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l o c a t i o n: Oura Apartment Complex, unit 1204
t i m e: 08.30

The cops were called in, and soon enough, the small apartment complex was swarmed with red and blue lights, the now conscious Taejin in cuffs and led towards the car. Wrapped in the professor's jacket, Yeolli was sitting in one of the cafés there, her body still trembling. Doyoung came back to their seat with a cup of hot chocolate and his own drink.

The girl accepted the beverage with a small 'thanks' and sips on it, her shaking hands not doing a so great job on keeping the cup stable. "Let's go, we need to make a report" Doyoung said, Yeolli pauses before nodding and proceeding to gather her stuff together.

"But professor," the girl trails off as she gathers her things, "Why would you go to my house?" Yeolli asked. Doyoung pauses and he smiles, "A coincidence." they then made their way to Doyoung's hastily parked car, Yeolli not questioning any further.

୧(﹒︠ ̫ ̫̊ ̫﹒︡)୨

l o c a t i o n: Chlematis Hospital
t i m e: 07.29

Doyoung ran to his office, him being almost late for work. He mentally curses at Jaehyun for the nth time, his friend being the reason behind his tardiness. He had forced the man to drink with him, the CS having his day off the next day. Doyoung got drunk and drifted off to dreamland and woke up around a quarter past seven.

He fumbles with his pocket, looking for his ID card. As he reaches into his bag, he pauses with the sight of a man standing in front of Yeojung's office. He froze on his tracks and eyed all of the man's movement, the suspicious gesture he was doing, as if the man was picking the lock.

Doyoung was about to reach out to him, assisting him by telling that the girl is in the middle of a surgery, but when he saw his face, all the thought died down. "Jae?" he mumbles.

The man we're calling 'Jae' had lost his notes during the encounter with Yeojung, hence deciding to break into her office all over again. He went to the hospital to make sure the professor was clear of the house, so he could do what he wants and need to.

At this point, Doyoung had no interest on saving his clean record of getting to work in time. His eyes follow every movement 'Jae' makes, not missing anything out. Doyoung's mind was a mess, why would someone that Yeojung had never talked about show up at almost every place that had the relevance to her.

The hall was silent as 'Jae' finally went into the office, and not long after, he exits with a note in his hand, the familiar logo of the Chlematis Hospital on the bottom right. The professor got alerted and started on tailing him from afar, going down the stairs until he made it to the lobby.

From a distance, he could see 'Jae' climbing over to his motorbike, he instantly made his way to the to his parking spot, getting into his vehicle. Without losing any sight of 'Jae', Doyoung professionally tailed him until the bike turned left into a small alley, one that even Doyoung's small coupe can't fit into.

"Shit." he cursed and stopped on the red light, his head making a small calculation and prediction on where the man would head to. With a slight gamble, a place pops into his mind, as he turns his steering wheel to the left, muttering a small prayer that he's right.

The long awaited complex finally shows up in Doyoung's field of view, the adrenaline pumping even faster in his blood.

'If that dude is willing to tail her, and even break into her office, he might be dangerous'

Doyoung parks his car recklessly, not even bothering to check if it's parked straightly or not. He makes a dash towards the lifts but to his demise, it's number was on several floors above, going up while the other one was out of service. He curses internally, and made his way towards the emergency stairs.

As he climbs the floors, his strength and stamina slowly regresses, mentally scolding Yeojung for living on the twelfth floor. He reached the tenth floor and by this moment Doyoung was already almost out of breath, he uses both of his knees to support his weight as he continues to climb up.

Reaching the twelfth floor, he quickly made a dash with his last bit of energy towards the fourth unit. He saw the door was opened wide and enters it, grabbing a platform boot from the shoe rack and using it's thick sole to knock the trespasser.

And you know what comes next.


l o c a t i o n: Gangnam Police Headquarters
t i m e: 9.11

Since the only legal guardian that Yeolli has is currently busy saving another life in the OR, the schoolgirl ended up going to the police station with her cousin instead, the lawyer taking a half day-off from his office to accompany her.

Yeolli gave her testimony and all after she managed to calm herself down, and then the both of them are free to go, Yeosang leading the younger into his car. "So, do you want to go to school?" Yeolli made a face to him, "I had just experienced a traumatic event and you're asking me to go back to hell?" she scoffs.

Yeosang shrugs, "I mean, your sister's busy, I'm busy, and I don't trust you being alone, so that's the last option." he revs the engine and drove out of the station. "At least you could sleep in classes, except for Mr. Yoo's math class." he shudders at the memory of various punishment he had gotten for breaking rules during the old teacher's lessons.

Yeolli kept quiet, not even bothering to answer, "Leave me at your friend's café then, the, what was it called, Mars?" she recalls, really hating to go to school in a ruined mood. "Hmm, fine." Yeosang made his way towards Seonghwa's territory, "I'll tell the school that you're sick, so don't worry." he said.

After a few minutes of driving accompanied with the various chatters from his radio, the DJs doing a skit about eating someone's bread and looking down on the other one, they finally arrived at their destination. The galaxy-like exterior sticking out like a sore thumb, while the interior gives off a homy and cozy vibe.

"Remember, no talking to strangers!" Yeosang shouts from his car, reminding Yeolli like she's a kid, well, she is. "Are you making fun of me, Kang Yeosang?" she pauses and looks back, crossing her arms across her chest. "Precautions." he raised both hands in the air and drove away, making the girl scoff in disbelief. She was about to make her way inside, when a voice catches her attention.

"Are you lost, babygirl?"

tiktok is not good for my mental and physical health but i still love it😳😳 sorry for not updating for quite a while... i had midterms 👉🏻👈🏻

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