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l o c a t i o n: Seoul Dream Theatre, front hall
t i m e: 19.05

The first half of the event was over, so far, the opening team, the trio owners, San's B team and C solo act, Yunho's C team and his solo performand, and Wooyoung's B team and D solo act have performed. Some interviews and behind clips slipped in here and there, acting as a smooth transition between the performances.

"That was amazing, baby." Jena pecked Yunho's cheek, complimenting him on his solo performance. "Yep, you were great back there." Jane raised a thumb.

They were joined by the rest of the boys, minus Hongjoong and Jongho, the two of them had been busy recording a new album for a debuting boy group, Hongjoong producing the album and Jongho being their vocal trainer.

Wooyoung had stood beside Yeojung all the time, introducing her to the rest and keeping her company so she won't feel left out. Being near a completely different Wooyoung made Yeojung's heart beat faster, she had never seen him as the serious type, the one who would always goof around, but that night, through one performance, all the image she had build up for Wooyoung crumbles and was replaced by this charismatic, sexy, and charming man.

"Champagne?" Mingi offers to Yeojung, holding a glass out, which she rejects to with a smile. "I can't, the hospital might make an urgent call suddenly."

Mingi shrugs and downed the glass of alcohol, "Oh come on, one glass won't hurt." Jena offers, "Besides Jung, you won't be called, I've threatened your resident on night duty not to. You deserve some rest." Jena giggles, which made Yeojung gasps, "You did what? Poor Yongbok." She said, then taking a glass of champagne from the waitress' tray, sipping on it.

"But is it true? That you lead a surgery for almost eleven hours?" San asked, pressing his lips into a thin line. Yeojung nods, "That's why if you meet her, she's seventy— no, eighty percent of the time, tired." Yeosang said, "Especially when her schedule's packed with back to back surgeries." Jena adds, shivering with the thought of being in an OR for almost a day.

"Whoa Woo, your girlfriend's cool." Jane held her thumbs up, nodding in approval towards the boy. "She's not my girlfriend." He said, laughing, "But I gotta admit, Yeojung's very cool." Wooyoung grins and glances towards his plus one, the gesture was returned by the girl.

"Hyung." A voice called out, they all looked and saw a teenage boy, taller than most of them, standing awkwardly. "Oh, Jisung?" Park Jisung, Wooyoung's student, maybe his favorite student, powerful, agile, and great technique-wise, making him Wooyoung's prefect cup of tea.

Jisung looks at the three teachers, "It's time to go to the back stage." The three man nods, splitting up with their friends and plus ones, "Shall we?" Jena asked towards her sister and colleague.

"Let the second half, begin!"

乁( ◔ ౪◔)ㄏ

l o c a t i o n: On the Road
d e s t i n a t i o n: Oura Apartment Complex
t i m e: 22.48

Wooyoung and Yeojung rode comfortably, the lad was too tired from managing the event, he actually left earlier so that Yeojung won't arrive that late back to the apartment when he saw that she starts on yawning during the second half.

Yeosang actually offers her a ride, saying that he doesn't mind stopping by first before going home, but Yeojung declined, her cousin had a very important trial on Monday, telling him to get plenty of rest and prepare for it.

All of the students have left, leaving the three owners to clean up with a few staffs, and manage last details before going home. Two years ago, they even stayed up late until two in the morning, as a consequence of having heavily decorated stage and venue.

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