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l o c a t i o n: Seoul National Historical Museum
t i m e: 16.48

"I will see you in two days, have a good rest!"

The responsible teacher dismissed the group of high school students, who instantly rushed towards the exit of the grand building. Yeolli's class had a field trip that day, an outdoor study at the city's biggest historical museum, located at the outskirts of the big city.

Yeolli had refused Yeojung's offer to pick her up, even though it was located far from the subways and bus stations. Yeosang had dropped her there first thing in the morning before going to the detention center nearby, to meet a client.

Even though Yeojung was confused, she let her younger sister be. The reason why Yeolli had refused getting a ride is because her 'friend' is coming to get her. Yes. Jo Taejin.

These two kids had became closer ever since the accidental encounters around the area. She had met him twice in the city's library and once at the local park. Yeolli had discovered various things about the other party. Jo Taejin is a university student at Yonsei, currently majoring in sports.

The wind messes Yeolli's hair as she steps out of the building, her hand automatically holds her skirt down, protecting it from flying and exposing whatever is underneath. The air attack stops and she can finally let go of it, her eyes scans the parking area in front of her.


The sound of a honk catches her attention and there she saw Taejin with his motorcycle, him leaning against it. "Taejin Oppa!" Yeolli walked, almost ran, down the steps towards him. "Hey Yeol," He raises a hand to ruffle Yeolli's already messy hair.

Taejin gave her a helmet, which she accepts gladly. Before Yeolli could even get on the bike, a hand grips her forearm, pulling her back. "What?!" She asked as soon as she saw the person holding her.

Woojin squints his eyes suspiciously at Taejin, hands never releasing Yeolli. "Who is this?" He asked, his gaze not leaving the boy who's smirking to himself. "And why do you care?" Yeolli asked, finally gaining attention.

She slaps Woojin's hand away, making him loosen his grip on her, "Nevermind," He releases Yeolli. "What do you want?" The girl asks, her arms holding the helmet to the side. "Tell your sister thank you, for saving me." He said.

Yeolli eyes the bandage wrapped around Woojin's head, cocking one eyebrow upwards. "At least one of you are useful." He adds, scoffing underneath his breath. He's lucky Yeolli didn't hear him, or otherwise, another trip to the OR would be needed.

Yeolli rolls her eyes, "Whatever." She climbs on the motorcycle and wore her helmet. Jo Taejin revs the engine and zoomed away, leaving Jeong Woojin coughing in dust and smoke.

He swats away the particles and then looked at the direction they just went to, not quite able to put a finger on where he had seen the guy. "Something's awfully familiar about him." Woojin tried to remember but severely fails as his friends called him. "Meh, it's probably nothing big."


l o c a t i o n: Mars Café
t i m e: 17.36

"So I was wondering, if we could go out right now? As a thank you for saving my brother?" Wooyoung recites, unsure. "No! You should be more confident and firm." Seonghwa shakes his head multiple of times.

The two are having a consultation session in the elder's café, none of Wooyoung's friend having time to spend with him except for Seonghwa and vice versa. They do, coincidentally, share the same group of friends.

Wooyoung and Seonghwa were both whining on how they were both single, everyone had a significant other, well, except for Hongjoong and Yeosang, they would be married to their job at this extent. The whining sessions turned into Seonghwa teaching the latter how to ask Yeojung out, but subtly.

Now here we are, the two of them arguing in a luckily, slow Tuesday. Wooyoung drops his head on the table, letting a series of whining and groans. "I don't think I can do this," He raises his head, making eye contact with Seonghwa. "She's so, so, unpredictable! I can't read how she's like at all!"

Seonghwa sighs, following the boy, "Then you should get to know her better, then." He said, propping his head onto his hand. "Easy for you to say, Yeojung's constantly packed with surgery schedules and patients." Wooyoung pouts, thinking back to when his calls were not picked up and texts not seen until the next twenty-four hours.

The other party stayed quiet for a while, figuring out a solution. "Try calling her now," He suggests which was of course, received badly by Wooyoung. "I told you! She's bus—" "Just try it you whack ass." Seonghwa smacks Wooyoung's head with the magazine in his hand.

Wooyoung rubs the spot hit, before pulling his phone out to dial the feared and worried number. "Put it on speaker." Seonghwa said when Wooyoung pressed the phone to his ears.

The phone rings for a while, the younger almost giving up hope on it getting picked up. "See? I told you she's busy!" After Wooyoung said that, miraculously, Yeojung picked the call up. "Hello?" The other line crackles.

"Yeojung? It's me Wooyoung." The man instantly goes near his phone. "Yes, I know, why did you call me?" Yeojung said followed by a yawn, which made Wooyoung's confidence drop faster than his grades.

Wooyoung eyes Seonghwa, who furrows his eyebrows and cocks his head towards the rectangular metal.

'Ask her out. Go!'

Seonghwa mouths to Wooyoung, and his facial expression went more whiny than ever. "Hello? Wooyoung? Can you hear me?" Yeojung said again, after receiving no response from the other line.

Wooyoung picks the phone up and turns off the speaker, pressing the phone against his ears, he started on speaking, well, stuttering. "U-Uh, yeah, well, um, you see," Wooyoung trails off, "I want to thank you? Kind of, for saving my brother." He continues.

Yeojung didn't say anything, expecting him to say more, but when none came, she asks instead, "So?" Her phone went quiet and then a lot of shuffling was heard, as if someone was fighting Wooyoung on the other side. It seems that the phone owner had won, since he cleared his throat before asking,

"I was thinking, could we got some coffee now?"

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