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l o c a t i o n: H&J Labels
t i m e: 11.09

The padded room was very dim, the man staring mindlessly at his computer screen, displaying countless lines forming a ragged shape of voice recordings. His fingers clicks rapidly, doing the same motion over and over again.

Hongjoong got no time to sleep, his newest song was finished and was fully recorded by the artist yesterday, and he spent the whole day to edit, mix, and render the song. But out of any days, the company's electricity decided suddenly went down right after he finished his job, the bright screen that Hongjoong was staring at suddenly blackens out.

The man blanked out for a few minutes, his zombie-like state not helping him at all. That's how he had spent his last ten hours redoing what he had just finished yesterday. "Hyung." a knock on the tinted glass door distracted him.

"Why are you here at this time?" Hongjoong glances at the younger boy briefly, focusing back on the song, "What do you mean?" Jongho sets the plastic filled with sandwiches on the coffee table behind him. "It's dawn—" Hongjoong glances at the clock hung in the room, "Oh."

The two had been very busy, the label's artist, a two years old girl-group having their comeback already scheduled but not yet released. "You should stop," Jongho says, "I'll tell the CEO to install an auto saving program in your computer, or even, a personal electricity generator in your workspace." he sat down on the couch and took a bite from his filled bread.

"We have those?" Hongjoong turns his body, his face very pitiful and hollow, "Of course we do, you're the one who doesn't want anyone to touch your computer." Jongho said with his mouth full. The other lad drops his jaw open, "So you mean those technicians last year, they were—" he cuts himself off when Jongho nods.

Hongjoong messes his hair and face up, rubbing it harshly, "I'm so stupid, so so so stupid!" banging his forehead on his table continuously. "Stop it," the younger chuckles, "Oh, by the way, a girl is waiting for you in the lobby, I think she's a model? Or a celebrity?" Hongjoong hums.

He stood up and heads to the washroom, freshening himself up. Not even bothering to change out of his pink hoody and his small ponytail on top of his head, Hongjoong gets into the elevator.  His workroom is located near the top floor, just below the CEO's office to avoid heavy footsteps from all the dancing trainees and the blaring voices from those who sing.

The employees greeted Hongjoong, bowing slightly with a smile on their faces. The man plays a big part in H&J Labels, the songs he composed and produced build almost 75% of the company. "Good Morning Mr. Kim." The security guard greets him and lets him pass the sliding glass doors.

Hongjoong smiled back, he stood in the middle of the lobby, letting his eyes scan around the area to see anyone familiar who have business with him. "Hongjoong Oppa!" As he turns around, Hongjoong couldn't believe the person standing in front of him.



l o c a t i o n: Chlematis Hospital
t i m e: 20.48

That feeling again.

Yeojung turns around in the middle of the empty hallway, getting the feeling of being watched for the fifth time this day. She tries to peek around the area, seeing no one but herself, Yeojung decides to continue her travel.

Her walk from the research lab to the professors' halls was very quiet and lonely, except that she's not alone. Yeojung swore she could hear footsteps, and also the chills up her spine, but was met to none when she checks.

"Okay, that's downright creepy." Kyeolmi said after Yeojung finished telling her what she lately feels like. "I know right? But could it be my lack of sleep?" Yeojung guessed, throwing a ball upwards and catching it.

Kyeolmi ponders for a while, "It could be." She shrugs, "Do you have a surgery in schedule?" Kyeolmi asks, diverting the conversation topic. "Nope, why?" Yeojung replies, not moving from her previous position. "The group chat's on fire." Kyeolmi shows Yeojung her phone, the chats coming in endlessly.

The neurosurgeon whips her own phone out, reading the group chat containing anesthesiologists, scrub nurses and the surgeons themselves. Many of them are tagging Yeojung, asking her where she is, since she had her phone on airplane mode.

After wrecking her memory for quite a while, Yeojung audibly gasped, "Shit! I'll go now!" She was supposed to substitute for Professor Kim's surgery ten minutes ago, the patient had went under anesthesia for almost thirty minutes. She rushes towards the OR, with hopes of getting her life intact without Kim Doyoung spitting curse words up to her face.


l o c a t i o n: Chlematis Hospital
t i m e: 08.57

The boy stands awkwardly in the middle of the lobby, a bouquet of flowers clutched in his hands. He was getting weird stares from visiting families and people getting admitted there for the bouquet is quite eye catching, and himself is too, very eye catching.

Jeong Wooyoung clears his throat and decides to look for a chair to sit down on, scratching his head, he heads towards the inner part of the hospital. Choi San, Jeong Yunho, and Jeong Wooyoung, the three of them had previously recorded a dance video, hence, the overdressed man in stage makeup.

Yes, they did that when dawn broke and the sun rises, just the concept they were looking for.

Stopping his image of a dumb person, Yeojung finally shows up, just changed out of her old scrubs into her new and fresh one. "Jung!" Wooyoung greets her. He examines her face and saw how terrible it is, the cheeks getting hollow and the eyebags getting darker.

The state of her hair doesn't help also, she wasn't able to wash it for a few days, skipping her daily routine of washing her hair. "I know, I look awful." Yeojung said, "No! You look beautiful." Wooyoung denies.

He then proceeds to shove the big bunch of flowers into her arms, "Uh? What's the occasion?" Yeojung took a deep smell and smiles, "Nothing, just want to say how much I miss you, that's all." He giggles.

The girl visibly blushed, smiling in total shyness. They wish to stay with each other longer, but what can Yeojung do? The moment she was about to invite him out for coffee, her ambulance ringtone shook her up.

"I need to go now." She winces after getting a call from the ER. They waved at each other before the girl returns to the core part of the hospital, disappearing as she blends in with the people there.

Wooyoung watches her as she leave, and he could swear he saw someone who's not supposed to be there.

haven't updated in quite a while did i?

🌱haven't updated in quite a while did i?

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