Chapter 40

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Kiyoko Aizawa's pov

"I don't think you could possibly fathom!" Eraser yelled, slamming his hand on the table. I flinched as the bowl on the island shook. Mic was near tears next to him. "The fear! The anger! The sheer terror!"

I sat silently at the island table. Tears were flowing down my face as I stared at the bowl. I couldn't bring myself to look at him. "Against my better judgement, I granted you permission to see your friend in the hospital. And you had the audacity to not only disobey me, but to throw yourself into the most dangerous situation a person could even have access to!" Eraser yelled. His hair had practically fallen out of its hair tie with all the thrashing about he did. "Do you have any idea how much danger you put yourself in?!"

I finally looked up at him. My eyes widened when I saw tears lightly dripping down his cheeks. I took in a shaky breath. "Y-yes," I whispered.

He slammed his palm against the table. "So what in hell could have possibly made you do such a thing?!" He screamed.

"I was scared!" I screamed back. My sudden change of tone grabbed his attention. "I couldn't sleep knowing that he was with the League! That he was with my father! I couldn't sleep knowing he might be going through the same thing I did! How could I live with myself knowing that he might be bleeding out just because he looked at someone the wrong way?!" I screamed. Eraser stared at me, dumbfounded.

"Every goddamn day was a challenge! I know I made it all sound like hard work and fights are what gave me my scars but oh god no! I was hit, burned, slapped, slashed, punched, kicked, kneed, elbowed, stabbed! Every day I would get thrown around and used! Every day I thought about just killing myself! I was so brainwashed into thinking that it's all just normal! Being hit was normal! Wanting to die was normal! I can't stand the thought of anyone else having to go through that! I know what I did was fucked! It was so fucking stupid of me! But I just couldn't stand the thought of letting him receive the same fate as me!" I yelled. There was dead silence. I loosened my hands once I realized my knuckles had gone white. I took in a couple more shaky breaths. Mic sniffled a little and Eraser just looked at me in shock.

"As your teacher and your dad, I should have been more aware of this," Eraser said calmly. "I'm sorry. I should have known or at least put two and two together. I am sorry you ever had to go through something like that. It hurts me to know that you've been hurt. I love you Kiyoko, and I really care about you and I want you to be safe," he said softly. I swallowed and exhaled. "But that doesn't mean you're off the hook. I am still livid that you disobeyed me and put your life at risk. But yelling isn't going to do much, is it?" He sighed and put his head in his hands. Mic looked over at me.

"One of the most terrifying things for a guardian is uncertainty. The second we heard that you were on the battlefield, uncertainty flooded our minds. We knew nothing about what state you were in or whether or not you would be okay. For a good while I thought you were dead, Kiyoko," Mic said. I looked at him as he messed with his thumbs.

"I'm really sorry," I whispered. "The last thing I ever wanted to do was worry you guys. I love you guys too." I messed with the cuff of the sleeve on the black turtleneck. The sun shone lightly through the window and there was a looming silence between the three of us. Eraser slowly walked over and Mic followed. The three of us hugged each other tightly.

"You're dead wrong if you think you're not in a world of trouble. But I'm so happy that you got out of there without a scratch," Eraser sighed. I hummed and held onto the two of them for a little longer.

"Pack your bags," Eraser sighed. I felt my stomach drop and I looked at him. He laughed. He slipped me a letter from UA. My eyes scanned over the note. I pursed my lips and I read over again and again.

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