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l o c a t i o n: Chlematis Hospital
t i m e: 20.09

"On your left! Dr. Han! Your left."

"My left?" The said doctor reached out to her left, finding nothing, "I mean my left!" The girl giving the instructions rephrased. "Come on Kyeolmi! I can't see anything here!" Dr. Han said, finally reaching for the stuff on her right. "Sorry Yeojung! I get confused with directions sometimes." Kyeolmi apologized before shouting out to another direction.

The opposing team on the other hand, is not cooperating with each other at all. "God! Professor Shin you're terrible at giving instructions!" The male doctor shouts, "Well I'm sorry!" the professor shouted back.

When the timer goes off, both of the blinded players took the blindfold off, each counting how much balls they got by reflex. "I got six!" Yeojung exclaimed, she held up her basket of balls and turns to the other team, "how much did you got, Donghyuck?" She aksed.

Donghyuck showed her his basket , "Only two." He rubbed his neck in embarassment, "Honestly it was all because of Jena! She was terrible on giving directions!" That resulted on both Donghyuck and Jena bickering with each other, coming in for their throats.

The four of them are the only surgeon who got midnight shifts at the emergency centre in case an urgent patient rushes in, meaning that they can't leave the hospital until night breaks to dawn and currently, two hours into their shift and neither of them are needed for anything urgent.

So Kyeolmi, or Dr. Ji, a general surgeon, had this brilliant idea of playing a game where in groups of two, a person who is blindfolded needs to grab the plastic balls while the other gives out instruction on the ball's location.

They cleaned up their on-call room and got out to get some dinner. On the way there, another female nurse rushed up to the group of friends. "Dr. Han, you are needed in the Emergency Centre." Yeojung left her friends and jogged towards the area.

The nurse had briefed that a man in his early thirties was rolled into their emergency department, blood rushing out of his head. The unconscious man was lying down on a bed, a makeshift bandage the transport nurse had made while on their way to the hospital. "Please take care of him, doctor." The man beside the patient has clearly been crying. "We will do our best sir." Yeojung said in order to calm him down.

The nurse wheeled the bed into the hybrid room located near the emergency department. The injury is not serious at all, it won't endanger the patients life, Yeojung could definitely see that. Instead, the damage dealt to the brain itself is problematic.

The impact could damage the neurons inside it, causing senses to be lost. "Prepare a 2.0 dexon suture and a 2.0 non-absorbable suture please, and take a CT scan of his head after I finish stitching his wound." Yeojung said towards one of the nurses wheeling the bed. "Yes Doc." She left the scene and went to retrieve the said items. Yeojung wore her mask and gloves, she examined the patient's head, looking at the wound.

She quickly stitched the wound up, and cleans it. Finishing the suture, the patient is wheeled to get the scan and then back to the emergency unit to wait for him to regain consciousness before getting more tests. After moving him to a less bloodied bed, he was back to where the crying boy is. "Is he okay doctor?" He asked. Yeojung nods and took of her mask.

"May I asked what happened to him?" The man, whose name Yeojung learned as Choi San, explained how his friend, Wooyoung, got injured. The young doctor nods as she takes in every information he gave. "Okay Mr. Choi—" "Just San is fine." He interrupts, "Okay, San." Yeojung repeated, "Mr. Jeong is fine, but we still need to run some tests on him, to make sure the impact didn't damage anything internally." Yeojung explains.

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