Chapter 51

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Kiyoko Aizawa's pov

The entire League got up and ready to fight. He held up his hands in a nonchalant manner.

"Relax, I'm not gonna hurt ya. I'm just doing my job," He sighed and continued to walk towards us. Shigaraki got up and stopped him.

"And who do you think you are, thinking you can just walk right in here?" Shigaraki interrogated. The man let out a deep sigh.

"Gee, it doesn't matter what universe you're in, does it? You always try to make yourself bigger than you actually are," he muttered. Shigaraki reached out for him and Kurogiri put up a portal to stop him. Shigaraki's hand was a couple meters away and suddenly the guy was right next to me. I jumped and got ready to defend myself. "You don't want to hurt me. If you do, you're never going to get your Kiyoko back."

We all stopped fighting but kept our guard up. He poured himself a drink behind the bar, knowing exactly where to find everything. "Call me Gatekeeper. No need to know my real name." He replied. "And I'm the reason why Kiyoko seems to be so out of place."

We all stared at him, waiting for an explanation. He took a sip of his drink. He grabbed me a glass of water and handed it to me. "The name's a little pretentious, don't you think?" I asked. He took another sip of his drink and nodded.

"Oh it definitely is. But let's not focus on that for right now. Let me tell you a little about me so you can understand this predicament," he replied.

"Alright," he continued. "I have quite a rare quirk. So rare, in fact, that no matter where I travel I have yet to see anyone with it. It's called Multiverse. I can go through different universes and even transport other people. Of course it has its drawbacks. I can't transport over two people at a time. The only time I can transport two people is if I were to swap them with their equivalent in another universe. That would be what happened to you. And if I don't take the right precautions before transporting myself or others between universes, it can cause a pretty shitty death. But I'm not dead yet." He finished his drink and smirked at us.

We all stared at him as if he was insane. He shrugged it off and grabbed himself a sandwich from the mini fridge under the bar. We all glanced at each other as Gatekeeper made himself at home like he's lived here his entire life. I awkwardly sipped on the water until he began to talk again.

"You see, in my universe, I had a best friend by the name of Misaki Reiko," he said, looking straight at me. I felt my heart drop at the mention of her name. You could feel how intensely the atmosphere changed. The only thing we were able to hear was the sound of Gatekeeper eating his sandwich. "And she was in the League as well. We grew up together and she was like a sister to me. I loved her with all of my heart. So you could imagine I wasn't too happy when she found him and got roped into the League." He said, gesturing to my father. He glared at Gatekeeper, but he didn't seem to care.

"I watched over Reiko while she was in the League. And once I was confident enough to travel to new universes, I kept an eye on her there. But I found it odd since whenever I went to other universes, I would be there, but not once have I found myself with the same quirk as this one. But anyways, as I went through different universes and started going farther and farther into the future, I began to notice something." Gatekeeper explained. At this point everyone was so wrapped into his story nobody made a single sound.

"This little girl started to appear in a lot of future universes. A cute, sweet little girl. I was so astound I went back to my universe to note it and then suddenly, she told me she's pregnant. With a girl. I was so happy for her and I couldn't wait to see the potential future of this child. She asked me not to watch over in other universes because everything was so unpredictable. I agreed and I watched you grow up in that universe. I watched as you began to talk, took your first steps, all your birthdays, I saw it all. My best friend's little girl started to grow into this very smart girl and I was proud of her accomplishments." He smiled as he recollected my childhood from a different universe. He stopped talking and his smile began to fade.

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