
490 40 13

l o c a t i o n: Treasure Hotels and Resorts
t i m e: 00.08

The girl went silent for a moment, she then went on to take a sip from her cup, and stares at the man. He rummages in his pocket and took out a cigarette and his trusted lighter, lighting the nicotine stick up. She eyes the thing, raising one eyebrow up as he then slips the stick between his lips, sucking on it.

"You do know that's dangerous for you, right?" Yeojung asked, crossing her arms after putting the paper cup down. Wooyoung puffs the smoke out, careful to not accidentally do it to her face, and nods. "So why do you smoke?" she asks again. Yeojung was just itching to give him an earful lecture on how it will damage his lungs, something crucial, kind of, for a dancer, but she held back, knowing that it's not her place to do so.

Wooyoung took another long drag, and letting the smoke out slowly to the air. "Various reasons." he mumbles, resting his head on the headrest so that he could see the bright stars that night. The two went silent, Yeojung not really wanting to press Wooyoung, scared that she might tick him off, and him not wanting to say something wrong, scared that she might hate him, that is if she hasn't.

After a long moment of none of them saying anything, Yeojung let a big sigh out and types into her laptop, her slender fingers punching in letters that's going to form a word. "I'm sorry." the unmoving man finally said. "I'm sorry." he repeats, and just like any other time, Yeojung kept quiet, waiting for him to continue, "I didn't even went after you, that day."

He went on again, "You ran from me, yet I was still hesitating to chase you." the cigarette drops from between his fingers and onto the cold cobblestone floor. "I don't even deserve to say that I love you." he shuts his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose with his fingers. "I thought you didn't love me?" Yeojung said, finding what the man had said contradicting.

Wooyoung looks at her, furrowing his eyebrows, "You said so that night, you didn't love me." she restates her sentence, "Then the both of you, fucked, I guess." she shrugs, the fresh memory from that night burning in her head, trying her best to keep her poker face on. "I—" Wooyoung trails off.

Never in a million years would he expect for her to witness the dumbest moment of his life, yes, even dumber than when he had stood up for Yeoreum. "That's—" he rests his elbows on the table, yet again rubbing his face harshly. "No need to explain, I get it, the both of you were intoxicated, that's why you had sex with her." she leans backwards, closing the laptop.

Yeojung lets a shaky breath out, eyeing the man who is also looking straight back at her, as if she's trying to read the vast emotions through his eyes, trying to find a tinge of sorry in it. "But drunken words are inner feelings spoken," she adds, not breaking the stare battle, "So you don't love me."

Wooyoung felt as if air was knocked out of his chest, he subconsciously starts on tearing up. "No." his voice hoarse, "No Jung, believe me, I do love you." Yeojung's eyes went softer, "It's like you're asking me to pick a side between a two very contradicting you, which one should I trust?"

Not being able to come up with an answer, Wooyoung stays mum, his jaw clenching. Yeojung sighs and gathers her things, "Let's just stay friends, yeah?" before she could even stand, Wooyoung interrupts her. "What about you? Do you even have the slightest feelings for me?" he stares at her eyes.

Yeojung nods, without even hesitating for a bit. "You make my heart flutter every time with your smallest gestures." she confesses, "so yes, I have— or had, feelings for you." not satisfied with her answer, Wooyoung spoke up again, "But did you love me?" his voice loud and clear, demanding another answer.

The girl smiles, a sad one. "Do we even know what love is, Woo?" the man was frozen in spot, "What I thought was my first love ends up being only a moment of infatuation for his fake gestures of kindness." she tucks a strand of loose hair behind her ear, "I don't know how love is supposed to feel like, so enlighten me, Wooyoung,"

"What is love?"

They stayed like that for a few moment, only the sound of crickets followed by their soft breathing accompanying them. "I might not know, how it's supposed to feel like." Wooyoung said, "But I'm willing to experience it." he then stands up and went over to the girl's side, reaching to grab both of her cold hands.

"And I want to do that with you."

They got lost in each others' eyes, each bearing an emotion so wide that they could swim in it for days and yet to reach the other end. A month long of longing and missing the man standing in front of her, regret, anger towards herself, acting as the reasons for her tearing up right now.

Yeojung chokes on her tears and stood up, taking the man's hands off hers. Thinking that it was a sign of rejection, he was about to take a step back, but a force pulls him forward and into the girl's embrace. "I'm sorry," she mumbles in his ears, "I'm sorry Wooyoung, I'm really sorry." a series of sniffling comes after.

"I was— I am a coward, a big dumb coward." she didn't let him go, still burying her face in the crook of his neck. "No you aren't," he circled his arms around her waist, "I am the bigger coward." Yeojung shakes her head a few times, "I ran away, I gave up on you, I let Euna walk all over me again. I was a coward, way back during high school, and up until this day, I am still one."

He tightens his grip around her, as she did around him, none wanting to let go of each other. "No you aren't, Jung. You're the bravest woman I know, selfless and kind, prioritizing others above you." he mumbles into her shoulder, "You should be proud of who you are." he caresses her hair.

"Even if I'm the reason why my parents died?"

a double update because i love ateez

🌱a double update because i love ateez

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