Madisons perspektiv:
"Oh, I... Don't know what to say..." Mumlade Riley bredvid mig. Jag nickade bara. Jag skulle heller inte veta vad jag skulle säga.
"I know." Svarade jag kort. Riley lade sin stora bekväma hand på mitt lår, och på riktigt jag trodde jag skulle explodera. Jag tittade generat upp på Riley som redan tittade på mig.
"I want to tell you what happend..." Sa jag långsamt. Jag hade bestämt mig att öppna upp mitt förflutna. Berätta hela historien.
"Okey..." Svarade han lugnt."My mom and my dad was sixteen years old. They had been together for 1 year. They were so inlove. They were kind of popular at their school, not fancy popular you know popular because they were so sweet to others. They helped people who got bullied and so.
And then one day my mom found out she was pregnant at only sixteen years old. She totally freaked out, but my dad calmed her down. My dad supported her in her dessison and they kept the baby. They got even more popular at the school. Everyone helped my mom and dad. 9 months later I was knocking on the door.
My dad kept saying " It's going to be a boy." But my mom she knew it was going to be a girl.
I came to the world and my mom and dad was crying of happiness. But then something happend with my mom. She were getting all white in her face. She started bleeding. The doctors could'nt stop the blood, so she died, giving birth to me. The last thing she said was. "Name her Madison, you know I love that name. I love her, and you!"
And she died because of me and I blame myself for that.My dad was really sad about my mom but he dis his best. He brought me to school. Everyone took care of me and so. My dad loved cars and he was good. He always changed the wheels and polished the paintwork. He teached me everything about cars. He was always in the garage and I was always with him.
He started competing with cars. He became very good. So good that he started driving with the big ones. He really loved it. And I loved it to. Every competision I was in the depot cheering for my dad. But that was about to change.
I was fifteen. It was this big race in town here. Oh I loved it, I was so excited. Well my dad to. I were in the depot when my dad was in the last curve. I had these headphones on so I could talk to my dad the whole lap. He took the curve wrong and I screamed "dad!" I heard on his voice that, this is not going to end well. And then my dad said... "Madison I love you, always remember that." He crashed. He won the whole race. But he crashed into the goal. I ran out on the course to help my dad. But some kind of guardians took me. I just fell down to the ground and cried.
I found the rest of my dads car under me when I cried. My dads number plate. I have it in my livingroom on the wall. After the accident I was'nt myself. I shuted everyone out. All my friends when I needed them the most.
I loved my dad so much. And I just wish he was here today." Sa jag med tårarna rinnandes nerför mina kinder. Att min pappa gick bort för två år sedan är fortfarande ofattbart.
"Oh... I'm sorry... But can I ask you who your dad was?" Frågade Riley försiktigt.
"Yeah, my dad was Michael Connor."
uäää. omg jag gråter av det jag själv skrivit, är det konstigt?
Förlåt för ett sent kapitel men jag har serri två freaking prov denna veckan. Om jag inte blir godkänd i det ena får jag F i slutbetyget. yay gu va kul.Nästa kapitel kommer ni få se lite vad som försiggår i Rileys huvud. Wohi.
Shipnamn till Madison och Riley?
Xoxo Agnes
Bad boys never cries
Genç KurguMadison Connor. Vad är hon? Rättare sagt vem är hon? Hon syns inte. Ingen vet knappt vem hon är. Hon är en i mängden. Men vad händer när Riley Smith får ögonen för Madison. Aldrig tidigare har hon blivit märkt. Men frågan är just varför bad b...