fight for yourself. Get mad, fight back some? Aren't werewolves and vampires equal in strength?"

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