Chapter 2

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Kiyoko Misaki's pov

My eyes fluttered open as I heard yelling and violent thrashing. I groaned, my knuckles, face, and abdomen hurting. I turned to door knob and to my surprised it was already unlocked. Kurogiri mustve decided to finally help out after I fell asleep. I checked to time on the old analog on the wall. 7:41. Woke up late I guess. I walk down the hall to see my fathers hand with a knife through a portal, Shigaraki's hand in another. Kurogiri glanced at me and kept the two there for a second. He let them go and they just walked past each other. My father bumped into me walking past me. I continued to walk into the main room and got myself a hard boiled egg for breakfast. I took off the shell and popped the entire thing into my mouth. I chewed thoroughly and swallowed. I drank some water from the sink and headed to my room to change into "fresh" clothes.

"You're not going to eat any more?" Kurogiri asked.

"I slept in the training room last night. If he sees two missing he'll give me hell. You know this," I muttered.

Kurogiri reached in his pocket and pulled out ¥1,500. He held it out for me. I looked at him.

"I...huh?" I asked.

"We need you to go in the field today. Take this. Buy yourself some food. No need for shoplifting food. Can't have you getting caught on this one."

I stared at him. After a bit I held out my hand. He dropped the yen into my hand and I clutched it like it was going to blow away. "Thank you Kurogiri," I said, smiling.

"Get changed. I'll tell you more about it in a bit" he said. I went to my room, which was more like a glorified closet and picked out a nicer outfit, since I'm going out. I picked out some light blue ripped jeans (which I don't think were ripped when they were gotten), a black tank top tucked into the jeans and my black boots. I pulled my hair back into a tight ponytail, a few strands of hair framing my face.

I headed back to Kurogiri and see that Shigaraki had returned.

"Tonight," Shigaraki started. "We will break into the Hirota household as planned. The only problem is the eldest child will most likely return home during the break in. We need you to make sure he stays out."

"And how should I plan to do that?" I asked, curious.

"Simple, you're a teenage girl. We've gathered information that he's going to be with a friend, Midoriya Izuku, and they plan to go back to his place near the end of the night. Keep them out at all costs." Shigaraki said sternly. Shigaraki pulled out ¥2,500 and gave it to me. "This'll cover the train and a little extra if it means they stay out longer. I expect change, girl. There's a list of conversation starters and general responses to questions you can look over so you know what to say. Don't mess this up."

"Yes sir," I said. I put the money in my wallet.


Shigaraki said they were planning to be in a specific plaza in Musutafu. I made my way over there, plan in mind. I memorized the photos of the boys and scanned crowds to find them. I locked onto a boy with green hair and a taller boy with black hair. I make my way over and see the smaller boy holding a drink. Perfect.

I slipped in near them and walked towards them at an angle. They stopped walking to talk near a bench. I untied one shoe lace and calculated my movements. At the perfect moment I stomped on my shoelace and fell right onto the green haired boy , spilling his drink. I landed on the ground with the green one still standing. His drink was now everywhere and they both looked down at me.

"Oh my goodness I am so sorry!" I exclaimed. I scrambled up and looked at him, helping him wipe himself off.

"Haha it's ok, really. I get it things happen. I trip a lot too," he smiled. Just as forgiving as described. The taller boy looked down, not really sure what to do.

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