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l o c a t i o n: Chlematis Hospital
t i m e: 16.16

Today is Yeolli's birthday. The same day where the Han siblings had lost their parents. Yeolli was patiently sitting in the NS department's office, waiting for her sister to finish a follow up surgery on a patient.

Yeojung had asked Wooju to get Yeolli some food so she won't be bored while waiting for her but in reality, Yeolli is bored to her bones right now. She had regretted leaving home early, and even regretted rejecting Yeosang's offer on going to the court together, as he handles a case.

Having enough with just sitting down, Yeolli decided to stroll around the department. She met the working nurses, the residents of shift, and even the patients out on a walk during her short not-guided tour around the area.

Yeolli checked her phone, getting zero notifications from her sister, she made her mind up to go to the lobby, to buy herself a drink.

She went to the hospital's only café, Café WithU, and got a large glass of strawberry smoothie for herself, and an iced americano for her sister. She plops down on one of the sofas, slurping deliciously on her drink while her hand busy fiddling with her phone.

From the counter, a set of siblings were seen standing in a line, the older caught Yeolli's figure sittinf by herself, "Woojin, you order for me, okay." Wooyoung said and left his younger brother to wait, "Hyung! Wha—" "Just get me anything."

The elder left and approaches the younger Han, seeing that she hasn't noticed him yet. "Han Yeolli?" The girl looks up, seeing the familiar face of her rescuer.

"Ahjussi!" Yeolli stood up, pointing at him. Wooyoung held a finger across his lips, quieting her down, "I'm not an 'Ahjussi' you know! I'm still quite young." He crosses his arms together.

Yeolli giggles and apologizes, promising to call him with the correct addressing the next time. "I'm waiting for Yeojung to finish operating." Yeolli answered, being asked about her being here.

Wooyoung opens his mouth, "Are you guys going somewhere, then?" Yeolli nods, saying they had dinner reservation already, without going into details on why they did so. Wooyoung also didn't ask, seeing nothing wrong with a set of siblings wanting to eat out.

"Why are you here?" Yeolli asked back. "My brother had his arm broken recently, We're here to get his cast taken off." Wooyoung said, "Speaking of my brother, I must go now! Bye Yeolli!" He left the girl and joined his younger brother who was waiting impatiently.

As Woojin's eyes finally met Wooyoung's, he huffs and shoves a cup of hot latte to his brother, his casted hand holding his own drink. "Why are you talking to Han Yeolli?" Woojin asked as they made their way to the OS department.

Wooyoung looks to his side, blowing on his drink, "You know her?" He took a sip but decided that it's still too hot. "Answer me first, Hyung." Woojin demands. "Geez, She's the sister of a girl I know, okay." Wooyoung said, closing the latte's lid back.

Woojin kept quiet, "And how do you know Yeolli?" Wooyoung presses again. "She's a classmate." He said, walking faster to reach Professor Lee's room. "Why? You like her or something?" Wooyoung teased, bumping his shoulders to Woojin's good shoulders slightly.

The younger paused and looks at him, pissed. "No." He shakes his head, "It's quite the opposite." Woojin said. "So, you love her?" Woojin facepalms, shaking his head once more. "A girl like her is worth to be loved." Woojin said, continuing to walk.

"I hate her."


l o c a t i o n: Horizon Restaurant
t i m e: 17.47

The two siblings sat on their seats, seeing that the Kang family, the family that had taken care of them from this very day seventeen years ago, when they had lost their parents. "Happy eighteenth birthday Yeolli dear." Mrs. Kang said, smiling at the birthday girl from across the table. "Happy birthday, Yeolli." The gesture was followed by Mr. Kang, who gave her a smile as warm as his wife's.

Yeosang pat's the youngest's head, saying his own congratulatory. "Thank you, all of you." Yeolli said, returning the smile to each and one of them.

They had their food served and chatted around, the two siblings gave their caregivers an update on their lives, what they're up to these days. "I'm more interested on making creative contents." Yeolli said, wiping her mouth with a napkin.

Yeojung rolls her eyes, "You mean you don't want to go to college, that is." the elder chews on her steak after making that remark which made the whole table, minus Yeolli, errupts in laughter. "I-It's not like that! I'll still go to college," Yeolli plays with her glass, "but I'll be making videos and such while doing so." Yeojung chuckles, smiling playfully at her sister, her classic dimples showing.

The five of them finished dinner and head out, Mr and Mrs. Kang had papers to grade, the bot of them being medschool professors while Yeosang also had a situation back at work, that is why, the Han siblings ended up taking the subway back home.

They were waiting in a small art store near the station, the younger had some necessities to buy for school. "Oh, Yeolls, I'll be outside answering this call." Yeojung told her younger sister and accepted the call from Wooju.

Yeolli had fun looking around in the narrow shop, grabbing her paint set of choice and a new charcoal pencil, her previous one ran out. The Han siblings might be similar in looks, but their personalities are different, way too different.

The elder was more focused and precise, eyes are hard to fool and can notice the slightest details. The younger is more laid-back, easily distracted by pretty things around her, and has an endless and vast land of creativity.

As Yeolli reached towards a high shelf to grab an adequate sized canvas, a hand beat her tiny ass to it. "Here you go." A male, strikingly handsome and charming, smiled as he handed her the rectangular object. "Thank you." Yeolli said, tucking her hair behind her ears sheepishly.

The elder male smiles back at her and walks away to a different alley of supplies, but before he disappears completely, Yeolli interrupts him. "Erm, what's your name? Oppa?" She said, unsure what to call him with.

The man looks back and chuckles as he saw the blushing girl fiddling with her evening dress. Not to lie, but Yeolli looks dashing with her white knee-length dress, something she wouldn't even wear usually. He paused for a good few seconds before smiling once again,

"It's Jo Taejin, but you can call me Taejin Oppa."

im starting school tomorrow :/

anyways! welcoming a new character! our taejin! just hope hes not an asshole :)

anyways! welcoming a new character! our taejin! just hope hes not an asshole :)

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have a splendid day!!

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