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l o c a t i o n: Chlematis Hospital
t i m e: 10.34

The four professors had just finished their weekly meeting with the rest of those with the same position as their's and now, they're heading towards Yeojung's office since she is the only one with a private office.

"So? How's preparation going on?" Donghyuck offered Jena a cup of mixed coffee, brewed right from the electric kettle in Yeojung's office. "It's so hard." Jena complains, rubbing her neck, "And I still have to do dress fittings, cake testings, invitation designing, deco—" "We get it! You're busy." Donghyuck interrupts, regretting to have asked.

It has been around three weeks since Yunho made that small, simple, neat yet touching proposal to his lover for twelve years. Meaning that it also has been three weeks since Yeojung last met Wooyoung and had a proper conversation. All the stuff she witnessed and heard in the office she had put way past behind her, right?

On the other hand, she had been meeting Kim Doyoung more and more these days, the man hung out around her even more, asking her to assist in his surgeries once in a while, kind of making Yeojung question his behavior.

"Yeojung!" the girl looks at Jena, the one that had called her, "You be my bridesmaid yeah? With Kyeolmi and a friend of mine, Haera." she offers, "What about your other friend?" Yeojung furrows her eyebrows, "Oh? Sehui? She's my maid of honor of course." Jena giggles.

"That's it? Only the four of us?" Kyeolmi asked, four fingers held up after counting, "Don't you at least need one more?" Donghyuck asked while taking his coat off, "Not that I know anything about it." he defends when he saw Kyeolmi opening her mouth to attack him.

"One more? I don't even know that much people though," Jena ponders, "Well I'll just ask Yunho." she giggles again. The four hung out a little bit more, before the clock hits eleven and they need to go see their outpatients and some on the task of doing their usual rounds.

Yeojung is actually free, for the first time in like, forever. She checked her schedules, rechecked them once again, and did another recheck for the fifth time with Yongbok before grasping the fact that she's free. All of her rounds were handled, her outpatients are scheduled for another day, and she is the third in line for emergency contact if back up didn't respond to an emergency.

She sighs and leans back to her chair, pondering on what to do with her day. Usually, she would just go bother Uncle Zu or Yeosang, or even Wooyoung but the given circumstances, well, it doesn't really allow her to do the last one. Deciding to just finish for the day, Yeojung sets her navigation route to her apartment complex. Not forgetting to lock her office and turn off the lights.

Yeolli is supposed to be back home, she had the day off from school because of the festival preparation. So maybe she'll go bother her little sister instead.


l o c a t i o n: Oura Apartment Complex, unit 1204
t i m e: 12.01

Yeojung had stopped by on a near diner to grab lunch for both her and her sister, but getting a text that Yeolli is going to hang out with Woojin instead made the oldest end up with one extra portion of the bucketwheat noodles.

Deciding to just keep the other one for dinner, even though that means having to eat soggy noodles, Yeojung didn't cancel her order and just went straight back home with two portions.

She punches in the code for her door, whistling a tune, happy to finally eat the longed for dish. As she opens the door, it hit something, something very heavy. When she finally was able to force her way in, the young professor gasped at the sight.

"Kang Yeosang!"


l o c a t i o n: Chlematis Hospital
t i m e: 12.18

The ambulance swiftly moved around the traffic, arriving at the hospital in less than ten minutes. Yeojung had called Kyeolmi previously, and when her friend didn't pick up, she retorts to the emergency center, making a call to them instead.

Along the way, the girl had been pressing on Yeosang's stab wound, preventing the blood from coming out too much. As they arrived at the ER, Yeosang was wheeled into the hybrid room immediately, and Yeojung fumbled with her phone to contact Mr. and Mrs. Kang.

She tried both their office numbers and their personal ones but neither picked up, so in the end, Yeojung was the one signing his surgery consent form so Yeosang could immediately receive one. She contacted Yeolli to come as soon as possible, and guessing her sister, she would probably drag Woojin along with her.

"Jung! Where's oppa?" Yeolli ran into the waiting area with Woojin behind her, seeing the uniform they're clad in reminds Yeojung that the season's changing already. "He's in the OR, what do you expect huh?" Yeojung clicks her tongue.

They took a seat across the weirdly calm woman, "Aren't you too calm to be true?" Yeolli asked again, "Who? Me?" Yeojung points at herself, "Yeosang is fine, the stab didn't hit anything vital, and besides, I am a doctor." she crosses her leg on top of the other, "I am trained to be calm in emergency situations like this, even if it's you in the OR."

Woojin kept his mouth agape, nodding slowly before turning to whisper at the girl beside him. "He said that 'Noona is very cool' just now." Yeolli snitched on him. "Seriously Yeol?" he reddens. Yeojung chuckled and thanked the boy for the compliment.

Not long after, both of Yeosang's parents arrived at the hospital, both clearly still in their work outfit, followed by a couple of detectives behind them. "Oh Yeojung dear, what happened?" Mrs. Kang went to sit beside the girl and grabs her hands. "I went home early today, and when I opened the door Yeosang was blocking it, him laying on the floor with the knife placed beside him and the stab wound on his stomach."

"So I called the ambulance while applying pressure, they arrived approximately five minutes after, so Yeosang would probably have lost around thr—" "No need to to into details honey." Mrs. Kang interrupts her, "So we got here and he's now in the OR." Yeojung fiddles with her fingers. "Do you have any idea on who the culprit might be?" Yeojung shook her head.

"My apartment was a mess when I took a brief look at it, signs of squabbling between Yeosang and the trespasser evident." she squints onto the floor, bringing the memory back, "So I guess if the police were to investigate my house, we can find some leads." the girl nods, concluding her statement.

The police then brought Yeojung away to a more private space to sign a form and such, getting her consent, again, to allow them to close the space in her apartment, granting zero access even for herself. As she returned to the waiting area, another figure appears to take place on her previous seat, a figure she had been so desperately not talk to.


courtesy to thanxx mv release, im gonna upload this chapter! happy streaming y'all

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