Chapter 33

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Kiyoko Aizawa's pov

I curled up into a ball as that horrible noise echoed through my ears. I squeeze my eyes shut and tensed up. I put my hands on my head and pushed on my ears to try to block out the noise. After around 20 seconds, I simply gave up.

I turned and shut off my alarm. I groaned, taking off the covers and fixing them up. The sun was barely lighting my room as I began stretching and doing my morning routine. I began doing sets of sit ups and push ups. I ended on some crunches and then I got changed. As I was pulling out my outfit I checked the date. I quickly realized that was the day that everyone planned to go to the pool. I grabbed the UA swimsuit and a towel.

Hm. I have some time. I wonder if...

I pulled out my phone and opened up messages.

Kiyoko: Hey, I heard from Midoriya that the guys are also going to the pool today. Coffee before?

Todoroki: Sounds good. I'll pick you up in 20

Kiyoko: I'll be here

Todoroki and I have started going out for coffee whenever either of us needed to get out of the house or needed someone to talk to. Ever since the USJ incident, we've made an unspoken pact with each other: we'd always be there for each other. The both of us have had rough times that either continue or come back to haunt us. But we've learned to help each other out and be there for each other. I've told him things I couldn't even bring myself to tell Eraser or Mic. He's told me some things about him that I feel horrible that anyone would have to go through, let alone the kindest boy in class 1-A.

I braided my hair and tossed my swim stuff in a bag. I got into a tank top and jean shorts, and slid on some sandals. I looked in the mirror and glanced over the scars visible on me. The scars from the Hero killer were clearly visible in my outfit along with the burn on my inner thigh. Even though you were able to see it in my school uniform it didn't make me any less conscious of it. Small scars riddled across my body that have faded overtime but were still potently visible to me. I hummed a slight disapproval to myself but shook my head.

It happened. I just gotta live with it now I guess. I don't like it, but it's not changing. I heard a knock at the door and I ran through the kitchen to see Eraser making himself tea. I ran up and hugged him.

"Bye Eraser. I'm leaving early to grab coffee with Todoroki first," I said squeezing him. He hugged me and patted my head.

"Be safe kiddo. I'll see you at five," he replied. I slung my bag over my shoulder and walked out to meet Todoroki on the other side of the door.

I closed the door behind me and smiled at him. "Ready?" Todoroki asked.

"You know it," I replied. We walked down the stairs out of the complex. We walked along the sidewalks that slowly began to warm up from the morning sun. I started telling him about Princess and her latest mischievous behavior and he told me about some things that his mother said to him. I loved hearing stories about his mother. She sounded so kind and she always seemed to give him great advice. Before we knew it we were at the cafe and we walked inside.

I inhaled the scent of fresh coffee as we walked into the quaint light tan and light green coffee shop. We got in line and I looked around.

"Looks like Fujita isn't working today," Todoroki said.

"Dang. I was really hoping to hear one of his jokes. It feels like a Fujita joke kinda day," I said. He exhaled out of his nose as it was our turn to walk up. A barista I had never seen before leaned on the counter and got ready to take our order.

His gaze met mine with his charcoal black eyes. He broke eye contact when he looked down and back up. I immediately felt out of place and uncomfortable. His orange hair reminded me a lot of Shinsou's as it bounced ever so slightly. He smirked at me as he stood up a little taller.

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