Chapter 34

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Kiyoko Aizawa's pov

They all slammed into the water. It honestly looked like it kinda hurt. I winced as the three of them splashed down into the water. Damn, so much for the big race.

I turned to the door. Eraser's quirk was still activated as he looked at all of us.

"It's 5 pm. Your authorized pool time is officially over," Eraser said. "Hurry up and go home." An immediate uproar of begging and complaints took hold. Eraser erased our quirks to make a point. "Are you questioning me?" He glared. Everyone shook their heads. I walked over to the pool, watching the three climb out defeated. I couldn't help but laugh. Bakugou scowled and walked past me. Midoriya laughed along with me and Todoroki looked like he was holding back from smiling. I headed back to the girls locker rooms and got changed into normal clothes.

I thought for a bit. All the girls usually tell stories about their days to one another. Maybe I'd give it a shot.

"The weirdest thing happened today," I said. Everyone turned their head to me. A couple showed genuine surprise.

"Kiyoko? Talking about her day? Talking about herself? Spill girl, what happened?" Ashido said excitedly. Thinking back I don't think I ever openly talked about myself to a group like I'm attempting to now, but this is what people do.

"Well, Todoroki and I were getting coffee before coming to swim, and the barista there was weird. He did this thing where he looked at me from head to toe and he started saying things like 'what can I get you cutie' or 'why are you blushing' or 'what? Cat got your tongue?' And it was so gross. I think he was flirting with me. But I was just extremely uncomfortable," I explained. They all looked at me. Some of them started giggling. I raised my eyebrow.

"You think he was flirting with you?" Uraraka asked.

"I...well yeah, but I don't want to assume," I muttered. A couple more of them giggled.

"Hun, he wasn't just flirting with you, he was all over you. Geez, he sounds like a creep though. Looking you up and down. Ugh," Ashido said, sticking out her tongue.

"What did Todoroki do? Did he do anything?" Momo asked. "More importantly, what did you do?"

"At first I was so dumbfounded and embarrassed I just kinda stood there. He kept saying things until Todoroki started to tell him to back off. They got into a stare off and for a second I thought Todoroki was going to jump the counter and hit him. But then another barista we knew put him in check so it was all good," I explained.

It wasn't like it was the first time someone had harassed me. I may not have been sure of his intentions but it's happened more times than I could count back at the base. I'd be making drinks with Kurogiri and drunk bar passers would make crude comments about me or my appearance. But back then I wasn't as 'civilized' I guess. I would just hurt them if they said something I didn't like. But at the café I felt helpless. I couldn't defend myself, I couldn't make a retort, I couldn't even look at him. I felt violated.

"Y'know, something like that has happened to me before," Jiro said. I looked up.

"Me too," Momo remarked.

"Yeah, I've been there," Uraraka muttered.

One by one they all shared a similar story. I felt horrible. They didn't deserve to feel so uncomfortable. Pretty much every girl had a story of their own to tell. We all supported each other though the stories and uplifted one another. We laughed and poked fun and all lifted each other up until everyone was ready to leave. I found Eraser waiting on a bench outside the locker room. He stood up when he saw me. I smiled at him as we began our walk home.

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