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l o c a t i o n: 82 Apartment Complex, unit 1024
t i m e: 03.12

The ride back home, Wooyoung was completely silent, both his mouth and his thoughts. The taxi driver got no response whenever he tried to strike a conversation, so he concluded that this boy is either drunk, or high.

He played it cool with Yeojung, saying that it's fine, that he totally misunderstood, and that he's not hurt at all. The l-word text that was meant for her sister, was sent to him instead, making him excited and all giddy for, absolutely nothing.

Wooyoung wants to cry, he wants to rant, he wants to just scream and shout and yell at everyone, he wants to blame someone, but, who? He made the choice of liking this girl first, not the opposite, out of all people, his heart decides to fall for Yeojung.

"Maybe I should just give up."

"Give up on what?"

Yeosang asks as he heard him say, the man was sitting on the dining table, his papers surrounding him and his laptop bright in front of him. "Nothing." Wooyoung sighs, "Is that a cheese stick you're eating?" Yeosang nods and continues to munch on the dairy product.

Without tearing his eyes off his roommate, Yeosang silently chews as Wooyoung skedaddles towards the fridge, getting a can of beer and plops down in front of Yeosang. "Is it my cousin?" he asks.

Wooyoung raises his head, chugging the alcoholic drink down, "Nah," he pauses, "Yes," another pause, "Maybe?" he takes another swig from the can. "Yeojung is frustrating, I know." Yeosang grabs another packet of cheese stick and rips it open.

Getting no response back, Yeosang decides to talk more, "She was forced to take care of Yeolli at such a young age by herself, with occasional support from my parents." he took a bite from the stick, "She would be so closed off about her feelings, and that pisses off every time."

Yeosang continues, "All the boys see her nothing more than a prey, and all the girls who used to be friends with her turned their backs." He sighs, "She was discriminated and outcasted, but through all of that, she would always say 'I'm fine', 'I'm okay', 'They're just bruises, stop worrying, gosh' and I remember being so mad and furious, towards her and towards her bullies."

Wooyoung listens attentively, grabbing another can of beer, "The senior she had liked only dated her because of a dare, nothing more, he even had the audacity to spread the biggest and darkest secret Yeojung had." Yeosang sighs, "Guess what she said?" he chuckles sadly, " 'I'm fine', 'It's just a secret', 'Don't hurt him, Yeo', and all that bullshit."

"People look down on her, calling her names, telling her that she's weak every time she shows any emotion. Her grandparents blame her for their parents' death, her mom's side of the family hates her and Yeolli, her teachers don't care for her, her schoolmates don't even want to interact with her. But through all that, she never gets angry, she never gets sad, she never blame the world for it."

"Having feelings is something foreign for Yeojung, she was taught to be neutral, and to only show a smile, not a frown, so please Woo," Yeosang smiles at his roommate, "Please understand why she is taking a long time to sort her feelings out, please don't give up on her," the lawyer took his glasses off and sets it aside, "I know this might sound selfish but,"

"Please stay by her side and love her unconditionally."


l o c a t i o n: Oura Apartment Complex, unit 1204
t i m e: 08.17

"Jung! I'm going off to school!"

Yeolli said, banging on the bathroom door where her sister is in. "Are you sure you don't want me to take you to school? I mean, your leg i—" Yeojung opens the door, drying her hair with a towel when she sees another school uniform clad figure in her house. "Oh, I see."

Yeojung steps out, "Hi Woojin! Take a good care of my sister, will you?" she smiles at the boy standing awkwardly in the middle of the living room. "Yes, Professor Han." Yeojung raises her finger up, waving it in the air. "No, no, you can call me Noona." She shakes her head.

Woojin chuckles and nods, "Okay, Noona." making Yeojung nods in satisfaction, "Oh come on Jung, is pedophilia your area of interest now?" Yeolli teases, "No, you dimwit, besides, when will you start calling me appropriately?" Yeolli said nothing and just stuck a tongue out.

Yeojung was about to hit her before realizing her leg's state, she sighs "Take my sister out of here before I break her other leg, Woojin, bye!" she waves, dismissing them while subtly telling them to leave quickly

Today's Yeolli's first day of going back to school after the whole kidnapping fiasco. With crutches clamped underneath her armpits and her trying to walk with them, but failing miserably, Woojin decided to just carry her all the way to school.

Not minding the stares he got when he passes the school front lawn, Woojin ignores Yeolli's request of putting her down and strides to their classroom. The two made the class break into a series of chaos and murmurs, the attention going to them.

"Now official, are we?" Yohan teases when Woojin puts her down on her desk, "Are you gonna carry your princess like that everywhere?" Euijin said, adding fuel to the fire. Not being able to contain his smile, Woojin blushes and looks down.

"Shut the hell up."


l o c a t i o n: Café Mars
t i m e: 09.46

Seonghwa was happily whistling to a song Hongjoong had just released a few days ago, for a new ballad singer. He was wiping the windows and the glass door, while waiting for his trusted worker, Jane, to come in.

As he took his sprayer bottle and sprays the contents to the glass, a figure walks past him from the outside, startling the life out of the poor boy. "Who the heck wears a blood red dress in the morning?" he stares at the slowly disappearing figure, "Wait, is that Lee Yeoreum I see?"

"Oh thank God," Seonghwa said when he realized that it's not who he thinks it is, "I almost forgot how she ended up overdosing," he reverts his gaze back to the transparent glass in front of his face, "but that silhouette though, it's familiar."

"Who is she?"

yeolliXwoojin is actually my fav ship tbh

have a nice dayy!

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