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l o c a t i o n: Gangnam Police Headquarters
t i m e: 09.36

It has been officially twenty-four hours since Yeolli had disappeared. Yeosang and Yeojung took their day offs to find her, putting up notices on their social media platforms, handing out posters to people on the street.

Now they came to make a report to the police, sitting in front of them is Detective Jeong, Wooyoung and Woojin's dad, typing in the information diligently as Yeosang talks. Yeojung was not even near her sane state, her mind was in a big mess.

Finishing their report, Detective Jeong escorted the cousins out, not forgetting to pat Yeojung on the back. "We'll do our best to find your sister, Dr. Han. Please don't worry too much." He said before turning back into his station.

Yeojung stood stoned in place, Seoul's weather got more chilly but there she is, only wearing a thin shirt and jeans. "Come on Jung, let's get something to eat." Yeosang tugs on her cold arms. "Yeah, let's do that."


l o c a t i o n: Jeong Residence
t i m e: 18.11

The door unlocks with a beep as Detective Jeong enters the place he calls home. He hung his jacket on the wall and shouts the usual, "Dad's home!" His wife and youngest son came rushing to him.

Woojin, Detective Jeong's son, beams brightly, "Dad! Look what I got today!" He displays the perfect score written on the white piece of paper proudly. Detective Jeong would usually lock him in a headlock, but considering Woojin's post-surgery condition, he just high-fived him.

"I made your favorite honey, get changed and I'll set up the table." Mrs. Jeong said, getting the bag from her husband. The woman sets the bag on the coffee table, getting the lunch box she made out, along with the files he had inside.

Woojin went into his room to place his test paper back into the folder he has. Woojin scans the picture he had taken with his classmates last year during their first field trip together. His eyes stop at a specific girl, head taking him back to the last time he saw her.

"Hey y'all! Your favorite boy is back!"

A voice snapped Woojin out of his train of thoughts, head turning to his door. "Hyung?" Woojin exits the room hurriedly, "Hyung! You're back!" He attacks Wooyoung in a big hug, not minding his current state.

Wooyoung wanted to ruffle Woojin's head but he had bandages wrapped around it, making it impossible for Wooyoung to do so. "Son? You're home!" Mrs. Jeong pops out of the kitchen, a hand holding a bowl of rice and the other holding the rice spoon.

Mrs. Jeong led Wooyoung to the kitchen, telling him to sit and eat with his father. After they both left Woojin, the boy sat on the living room's couch, hoisting his feet up onto the coffee table as his hands reach to the side for the TV remote.

Woojin's hand hit something but when he grabs it, his hands found itself holding a file instead of the rectangular block. "Han Yeolli's case?" He read the title, peeking to the dining area, he saw his dad busy stuffing his mouth with rice.

Feeling that there's no harm in reading some stuff, Woojin decided to read it. His eyes scan the basic information written on the paper, but when his eyes stop at a word, the words rolled off his mouth with full of disbeleif.


His loud voice distracts the whole house occupants, "Woojin dear, what's wrong?" Mrs. Jeong calls out. Woojing stomps to the dining area, Yeolli's file in his hands. He slams the paper onto the table, "What do you mean, Han Yeolli is missing?!"

Woojin asked his dad, Wooyoung as a bystander there couldn't believe his ears,

Yeojung's sister is missing? Why didn't she tell me?

He extends a hand to pick the paper up, and skims through the content. "Since when?" He asked, eyes not leaving the paper. Detective Jeong sighs, massaging his temples, "Dr. Han said that she couldn't reach her since the day your class went to the museum."

Woojin stayed quiet, eyebrows furrowing. He then gasped in realization, "Jo Taejin!" a name rolls out of his tongue. "Who? Jo Taejin?" Detective Jeong confirmed what he heard, "Yes dad! Jo Taejin!" Woojin nods.

Detective Jeong is now confused, "Why would Jo Taejin be involved in this?" He asked his youngest son. "The man was there to pick Yeolli up, dad! After the field trip!" Woojin exclaims.

Now, it's Wooyoung's turn to get confused, "When you say Jo Taejin, are we thinking of the same man or not?" He voiced out. Detective Jeong nods, "Yes, we're talking about the same man."

"That Jo Taejin?!"

┌[ ◐ ‸ ◐ ]┐

l o c a t i o n: Oura Apartment Complex, unit 1204
t i m e: 19.06

The door was banged lots of times, the person behind it very impatient as they didn't use the doorbell instead. They only gave short intervals between the knocks, the sound echoing through the hallways.

Yeosang and Yeojung had just finished handing out missing person posters, now back at the apartment. Kang Yeosang strides to the door, not even bothering to check the intercom and just had one thing in mind, to scold the person behind the noise.

He swings the door open but before he could say anything, the culprit invited himself in. "Why are you here?" Yeosang asks. "Where's Yeojung?" The lad scratches his nape, pointing towards the bathroom.

Wooyoung had no choice but to wait for her to finish, he can't just barge in while Yeojung is showering, right? He plops down on the couch but instead of relaxing down, he bounces his leg nervously.

Yeosang furrows his eyebrows bur decided to ignore his friend's weird behavior. Then again, Wooyoung is always weird, isn't he? The former went to the kitchen to get a delivery flyer, ordering dinner for, the three of them, he guesses.

"Yeojung!" Wooyoung jumps to his feet when he sees the girl exiting the bathroom, hair wet. "Wooyoung?! What are you doing here?" He strides towards her, almost tripping in the process.

Wooyoung told her everything he discovered back at home, and how his dad is now rushing back to the office to get a code red running. "He was a suspect for sexual assault, kidnapping and, well, doing things, but then he got away with it." Finishing his story, Yeojung was stunned, her eyes wide and stiff. "W-What?"

Feeling dizzy and sick, Yeojung's head starts to hurt and she felt weak.

Then, she blacked out

it's atsd tomorrow :> im soo excited

have a great week!!

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