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l o c a t i o n: Treasure Hotels and Resorts
t i m e: 19.17

⚠️ tw! mild sexual activity, don't read if uncomfortable

The two lock lips as they enters the hotel room, the girl getting aggressive and aroused as they deepen the kiss. She pushes the guy onto the mattress and works on her way to unzip her dress. All pieces of her clothing was discarded on the carpeted floor, revealing the lingerie she had been wearing and she climbs over the guy.

The share another round of kissing, the woman slightly grinding on the man, trying to get his junior excited. Feeling that she got no response, she made her way down to his sharp jaw and neck, peppering kisses while her hips constantly rolls against his, creating friction.

"Isn't this unfair? You're still fully dressed." she pouts and sat up straight, "Do you need help?" her slender fingers made her way to the necktie he's wearing, loosening it. She made her way to the last button and discards the white shirt somewhere in the room, making love bites on his collarbones as if she's hungry.

She grabs his hand and made it rest on top of her chest, squeezing it slightly that it made her moan. "Why aren't you doing me again like that night?" she grunts in his ear, "Or do you want me to be in charge this time?" the slight smirk and change of intonation in her voice makes him tremble.

Holding onto his hand so it would still rest on the her chest, her other hand went down to his pants. Before she could unzip his zipper, the male stops her hand. "No." he mumbles, "What?" she asks, not quite hearing his voice the first time.

The man grits his teeth and lifts the underdressed woman off his body. He sat up straight and proceeded to stand, grabbing the discarded shirt off the floor, along with his tie and suit jacket "I said no." he restates his words, more clear and sturdy this time.

Her face falls and all the desire and lust she had instantly gone. "Why? Are you not satisfied with me? Or," she trails off, "Is Yeojung better in bed than me?" the woman crosses her arms, pushing her chest together.

The man locks gaze with her, "I haven't had sex with her." he murmurs. Euna clicks her tongue and stood from the bed, approaching the man. She cups his face and makes him look at her, "Doesn't that show how much she doesn't have feelings for you?" she leans in, trying to make the other party engaged in the sexual activity.

Wooyoung shakes his head, moving back before she could even lock lips with him. "No," he grabs both of her hands to ensure she won't do anything. "She might not love me, but I love her." he fixes his appearance that Euna had previously messed up with and exits the room.

He ran back to the place he last saw Yeojung, but to his dismay, he found her already with a company by her side, joking around. Feeling dejected, Wooyoung quietly slips through the crowd and towards the patio over looking the city's view, sitting down there.

He hugs both of his knees and buries his head there, sighing repeatedly whenever flashbacks of him messing up reoccurs in his head. "Damn it." he curses, messing his locks up. "Why did you do so Jeong Wooyoung, gosh." he mumbles to himself, rubbing his face.

"Do what?"

The foreign voice shook him up, turning his neck behind him, to see the sudden guest. "Who are you?" he scrutinizes, trying to catch a glimpse of the person's face, "Me?" the unknown chuckles, "Are you drunk, Jeong Wooyoung?" the person walks forward, a chicken drumstick in his hand.

"Do you want me to knock some sense in you?"

╏ : ◉ ∧ ◉ : ╏

l o c a t i o n: Treasure Hotels and Resorts
t i m e: 23.58

The party was finished in a blast, everybody— almost everybody, was happy then. The bride's maids and the groom's best men were staying for another night, but of course, Jena and Yunho gets their own room. "Do you want to sleep already?" Yeojung shakes her head at Kyeolmi's question.

She grabs her laptop, her phone and her wallet, "I need to prepare for a lecture tomorrow." the girls gestures to the stuff in her hands, "Okay then, I'm going to sleep earlier." Kyeolmi yawns and turns the lights off.

Yoo Euna decided to head down to Seoul right after the party ended, claiming that she had a schedule for the next day. Sehui is also using a hotel room with her own husband, and that is how each of them ends with their own rooms in the villa.

Feeling all clammy and suffocated inside, Yeojung walked towards the direction of the pool area, taking a seat on one of the picnic tables there. The moment she sat down, the chilling wind of the night blew, making her shiver in her seat. "Why didn't I bring my jacket with me." she grumbles, trying to hug herself.

Seeing that there was a vending machine a few meters away from her spot, Yeojung grabs a few coins and got herself a cup of hot chocolate to warm herself up. Upon her return, a bright yellow note was stuck to her laptop's screen, a text written in bold black marker standing out.

'I won't be leaving her alone if I were you :)'

Yeojung looks around the area, trying to catch a figure that might have done it. As she found none, she tilts her head, confused to what the note means, "Her? Who?" she thinks about the people she 'left' alone. Kyeolmi? Haera is with her, Yeolli? She's staying at the Kang Residence, so, who?

Trying to not mind the note, Yeojung took a seat and sips on her chocolate, an instant effect of warmth washing over her body. She focuses back to the materials she needs to deliver to the medical students tomorrow, but her head just can't get the note out of her mind. Yeojung extends a hand to grab the yellow paper out of her pajama's pocket.

Before her fingers could even come in contact with the paper, a clothing was draped over her. Her hands reflexively shoots up to prevent it from falling down to the ground. Examining the black suit outer in her hands, she then proceeded to look for the owner that had sunk her in the black clothing.

"What? You're not going to wear it?" the man who had did it asked, "You're shivering and jacket-less." he clicks his tongue and took a seat in front of the NS. "I though you went home? No?" obeying the man, Yeojung wore the suit, instantly warming her up.

"And since when are we actually okay with talking?" Yeojung adds, looking at the man directly. The scent she missed so much fills her nostrils from the big jacket she's wearing, "Wooyoung? Answer me." she waves a hand in front of his face, before snapping her fingers to get his attention.

"Oh?" he got startled, "I just," he trails off while leaning back to the seat, "I want to catch up with you, that's all."

honestly i dont even know where this is going😞😒 but thanks for reading tho!

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