Chapter 5

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Kiyoko Misaki's pov

"Um-I uh..." Midoriya turned to Eraser. He gestured him over and whispered in Erasers ear. Eraser nodded

"Don't worry, she doesn't want to hurt anyone," he said.

"O-ok," Midoriya said. He stayed in the room as the Hirotas left. He stood there, roughly 4 meters away.

"You can come closer," I said. I held up my bandage covered hands."I can't do shit."

He nodded and sat down next to my bed. He looked at the ground.

'What could she possibly want? Does she want to hurt me? I don't know if she can with the state she's in but what if this is all a huge plan I mean she planned out meeting us perfectly maybe she can just as easily-'

God this kid thinks a lot.

"Midoriya" I said, getting his attention. He looked up at me and hummed in response. "Do you have your notebook?" He looked at me and nodded, slowly getting it out of his bag. "Let me tell you about my quirk," I said, smiling. He looked at me, slightly dumbfounded.

"But I thought you said you didn't have a quirk," he said cautiously. I exhaled out my nose. I smiled at him.

"Yeah I know, that was just so I could lay low. You obviously know quite a bit about quirks and heroes. Seeing as you already filled up 11 other notebooks," I said, gesturing to the number 12 on his book.

"Oh y-yeah," he said, slightly laughing.

"I thought if you knew about my quirk, you could relate it back to my father and then it was all over for me," I said. He nodded and understood.

I then told him the whole story and extra details that he asked about. We laughed a bit and talked more. I used my quirk on him to go into his head and make his stomach tickle to show him how it works. He smiled so wide. I almost felt bad for dragging him into this.

"What are the limits of mind reading and placement? Do you have to be looking at them?" He asked, pen ready.

"Well, it is much stronger if I look at them. If I turn away it can be harder to make out what they're saying. Like hearing them from behind an almost closed door. But it's been getting stronger." I replied. He wrote furiously in his notebook and continued to ask questions.

"Are there any drawbacks?" He asked

"For mind reading? No. Mind placement? If I try to give too much information, like a lot of information, I can get a headache. And for placebo if I over use it I can start to feel the effects that I use of other people," I told him. He wrote it all down and smiled at me.

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked.

He looked back up at me, a little nervous. "Uh, sure." He said hesitantly. His emerald green eyes filled with confusion, anxiety, and curiosity

I looked at him and sat up a little more. "All three of you have a valid reason to despise me. It seems the Hirotas have definitely chosen their thoughts on me. I don't blame them. But when you walked into the room. You seemed more uncomfortable than anything. Why?" He looked at me and pondered for a bit.

"I guess because I don't see a good reason to hate you. I can't be mad at you for being a villain. You're Misaki's daughter. You were born into it. You couldn't really help it. And you look like you already have enough hate." He said, glancing at my nose and neck. "And you just seem really nice."

I felt my stomach drop. Nice? I'm not fucking nice, I'm a villain. He should be scared. Why am I being nice to them now? He wants to be a hero! Why was I telling the heroes my information? Stupid! This is all wrong! I need to get back to the base. Now.

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