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l o c a t i o n: 82 Apartment Complex, unit 1024
t i m e: 17.16

The shared apartment was turned into a huge mess, Wooyoung was currently looking for his suit, the one he had dry cleaned for the specific event, but is nowhere to be found.

"Look under the sofas." Wooyoung's roommate, the one who actually cares about the wellbeing of their apartment, suggested, "None! It's not there!" Wooyoung runs his fingers through his locks, "Wait, Yunho's calling me."

Putting Yeosang's line on hold, Wooyoung accepts the call, "Your suit was in my car Woo! Now get your ass back here!" Wooyoung sighs in relief, looking back to the turbulence he made in the usually neat apartment. Swallowing his guilt towards Yeosang, Wooyoung ran down the stairs, thanks to the uselessly slow elevator, and reaches for his car.

It had come to this day, the day where all the SWY Dance Academy had been preparing for months ago. They had finished doing dry rehearsals, and was on the hair, makeup, and outfits phase, on which, a half styled Wooyoung realized that his black suit was nowhere to be found, and here we are now.

He drove back towards the venue with his half done makeup, not like he even care. Now that his suit crisis was over, it was time for the other one. Yeojung was still silent, she hasn't called him or updated him during the whole day. 17.21. Wooyoung looks at the mini digital clock in his car.

Arriving at the venue, Wooyoung got out hurriedly out of his car, might've stumbled on his way to the backstage. He made a beeline towards the mentor's green room, finding a relieved Yunho, an eating San, and the designated stylist full of worry.

"Hurry here! I'm not finished with you!" The female staff said, pulling the cushioned chair out, urging for the man to sit. She worked her magic on him, with Wooyoung checking his phone once in a while. 17.33. He unconsciously bounced his lap, fingers fiddling with each other, still worried about why Yeojung is too quitet.

Should I have not offered her a ride? Did something went wrong mid-surgery?

In the midst of his worrying, a ding interrupts his thoughts. Seeing the origin of it, Wooyoung stood up, startling the woman who had pulled out a hair dryer and a comb to style his hair.

"Mr. Jeong!" She shouts when Wooyoung rushed to the door, "Me?" Yunho points to himself, "I'll use some pomade or something! Don't worry!" Wooyoung shuts the waiting room's door, running, again, towards his car.

He rings Yeojung, the girl picking up in no time, "I'm on my way to you, let's say, around fifteen minutes." Yeojung hums, a loud shuffling heard from the other line. Wooyoung assumed she was changing clothes, and hung up, focusing on driving.


l o c a t i o n: Chlematis Hospital, Emergency Center Entrance
t i m e: 17.46

Wooyoung stepped on the brakes, getting the text from Yeojung to stop at the Emergency Center's entrance instead of the lobby, saving her so much time, and also him. "Here!" A dress clad Yeojung shouts, Wooyoung pulls over the female, the girl entering the car.

"I'm sorry! The surgery got pushed by thirty minutes!", He marvels over the beauty and elegance, what Yeojung could bring through her simple makeup and knee-length dress, "You haven't done your hair." She said, bringing Wooyoung out of his blank state, "Change seats, I'll drive." Yeojung prepared to get out.

"What?" Wooyoung asked, his seatbelt still unbuckled, "You can do your hair in the passenger's seat!" Yeojung unbuckled the seatbelt, getting out herself.

Wooyoung reluctantly obeys, still unsure of her decision, "Are you sure?" He asked once more when Yeojung got into the driver's seat, eyeing the heels on her tiny feet. "Woo, I'm a doctor." Yeojung smiles at him, buckling her own seatbelt, "What does that mean?" Wooyoung does the same. "You'll see."


l o c a t i o n: Seoul Dream Theatre, Parking Lot
t i m e: 17.55

"Where did you learn to drive like that?" Wooyoung got out of his car, all pale and stuff, "When you're a doctor, you need to be speedy and precise." She winks at him, slinging her bag on her shoulders, locking the car, "Come on, you'll be late." She starts on speed walking, her heels being her largest obstacle.

Yeojung had used countless of shortcuts Wooyoung didn't even know of it's existence, getting them there in less than ten minutes. "You show this to the staff up front, head to the front row and you'll see Jena and her sister." Wooyoung hands Yeojung his invitation before splitting up with her, rushing to the backstage.

Yeojung's feet brought her to the big doors of Seoul's only theatre hall. She extends her hand, showing the female staff the invitation designed, and addressed specially towards her plus one. She lets her in, telling another staff to escort the young doctor to her seat, which she had no idea where.

They went down a set of stairs until they reached the VIP part of the theatre, a podium right at the centre, with the most comfortable chairs and a side of small snacks.

"Jen!" Yeojung said, seeing her colleague slash friend sitting there with, herself? The woman in the white satin top greets Yeojung, bringing her into a hug, "This is my sister, Jane," She gestures towards the lady in the purple long dress, "Hi, Dr Han." Jena's sister stood up, "I'm Jane, nice to meet you."

The three sat back down, side to side, Jena in the middle, they bonded over weird things Yeojung didn't even know they knew. The moment was disrupted when the theatre lights shut off, making the subtle chatter completely disappear.

The curtains gained focus, as a spotlight shun over it, the MC's voice speaking loud off-stage, "Without them, SWY Dance Academy would not even exist," He took a pause, "We present to you all, Choi San, Jeong Wooyoung, and Jeong Yunho! Founders and the current owners of SWY Dance Academy."

The curtains parted, revealing the handsome boys clad in their own suits, smiling widely at the clapping crowd. Yeojung was also clapping, along with the Shin siblings, glancing towards the two who had equally proud smiles, like the ones painted over on the three boys' face.

Yeojung knew she shouldn't feel like this, the guilt building up slowly, but her heart couldn't help it but to accelerates as she lays her eyes on the most charming men he had ever met.

Choi San.

Oops, let me try that again—

Jeong Wooyoung

which title track did u voted for?? i voted for thanxx after a long time considering 🤔

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