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l o c a t i o n: Treasure Hotel and Resorts
t i m e: 09.38

Yeojung arrived with Kyeolmi together, it was finally the day of Jena's bridal shower and they're going to have a sleepover with the other bridemates in the resort owned by the bride's brother. "Isn't this too fancy for us?" Kyeolmi whispered into Yeojung's ears, their eyes goggling on the sight of the magnificent interior of the resort.

The resort is located in the outskirts of Seoul, on a mountain. Contrary to the location, the interior is super grand and elegant, and everyone seeing it would think it's located in the urban areas instead of a nature filled environment. They have rented the two biggest villa on the resort for the bride and groom showers.

"Yeojung! Kyeolmi! You're here!"

Jena emerges from the entrance, Jane and her brother, whom Yeojung had only encountered once, beside her. "Hi Jen!" the both of them ran up to her and gave her a short hug. "Hello Jane, Jayden." not forgetting to greet the rest of the Shin siblings also.

The five of them made their way to reception, the big boss talking to the lady in charge, then motioning for their carriers to be taken away into their rooms. "I'll see you tomorrow morning for your big day, baby sister." both Jane and Jayden left a peck on their youngest sister's cheeks. The three siblings had previously held their own bridal shower, not wanting to taint their precious moment with 'non-families', and deciding to leave Jena with her friends for today instead.

Soon enough, Haera arrived with her work attire, her hand bag slung on her elbows with a hand carrying her suitcase. "Hello," she enters the villa after Kyeolmi went to fetch her. The two professors have never met the secretary before, or at least interact with her, so they don't really know what to talk about together, but Jena really hope that they can get along together.

Striding towards the fridge and grabbing herself a bottle of sparkling water, Haera lets her eyes roam the living space, eyebrows furrowing at the lack of one person. "Where's Sehui?" she sets the bottle down and looks at Jena. "Still on her way, Hui's husband had gotten lost on their way here."

And just like that, the whole villa was silent, no one was able to talk about anything, Haera could relate to Jena about their high school days and also about the boys, while Yeojung and Kyeolmi usually talk about the colleagues at work and their surgeries, two really different worlds.

Fortunately at that moment the doorbell rings, most of them flinching because of the sudden noise. "Hui!" Jena hugs her best friend tightly, they have never met for the past year and surely, they missed each other. "So, what are we gonna do?" Sehui broke the hug and looks at the rest of the girls.

When she and her husband got married, they had a smaller wedding instead, the bride insisting on a traditional wedding in both cultures instead of a fancy one. That happening, Sehui didn't really held a bridal shower, she just ate dinner with Jena and slept over in her house, so she has no idea on how these work.

"We could watch a movie?" Kyeolmi suggested, pointing at the large TV in the living room. "Sure, let's get changed first though." Sehui said, dragging her luggage into the room she will share with Jena. "I'm changing too." soon, all the girls went into their specific rooms to get into the pajamas for the night, even though the sun is still shining brightly.

Yeojung decided to go out of the room she's sharing with Kyeolmi and into the living room to get some signal going, she had just received a call from Yongbok, him asking her inaudible questions because of the signal in the room. "He's insisting on what?" Yeojung raises her tone, not believing what she heard.

"He's been telling us to give him more pain killers, the pain in his head is 'killing him' I quote." the other line buzzed, "But you already gave some, right?" Yeojung asked which got a clarification from the other side. "Is that professor Han? Let me talk to her!" a voice shouts from Felix's end.

After a lot of grunting and shuffling a voice spoke to Yeojung, "Professor! My head is hurting so much!" the man complains, "your underlings only checked on me once a day! Tell them off to do their job properly." Yeojung chuckles as how the patient addresses her juniors as 'underlings' making her feel as if she's a part of a gang.

"Don't worry, I will surely scold them." she says lightly, after Yongbok got his phone back from the throwing tantrum patient, "What should I do professor?" his usual deep voice asked, "Discharge the patient now." Yeojung said, "He was able to scream that loud so it's proves how the post-surgeries effects are gone." Yongbok agrees to it, then hung the line.

"Is that how your work life goes on everyday?"

Yeojung flinches in surprise, turning away from the window overlooking the green scenery to the living room. "Why do you look like you've seen a ghost?" Haera asked, crossing her legs on the sofa, "Yes it's actually pretty much like so." the young doctor regained her composure and answered.

The secretary hums, checking her long nails out, "Pretty much the same." Haera nods, "The clients in Yeosang's office are all stubborn and acts like a know-it-all." she confesses. Yeojung gasped and took a sit beside Haera, but still keeping her distance, and nods. "It just be like that sometime." her eyes shows eagerness, excited to have someone relating.

"The patients coming in for a check up would usually ask me a myth from the facebook community! Isn't that ridiculous?!" Yeojung threw her hands up, "And they try to do a debate with you! Telling that they found this and that, saying that vitamins actually damages their memory and all that bullshit." Haera laughs seeing the girl that seemed awkward at first ranting to her like they've known each other for ten years.

Haera uncrosses her legs and leans forward towards Yeojung, "But have you ever got involved in a physical fight with your clients? Pulling hairs and getting your head bashed into a metal locker." seeing the unbelievable expression written over on the other girl's face made Haera pulls back in satisfaction. "People who've committed a crime would tend to be harder to be taken care of." she chuckles.

Soon, the doorbell rang and Jena came rushing out from her room. "Is someone visiting?" Yeojung tries to peek at the door but was left in vain. "Room service, maybe." Haera said, clicking on the remote a couple of times to change the channel.


Jena came into the living room, Kyeolmi had just got out of the shared room, so did Sehui. "Meet my last bridesmaid! A friend of Yunho's!" Jena steps aside to reveal a woman, clad in a really fancy, and expensive dress, rolling her luggage that can fit for a week vacation in, and pulls her sunglasses down. "Hi everyone." she smiles, her plump lips stretching upwards.

"My name is Yoo Euna, let's get along well, yeah?"

RIP Chadwick Boseman🙏
kind of late but, yeah

enjoy the filler like chapter!

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