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l o c a t i o n : SWY Dance Academy
t i m e : 07.58

Wooyoung jogs up to the front door, inserting the key for the roller shutter, and, well, he rolls it up. After repeating his actions for the glass doors, Wooyoung enters his workplace and turns the lights on, also the air conditioner. "Good morning, sir." The receptionist greets Wooyoung, handing him his daily coffee.

"Good morning Heeran, what a lovely day to start our job." Wooyoung accepts the coffee gratefully and greets her back. She goes behind the counter and sets everything up, "Mr. Jeong asks me to give this to you." She hands him an envelope, "Who did? Me?" Wooyoung points to himself, Heeran sighs and smiles at her boss, "I mean, Mr. Jeong Yunho, our company's president." Wooyoung nods and took the envelope with him.

It was a nicely designed one, the color being soft blue, like the color of the academy's logo, and hints of gradient here and there. "Thank you, Heeran. Now I shall change and do my job." Wooyoung presses the button on the lift and enters it, "Work hard!"

The legendary SWY Dance Academy, is a dance studio covering many genres. The three best friends, San, Wooyoung, and Yunho, hence the name, had came together after they graduated from university and opened this business.

After a lot of ups and downs, SWY was finally able to stand on it's two own feet, walking it's way towards success. They had unanimously selected Yunho as the president of the academy, after registering the brand, they are now legally a company.

Each of them has their own floors and set of students to teach, Wooyoung got the third floor, between Yunho's and San's. Their floors each has a master practice room, the biggest one, three other smaller rooms for small group practices and such, and two changing rooms for each gender.

But for occasions like the upcoming showcase, the students would eventually come together at the topmost floor, which consists of two massive practice rooms for rehearsals and such.

Wooyoung got his keycard out and taps on his small office door. He sets his jacket, bag, and took of his sandals and clothes before changing into the proper attire for the day, or at least, half the day.

He glances towards the clock, signaling that he has thirty minutes before his first batch of students come, Wooyoung decides to open the envelope given to him that morning. "Woah, this invitation is extra indeed." He held it up to the lights and examines the design. He then proceeds to read the contents of it, eyes scanning the words one by one.

So far, the information written on the card was all according to his knowings but when he flips over to the the part where his name is printed out, he screeched. "A PLUS ONE?!" Wooyoung reaches his hands into his bag to grab his phone and dials Yunho immediately. "Dude! Why would I bring a plus one?!", Yunho laughs in response, "Dis you even know the theme of our showcase this year?" He chuckles.

Wooyoung flips over to the title, "Amor? Love? That's why I need to bring a plus one?" The man huffed, throwing the invitation on his desk, "What I'm saying is, love is not only for couples, love between siblings, friends, parents to their kids, they all exist, so your plus one doesn't have to be your girlfriend, or boyfriend." Yunho explains, "It applies to those who got their invitation and tickets, a ticket for two at the price for one." Wooyoung picks the invitation up again, skimming over it briefly.

"You can bring a friend or your parents, or your little brother, anyone's fine, really." Yunho adds from the other line, "Yeah, except, I DON'T HAVE ANY OTHER FRIEND EXCEPT YOU ALL AND MY FAMILY'S OUT OF SOUTH KOREA THE DAY OF THE SHOWCASE." Wooyoung shouts to his phone, "Well then find yourself a girlfriend, you still have two weeks for it." Yunho laughs, taking the matter lightly, too light for Wooyoung's liking.

"How am I supposed to find one in two weeks when I couldn't even get one in thirty years of me living?!" Wooyoung protested, bringing another series of laughter from his tall friend, "Not my problem." Yunho said. "You assho—" "I'm almost there, bye!", and just like that, their call ended, leaving the single one speechless and frustrated.

The academy's owner, who's supposedly set the 'plus one' thing doesn't even have one. Great

Wooyoung placed the piece of carton back inside of it's envelope and reached for his bag, the trusty bag he had since university days which he will never throw away. As he shoves his hands down his black bag, his fingers hit something sharp and thin, when he pulls it out, a name came in sight. Han Yeojung.

The name triggers his memories from their first encounter at the hospital, also triggering his memory of when he made an embarrassment out of himself, countless of times at that, in front of the 'pretty doctor'. "Should I? Should I not? I probably should not." He leans back on his chair, staring at the phone number written beneath the name for quite a while, "Should I?"

His office door was opened quite loudly, as Wooyoung almost fell from his chair from the sound and from how surprised he is, "Should you what?" A fresh looking San appears on his doorstep, "Whatever that is, It think you probably should not, knowing you, it's probably dumb and dangerous." San walked over to Wooyoung's desk, tossing his best friend a box of cigarettes.

"Pay me back." San didn't even bother to hear his reply as he walks out of the office, to his own floor. Wooyoung eyed the pack of cigarettes and sighs, seeing over to the clock, he decided that it would be best for him to warm up before his first set of students come in.

His day went on pretty fast, the kids varying from age, gender, and schools, went too practice for their nearing showcase while Wooyoung supervises them, giving feedbacks and compliments, many of those, and also correcting them.

Before he knew it, it was already time for him to go home, the academy itself doesn't close until around 10 p.m. the students are free to practice on their own, leaving the place in their receptionist's responsibility. "So, how's your 'plus one' problem going?" Yunho met up with the other Jeong, before heading out to eat somewhere, "I don't know," He said, sitting in the passenger's seat.

"Why don't you ask Yeojung out? I know that you took quite an interest on her." Yunho wiggles his eyebrows, another habit he got from all the years dating Jena. Wooyoung bit his lower lip, fiddling with his fingers, he took out the card, eyes settling on the numbers on it.

"Should I?"

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