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l o c a t i o n: Chlematis Hospital
t i m e: 11.39

The wooden door to the VIP ward opens wide as the young NS sashays into the room, holding a plastic bag high in the air. "I brought lunch!" she skips towards the bed and unfolds the foldable table, setting the hot dish on top of it.

"You do know that I am not allowed to eat those, right?" Yeosang crosses his arms together. "Oh darling, I know." Yeojung nods and took the hot bowl of kimchi jjigae out, "That's why lunch for you is being served," she checks her watch, "now."

The door opens and the nurses walk in, the trolley containing the hospital meal now only have one left, for the occupant of the ward. "Good afternoon, Professor Han." Nurse Young smiles at her, "Lawyer Kang." and then moves onto the man clad in the hospital's gown.

After serving Yeosang's lunch, the two cousins are now left alone, the girl slurping deliciously onto her hot broth while Yeosang picks on the green beans. "So, how's the investigation going on?" Yeosang asks the girl. "Oh sheesh, don't get me started on it." Yeojung muffles as she had a spoonful of rice.

Yeosang had previously gave his statement as soon as he got conscious from anesthesia, the police swarming him and such. Unfortunately, the person he had fought with wore a mask, but Yeosang clearly remembered the fact that he fought with a man, a tall one at that. He was turning Yeojung's place upside down, ransacking through Yeojung's drawers when Yeosang came and busted him.

Swallowing her food, Yeojung then grabs the glass of water in front of her, "They said that it's only going to be a three to four days investigation but pushed it back to one almost two weeks." she tucks her loose baby hairs, the ones that she couldn't tie up, behind her ears, "And to think that they did that because of a baseless suspicion of something getting stolen."

During the investigation, both of the siblings moved back to the Kang Residence, since Kyeolmi can only take one of them, Jena can't take both, and Yeosang already has a roommate who's not really talking with Yeojung.

The two finished their lunch in silence, and after doing so, Yeojung discarded the take-out bowls into the bin and sets the food-tray on the coffee table. "Aren't you going back to work?" Yeosang leans back on the upright bed. She shook her head, "I'm gonna wait here until another person comes." Yeojung plops down in her seat.

Yeosang had previously requested Haera to bring in his files to be inspected, the girl reluctant and hesitant at her boss' order. But in the end, the girl shows up at the private ward with her usual suit set and hands him the brown envelope. "You can leave now." Yeosang said, "Yes sir." Haera did a slight bow, but before she could even exit the room, the male stopped her.

"Huh? You, not you." he points at Yeojung, then to Haera. "Me? Leave?" having the feeling of being talked about, Yeojung lifts her head from her phone screen and points at herself. "My secretary is here now, you can leave and do your work." Yeojung stood up slowly while nodding. "Well, don't do anything I would not do here." she winks at the both of them and closed the door, leaving Yeosang sighing in disappointment.

"She's really impossible."


l o c a t i o n: Chlematis Hospital
t i m e: 17.56


The door bursts open, revealing Yeojung behind the force. She had finished all of her daily tasks, no scheduled surgeries and certainly, no emergency ones, at least up until this point. The lawyer looks at her, the round glasses sitting on the bridge of his nose, and he sighs.

"Are you here to bother me or what?" Haera had previously left the ward to tend a matter back at home, obviously leaving her boss alone. "No," she said, "I'm here to spend time with you! Before any emergency trauma patients come in, that is." Yeojung scratches her cheeks.

"You see, I'm the back up for tonight's night shift, so I decided to just spend my night here!" the girl plops down the chair beside Yeosang's bed. The man didn't reply with any words, he just hummed and focused back on his case, which luckily didn't require him to go all the way to the court.

Trying to cure her boredom from constantly watching her cousin doing his work, Yeojung got up and walked around the ward, stretching her stiff limbs so that she could at least minimize the sore in her joints because of doing too much and too long surgeries.

"Kang Yeosang!"

As Yeojung bend her back to touch her toes, the door opens again, revealing the guy she had lost contact with. But no, it's not the guy that surprised her, it's the girl standing behind him yet still dominates the room that made her silent. The fresh memories of that night came back into her head, before she tries shake it out.

"Yeojung." Wooyoung said softly, he was not able to say anything to Yeojung during the day Yeosang was taken to the ER due to the people swarming around her, but now, it's just them. "C-Can we ta—" he steps forward to reach for her but again, her ringtone interrupts.

She picked the call up and moves around him, "Yes, Siyeon?" the professor said to her phone, "Now?" the room fell silent, listening to the girl speak, "Ready the OR, and call the anesthesiologist, I'm on my way." she hung up.

She turns back to Yeosang and grabbing the coat she had previously took off, "Why?" the man asker briefly, "An emergency patient, he's still a kid, fell of a monkey bar while playing, internal and external hemorrhage, probably even more." she left no time for any of them to say anything and dashes out.

"Well, goodluck!"

∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

l o c a t i o n: Chlematis Hospital
t i m e: 18.03

After the professor left, the ward was left in complete silence, none of them speaking a word. "So have you eaten dinner yet?" Wooyoung slowly approached the bed. Yeosang kept his gaze at the girl behind him, he hasn't heard from Wooyoung or his relationship progress ever since that night he talked to him.

Wooyoung nudged his friend seeing that he didn't receive any response from him. "Who is she?" he asked without even mentioning specifically who, the three of them know who he's talking about.

Wooyoung glances back to the girl in the floral dress standing awkwardly. Euna has a strong presence, a dominating one, but in front of Yeosang, she's tinier than a mouse in front of a lion. "She's—" "His girlfriend." Euna walks forward, stopping right on the foot of the bed.

Yeosang glances over to Wooyoung, seeing that his friend gave no form of denial nor even a response. He kept mum and hikes the blanket higher, "Leave." he turns his body so his back would face them instead. Hearing a moment of hesitation from the man, Yeosang spoke up again, "Leave, I'm tired." they eventually leave the man alone, staring at the night sky beyond the windows.


w-why is yeosang talking about me?

happy saturday! (at least here in my country it's already sat morning)

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