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l o c a t i o n: Chlematis Hospital
t i m e: 13.48

"Professor! I thought you're on your break?" the head nurse of the ER greets her, "Jihyo," she greets, "Where's Kim Doyoung?" the nurse checks on her computer, looking at the tracking device each and every professor has. "He's in the OR right now, should I ring him up for you?" Yeojung nods eagerly.

After a few rings, Jihyo handed the phone to the professor. "Professor Kim! How's Uncle Zu?" she asks, her voice filled with worry. "Are you dumb?! I'm an NS! Why would I do a surgery on a heart attack patient?! Get your thoughts straight young lady!" he yells through the phone, loud enough that both Jihyo and Wooyoung were able to hear him. "Go ask Professor Jung Jaehyun, he's doing the surgery now."

Without saying anything else, Doyoung ends the call one sided, leaving the girl in a dilemma. Luckily the professor were just about to start his surgery, so she didn't really bother him mid-operation. "Professor? Should I ring Professor Jung?" Jihyo asked, her delicate fingers ready to push the dial.

Yeojung shakes her head, giving the head nurse a small smile, "It's okay, I'll just trust Professor Jung and wait put here." she wipes the tears that had fallen out since their arrival and part ways with the nurse. "Are you, okay?" Wooyoung hesitantly asked. Yeojung pauses, then nods her head several times.

The man could clearly see that she's not, but just like what Yeosang had stated the other day, Yeojung is putting up a facade, a show, to conceal her feelings of sadness, anger, disappointment, fear, anxiety. "You should go back, I can hear your phone vibrating continuously." she rubs her face and got her wallet out, taking her employee ID.

"What about you?" Wooyoung pulls his phone out and checks all the missed calls and text messages from the boys, asking him where he is. "Professor Kim is also invited, so is Professor Jung, I'll be going with them." Yeojung head towards the elevator, "But what about your dress and belong—" "I'll get there earlier tomorrow. Just, go back Woo, I'll be fine."

Not able to rebut her, Wooyoung gave in reluctantly. "Fine, be safe." he said and turns around, "You too, be safe." Yeojung taps her card on the scanner and went through it. Wooyoung stops in his tracks and watches her enter the elevator with mellow eyes, seeing how hard it is for her to pretend and put up with her fake 'I'm okay's

"It's okay to be sad, though."

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l o c a t i o n: Treasure Hotels and Resorts
t i m e: 16.57

"Where were you?!"

The boys swarm around Wooyoung, like a pack of hungry hyenas, well they are hungry and they did told him to go buy pizza and snacks, so some of them are actually gathering around the man for the food instead of him. "Out." Wooyoung simply said and set the plastic bags on the dining table.

Jongho, Mingi, Yunho, Yeosang, and Hongjoong instantly de-packs all of the goodies and took no time to devour it, while San who knew where he had been, and Seonghwa with his ever growing motherly senses, knew something was up. "Where's Yeojung?" San asked softly, taking Wooyoung to their shared room.

The lad jumps into his bed, not even bothering to change out of his clothes first, "In Seoul." he mumbles, "What? I thought she's supposed to be with Jena today?" his voice went up in a high pitch, "Did something happened in the girls' villa? A drama, perhaps?" at this point, San is talking to himself, assuming and speculating things.

"Why did she went down to Seoul?" he asks again. His roommate covers his orbs from the bright lights in the room, "Apparently someone 'precious' to her had a heart attack." he quotes. San winces, seeing how his best friend seems so sarcastic and negative, something he had never seen in Wooyoung before.

Deciding to not annoy the lad further, San decided to go out for some air, leaving Wooyoung alone in the shared room. He heard the door shut, then he moves the arm covering his eyes. Blinking a couple of times before rubbing his face roughly.

"How much I want to wipe those tears off your face."

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l o c a t i o n: Chlematis Hospital
t i m e: 19.47

The door to her office creaks open, the young professor's face peaking through the cracks. "Professor Jung." Yeojung stood up from her chair. She greets the handsome CS professor who then told her what had happened to the patient. Yeojung nods, thanking him for his hard work on operating her dearest uncle.

"You can come see him in the ICU if you want," Jaehyun offered, "He might still be unconscious until another 12 hours, but if it can help you to calm yourself down, I'll be glad to accompany you." Yeojung agrees to the offer and locks her office, not forgetting to turn off the lights too.

They wore the plastic body gown and masks, also hair covering and enter the room. "I'm afraid Mr. Zu has a genetic disease called arrhythmia, and is incurable, but with proper treatment and medications, we can slow down the chances of another heart attack happening."

Yeojung sniffles and nods, getting what hems trying to say. Not long after, the nurse calls Jaehyun out, telling him that another patient has arrived. The CS exits the room, leaving Yeojung to sit there, holding her precious uncle's hand. She weeps to herself, not wanting to bare the weight of losing someone she can depend on again.

Uncle Zu had always been there for her, when she first sat down on that park, bruises scattered around her body. He had sat beside her, offering the high school kid a cup of tea he carried in his thermos which was rejected by the eighteen years old girl.

"Why do you look sad?"

He had asked. Yeojung was taken aback, she was sure her face was blank and flat, no emotions in display, but this mysterious man had just tore it down. "I'm not sad." the lie she told to him, or maybe it was rather for herself. Uncle Zu didn't question her any further, and the both of them just sat there in silence as the time passes on.

They met on the same bench again, this time, Yeojung was sticking out from the way she looks, the stench she had, and the addition cuts on her legs and arms. All of the passerby ignored her, pointed at her, sympathizes with her, but none approached her. Just like that day, the man approached her and offers the tea, which was declined, again.

The days pass by like so, every time Yeojung would sit down at the bench, after dealing with shit, Uncle Zu would sit right next to her, sipping his warm and aromatic cup of tea while telling how his day went, and as he asked for the girl's, she would usually reply with the same 'nothing special' of an answer.

He read the countless and endless emotions behind the poker face of her's, that's why he decided to just stay there for the high school girl. As if he's seeing his past self. Talking to his past self. And dealing with his past self. Unconsciously touching the scar on his face, that time when he was only able to eject anger towards his surroundings, and blaming them for everything.

The last strike was when blood was dripping from Yeojung's forehead, and her limbs were no better. She sat limply on the same bench, and as her body collided with the wood furniture, the rain started to pour, mixing in with the scarlet liquid from the girl's body.

Uncle Zu then walked towards her again, holding an umbrella above her head, giving his kind smile with his other hand carrying a thermos. When anyone else seem to be avoiding this little girl, Uncle Zu was the only one to be kind to her, care for her, and cherish her.

"Do you want some tea?"

And this time, she cried.

no comment, just uncle zu💚

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