Chapter 47

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Kiyoko Aizawa's pov

"You see, in English, they switch around the word classes. So you would use your 'am' infinitive followed by the present progressive and then you would follow up on any details. So it's like 'I am going to the store' or 'you are singing in the shower'."

"Why would they switch it around so much though?" Kirishima asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

"It's just what makes sense to them. Different languages are cool like that," I chuckled.

"Okay so translating this it would be... 'She is dancing at the party'?" He muttered, writing down the English translation. I looked at his spelling. I nodded my head. I pointed to another one. He stared at it for a bit. "'They is laughing at the funny joke'." He wrote it down on his paper.

"Check the infinitive conjugation," I said softly. He stared at his paper for a long time. He glared at it until his eyes widened. I slammed his head lightly against the desk and mumbled into it.

"Are," he groaned in defeat. I patted him on the back.

"It's alright. I mean you understand what we're learning right now, you just get confused with old lessons," I reminded him. He grumbled and lifted his head. He replaced 'is' with 'are' and pushed the paper away from him.

"I think that's enough English for one night," he sighed. I nodded my head. He got up off my desk chair and flopped on my bed.

"I'm sorry who invited you to lay there?" I asked.

"I did," he said, his voice muffled by the sheets. I laughed and sat down next to him. I reached under my bed and pulled out a gallon of water and plastic water bottle. I handed the plastic one to Kirishima. He thanked me and sat up to drink some. He watched confused as I filled up my reusable water bottle with the water from the gallon.

"You know we have a sink, right?" He asked as I put the bottle back. I sighed.

"Yeah, I know, but I wake up a lot in the middle of the night and whenever I wake up from a nightmare I would go get some water from the kitchen. But I guess the thumping of footsteps and the dinging of the elevator kept waking Bakugou up so he asked that I don't do that. We came up with this compromise," I explained.

"Geez, I hope he didn't give you a hard time about it," he muttered.

"Oh not at all. He sounded mildly annoyed, probably because it was three in the morning but he was pretty chill about it," I replied. Ever since the talk we had behind the bushes, Bakugou had been much more calm around me. He still yells at me on occasion like everyone else, but it's like he's able to actually have a one on one with me, which I genuinely appreciate. "Speaking of Bakugou, this whole house arrest thing seems like it's been driving him insane." I took a big gulp of water and Kirishima did the same.

"Yeah. I feel really bad. He talked with me about it a little. He was very frustrated. I think Iida made it worse by reprimanding him multiple times," Kirishima said. He put his head in his palm and pondered for a bit. "I know it seems like the only emotion he feels is anger, but that's not true by a long shot. He's really not the best at expressing his emotions but I wish everyone could see that he's not as one dimensional as everyone thinks he is. There's so much more to him that what he puts on display."

I took another sip of my water and hummed. "I mean, I used to be like him, kinda," I replied. Kirishima tilted his head. "When I was a villain, I tried my hardest to never let anyone know how I felt. As a teenage girl, I was already at a disadvantaged for everything because everyone assumed I was weak and I was always a target. If I showed any emotion except for bitterness, I was at a disadvantage. I had to be stone cold at all times, never show them I was hurt, don't let them know that I have good in me. My stone cold facade masked the fear I had whenever someone knew started talking themselves up. The insecurity when I would get insulted or harassed by bar passers. The remorse I felt if I went too far. Once I was able to get out of that environment and not feel the pressure to keep up that facade, I changed. I'm not saying Bakugou should change by any means. What I'm trying to say is that yeah, it's a facade. He's hiding his emotions. And when he's in an environment where he feel he can be vulnerable, he'll let his guard down."

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