Chapter 58

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Kiyoko Aizawa's pov

We all started at the door, nobody daring to say a word. Gatekeeper silently dragged me behind the bar and pushed me under with him. Dabi opened up the door.

"Knives, Yoshida, Takumi," Dabi said. "And you are?"


"Red. Got it. What brings you here?" Dabi asked.

"I think you know," a foreign voice said, making their way into the room. "We just wanted to know: how's Orchid doing?"

"She's been training as usual and helping the League, why?" My father asked.

"Because my brother Knives here seems to have had a little bit of an incident with her that almost resulted in the authorities getting involved. So we just wanted to have a little chat with her."

"I'm sorry, but I really don't know what you're talking about. When did this occur?" Shigaraki asked. I heard the sound of a gun cocking.

"Now Shigaraki, I didn't come here to play games," the strange voice said.

Gatekeeper grabbed onto my shoulder and looked me in the eyes.

'It'll take a couple minutes, but your body will begin to prepare for the journey. You'll feel thirsty and tired. You need to be asleep to be able to go back to your universe,' he thought.

I heard a couple shifts in chairs. "Now now, no need to get antsy, we just want to iron out what she has wrinkled. Now, where is she?"

"She's not here right now. She's out on a mission," Kurogiri said. He kept a calm face as Gatekeeper and I huddled at the bottom of his feet.


There was a bit of silence as a few footsteps roamed around.

"There are two heat sources crouched behind the bar," I felt my heart stop.

"Well, you heard the man. Come on out!" Gatekeeper and I looked at each other as we slowly stoop up. The second my head rose above the counter, a gun was pointed to me. I raised both my hands in the air along with Gatekeeper.

"And who are you?" The mysterious voice asked. Seeing him now, he looked like an older version on Knives. He called himself Yoshida.

"You can call me Gatekeeper," Gatekeeper said smoothly. The four looked at each other, the same expression on all of their faces.

"And what's your quirk, Gatekeeper?"

"Plague. I can give people plague like diseases if I consume their blood. But it won't spread from person to person," he said.

Yoshida looked at him suspiciously. "Prove it."


"Prove your quirk. Drink some of her blood and give her a disease,"

"I am not going to do that," he replied. Yoshida shrugged his shoulders.

"Then I guess instead we do things our way," he said. Pointing the gun at me and aiming to fire.

"Wait wait! I'll do it," he said.

Yoshida smiled deviously. "Knives here will do you the honors on getting the blood," He said. I looked at Knives, he had the most wicked grin plastered across his face.

"Hang on," I said. "Before this, can I get a drink of water? I'm kinda thirsty," I said, kicking Gatekeeper under the bar.

"No, shut up," Knives said impatiently walking up to me. I held out my arm and traced the area I wanted him to cut. I knew if I let him choose he'd mess me up. His finger sharpened as it got close to my skin. He pushed down hard and traced his finger down my arm much more than necessary. I winced a little and felt my muscles tensed up as he parted my skin. He lifted up his finger and an immediate sea of red soon began to overflow the ravine he viciously crafted in my arm.

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