Chapter 20: Bittersweet memories

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Chapter Summary: After Slither gets too cold Thatch takes him to the incinerator to get warm. While there Thatch tells Casper the story of how the two met and became friends.

Casper followed Thatch, staying invisible so he wouldn't get caught. He even kept a safe distance behind Thatch and Slither simply because he was worried he'll back caught. He watched as Thatch gently guided his sleepy friend along, having to almost pull him down into the basement of the school, where the incinerator was. It was cold and quiet down here too, so the vampire was almost dragging his serpent friend across the stone floor just so he could place Slither before the incinerator.

Casper watched curiously as Thatch opened the large grated front of the incinerator, letting the flames be exposed to the cool air in the room. Thatch flinched back at the intense heat that spewed from the metal machine, but he didn't let that slow him. The vampire then helped Slither get a bit closer to the flames so he could warm up faster.

"There," the vampire said happily as he sat beside his cold friend. "I didn't realize it was so cold in Dr. Burns classroom." He noted as he looked around the creepy basement filled with tons of trash bags. Casper flinched back as Thatch's eyes briefly went over him, staying keep in the shadows. He knew he couldn't be seen, but for a moment his heart jumped at the thought of being caught, though Casper almost wished he didn't follow.

It was gross down here, but it was the only place Thatch was able to find an open flame he could get Slither to in times like these. Casper would figure it wasn't the first time Thatch had to do this, he knew the path too well and treated this like a common occurrence. Casper silently wished the school would at least add some carpeted rugs in the hallways or something, it'll make it easier on Slither's scales.

"Hmmn, freezing when he isn't spewing fire. The school is always freezin'," Slither sleepily said, yawning as he rubbed his tired eyes. "Cold-blooded, no robes- ugh... That was awful, everyone was staring at me." Slither actually spoke, not just whispered or grumbled like was ever so common. Thatch nodded contently and stared into the flames, resting beside the gray monster. Thatch was briefly worried about being late to their class, but then again it was just the gym. "Bet Casper will be here any moment," Slither mumbled softly, trying his best to smile at the vampire.

"Oh I got a feeling he's already watching and waiting for my permission to come out, isn't that right marshmallow!?" Thatch called out into the darkroom, his violet eyes narrowing as he ever so carefully listened. He seemed to just know Casper would follow, the ghost was so adorably clingy, needy for attention and as always, concerned about other students like Slither. And of course, he was right.

After a few moments, Casper guiltily appeared, slowly floating over to the two with his head hanging and nervously fiddling with his hands. "I just wanted to make sure everything was okay... Slither?" Casper gently spoke. The serpent monster turned his head away from the ghost, just resting before the flames like a cat in a nice cozy warm in winter.

"I'm fine..." Slither muttered after a long silent moment, stretching out his rattlesnake-like tail moving out from under his robes. It wiggles gently as he rested before the fire, slowly warming up. "Thanks for worrying."

"Wow, uh..." Casper looked to Thatch. It was weird to be hearing Slither actually talk so much- and so willingly. Casper had fully expected to be brushed off. Thatch seemed to understand Casper's confusion.

"Oh, Slither gets talkative when he's cold or sleepy... It's worse when it's both. That's actually how we became friends," Thatch grinned a bit as he watched Slither. Clearly, Thatch had such fond memories of the time, which only made Casper increasingly curious about their past.

"Really?" Casper moved, sitting down beside Thatch on his other side. He kept peering over at Slither, but not daring to get close to the snake-like monster. Personal boundaries must be respected.

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