Chapter 4

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Shota Aizawa's pov

"That poor kid," Midnight muttered.

"I don't know about that," I said. "She was really uncooperative at first. She took any chance to crack a joke or trip us up on our words." I stated. I glanced at Present Mic, who looked puzzled and glanced at Misaki's door. The guards stood stationary, looking straight ahead of them.

"I understand, but it's obvious she let her guard down at the end of the night. I just don't think sending her to prison is right. That'll only fill her with resentment. We'll have a chance to get her out of there and we throw her with all the other villains instead," Midnight pointed out.

"Well what are we supposed to do. We can't just call her parents. Can't just let her go home." I groaned

"What about the orphanage?" Present Mic asked.

"That's pretty much just as cruel. The adoption system is screwed up beyond belief and she'll only be put with people filled with ignorance and fear." Midnight said. She rested her chin on her thumb and index and pondered. "She needs to go somewhere with someone who understands what she's gone through and will put her on the right path." We all looked at each other. Same baffled look on our faces.

The doctor opened her door and walked out. He approached the three of us. "Miss Misaki is conscious and in stable condition. She'll have to stay here a couple days. She has a concussion and a broken nose. It seems she ruptured internal wounds in the fight last night and she bled internally quite a bit. But she can talk. You may continue questioning but the guards will have to stay outside.

"Thank you doctor," Present Mic said. The doctor nodded and walked away with his clipboard. I looked at the other two and nodded as I opened the door.

Kiyoko Misaki's pov

I could hear them talking out there. I couldn't hear exactly what they were saying but whatever it was I knew it was about me. I looked at my knuckles. They were covered in a white bandage. I brushed my hair out of my face and felt a nasal splint lined across my face. I brushed my fingers along the gauze and tape on the left side of my neck. It felt disgusting. I then brushed the piece of gauze along the right side of my stomach, wincing a bit at the pain. Doctor said something about internal bleeding. Fun.

I looked out the window at the setting sun, shining rays on the building and making the trees glow down below.

I heard the door handle shift and I looked over to the door. I watched as pro heroes Eraserhead, Present Mic, and Midnight all walked into the room and took a seat next to me. I chuckled a little.

"Eraser you didn't tell me you were having friends over. I didn't even clean up." I smirked.

"I see you're feeling better," he grumbled. I looked over at Present Mic who was staring at my nasal splint. I clicked my tongue at him, getting his attention.

"Hey Mic, you can take a photo if you want, it'll last longer," I groaned. I began to read him.

'Great, I'm already starting off in the wrong foot with her'

"Mic, I'm fucking with ya," I smirked. "Calm down dude,"

Midnight swallowed audibly and stuck out her hand. "Hi Misaki, my name is Midnight. It's a pleasure to meet you." She smiled. I held out my bandaged hand and she realized her mistake. She retracted her hand.

"Nice to meet you Midnight. And the pleasure is all his," I said, gesturing to Eraserhead. Now that I've made everyone personally slightly uncomfortable, I asked the million dollar question. "So, what brings you all to my humble abode on this fine evening?"

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