Chapter 27: Casper's lesson

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Chapter Summary: After an intense situation the love birds take a moment to reflect on their actions, before realizing they are very late to their classes.

Casper smiled as they stopped by their tree, leaning against it heavily as the vampire doubled over, panting for breath while trying to suppress his laughter. "We're in so much trouble," Casper mumbled, pressing his back against the tree.

"Trouble? We just got out of it!" Thatch grinned widely. "Alder and Dash are in so much trouble!"

"We lied..."

"No, not really," he started, then at Casper's disapproving stare he quickly changed gears. "Ok, a small, white lie. It was just the frosting on top of the cake to assure everything went right." He tried to comfort the ghost.

"Right? We could have gotten them fired!" Casper yelled, then bristled and looked away from the vampire.

"And how is that bad?" Thatch grinned, tilting his head to the side in a curious manner. "We don't need them, they're the worst headmasters ever. Maybe we'll get some better ones with them out of the picture." He smoothly spoke and moved forward, letting his hand rest against the tree as he leaned close to the ghost, trapping Casper. "There's no need to worry. I handled it."

"It doesn't feel right."

"I told one, small little lie in all of that. I say that was a big accomplishment." He grinned and leaned close, staring into the ghost's eyes. "You trusted me and I made sure we got out with no trouble. Kibosh will make sure no one hurts you now."

"Your mom sounded so worried."

"And I'll call her and make this all up to her. Don't worry, Casper. Everything is going to be alright... Can't you smile? We're safe, no one can harm us now." He spoke softly. "Aren't you happy about that?"

"Y-yes." The ghost answered swiftly. He pushed himself off the tree and clung to Thatch, hiding his face in the vampire's shirt. "I'm happy but... A lie is a lie."

"It'll be fine." Thatch hummed, holding Casper close to himself, gently rubbing his back in a soothing, circular pattern. Casper melted against the vampire, nuzzling close to the former bully. "If we do somehow get caught, I'll get in trouble. You never told a lie, not once. Alder and Dash were going to lie and expel us, we only defended ourselves. We can't get expelled Casper, you know what happens then..."

"I know." Casper sighed softly, slowly lifting his head and watching the grinning vampire. "Honestly you're terrifying sometimes."

"I'll take that as a compliment." Thatch chuckled. "Now, with the Headmasters out of the way surely we'll actually get some protection, and Slither is tricking Dummy Girl. She'll pay for hurting you."

"And you," Casper reminded him. He hated it when Thatch forgot about himself. He so used to Thatch being so selfish and self-absorbed, but now the vampire barely paid his own health mind. "Thatch, are you eating? I didn't see you eat yesterday."

"I'm fine, Casper." Thatch gave that charming pearly smile and the ghost dropped the subject. If Thatch said he was fine, then who was he to argue? He was only a ghost with limited knowledge of vampires, let alone living vampires. "You should worry about yourself. You got to talk about ghosts today in Dr. Burn's class." He warned. "Which is starting soon, well I think we might be late."

"Me presenting, late?!" Casper gasped. "Why didn't you say anything!"

"I was distracted by-"

"Run!" Casper quickly pulled away and jumped in the air as he took flight. He didn't even look behind him as he started to make a mad dash back towards the school.

Rewritten- Let Love FlowWhere stories live. Discover now