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l o c a t i o n: Chlematis Hospital
t i m e: 20.18

Yeojung gasps when her friend broke the news to her, "Congratulations!" she squeals, almost dropping the clipboard she had with her. "I honestly never expected that coming from him," the other line chuckled, "for once I failed on reading his thoughts."

Yeojung smiles, pinning her phone between her ear and shoulders, grabbing the can of coffee from the vending machine. "Well, I need to go into the OR now, talk to you later." the NS also said her goodbyes, grabs her phone and hits the red button. "I can't believe it." she mutters to herself.

"Believe what?" the girl jerks up because of the unexpected voice ringing behind her. "P-Professor Kim!" she instantly clasps her hand in front of her torso and did a small bow. "What do you not believe?" Kim Doyoung asks again while punching in the code for his wanted drink.

Yeojung fiddles with her finger while her eyes see the can drops, "Oh, erm, well, Professor Shin is getting married, that's why I can't believe it." Doyoung opens the can and glances towards her, "So you don't want her to get married?" he raised an eyebrow.

The female doctor raises both of her hands, shaking them while simultaneously shaking her head too, "No! I just," she lowers both hands, "I just can't believe that people around me are getting married." she looks down her hands, fiddling with them.

Doyoung chuckles, finding her behaviour adorable and amusing, "Then you get married." he takes another sip from the cold can, emptying it. "What? I don't even have a partner." Yeojung decides to open her can too, sipping the bittersweet coffee. "So the man wasn't your boyfriend? The one who gave you the flowers?" the older discarded his aluminium can.

Yeojung rubs her nape, "Erm, no." she smiles sheepishly, thinking how she hasn't made any contact with Wooyoung ever since the day she encountered Yoo Euna. "But you like each other? No?" he rests his hands on his hips, raising an eyebrow. "Yes?" Yeojung's statement came out like a question rather than an answer.

Doyoung smacks his lips, looking up as if he's thinking, "Well, does he like you?" he reverts his gaze back to Yeojung, "The last time I checked, yes, but I don't know what about now." the male professor furrows his eyebrows, "What did you even do to wrong him?" he asks with confusion. "Not that I've wronged him or anything," she trails off, looking around the hall as if it's going to give her answers.

Doyoung waited in anticipation, leaning slightly towards the front, eyes intense, "But?" he tries to connect for the younger girl. "It's, complicated." he clicks his tongue in disappointment, "Not what I expected but," he sighs, "just know that communication is the best to sort out problems." as he went past Yeojung, he pats her shoulder, "Good luck with your boy problem."

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l o c a t i o n: SWY Dance Academy
t i m e: 20.34

In the middle of the room a boy laid down on the hard wood floor, huffing while staring at the white ceiling. He grabs his phone placed beside him and unlocks it, checking the unread and yet to be replied to messages out. As he scrolls through while occasionally chuckling at the boys' group chat, Wooyoung stops at one chat room that hasn't been touched in a while.

Nibbling on his lower lips, he decided to type in a message asking for a meet up, but as he types in, he chose to call her instead. Wooyoung sat up straight on the floor with his phone pressed against his ear, the beeping line in beat with his heart.

"What am I to expect." he chuckles when the usual voice operator answers for her instead, "At this point, we're gonna be best friends." he said to the woman, who replied with a voice note fee instead.

The man stays mum in the wide room, staring at the call log on his phone mindlessly. "Wooyoung-a!" a voice broke his train of thoughts, he turns his head towards the door which is open with a head peaking in. "Euna-ya." he smiles softly and got up.

She then opens the door wide, revealing her whole body. In her hands are plastic bags filled with late night snacks in one hand and soju in the other hand. "Drink with me?" she smiles at him. Wooyoung nods with a 'sure' and shuts the lights off.

They got into Wooyoung's office and sat down on the couch there. The boy whips his phone out, "Should I call San and Yunho?" he asks her, his thumb millimeters away from the dial button, "No!" Euna rejects quickly, "Don't call them, I'm— I want to tell you something."

Wooyoung obeys and puts his phone on the coffee table in front of him, he accepts the shot glass Euna gave him and poured himself a shot. "So, what do you want to tell me?" he gulps the bitter liquid down and smiles at her.  Euna smiles, seeming to be reluctant, "Let's just," she pours herself a glass, "drink first." and they cheered.

Three bottles later and two cigarettes later, seriously, not a good combination to do at the same time. "Yo, are you drunk?" Wooyoung stretched a hand out and flaps it in front of flushed girl, her puffing out the last smoke from her rolled nicotine.

She tries to keep her droopy eyes open by blinking a few times, "You!" the girl raises a finger towards Wooyoung's face, her long manicured nail almost stabbing him. "You little bitch!" she shouts.

"I thought," she hiccups once, "I though you're in love with me?" the words slur out of her mouth, "We promised! We did the, the, erm, the." she trails off, "Pinky promise?" Wooyoung completes hesitantly. "Yes! The pinky promise!" she points at him once more.

"But you broke it! You don't love me anymore! You love that sickening bitch!" she sobs, "Han Yeojung! You fucker! You stole my boy!" Euna points at a random direction, as if talking to the person directly. "No, no, don't cry." Wooyoung grabs some tissue from the table and scoots over to Euna.

"But you love her." she whines, her tears getting uncontrollable. "No, don't cry Euna." he raises a tissue to wipe the wild tears streaming down the pretty face. "Do you love her?" Euna grabs the tissue from him, making him stare directly into her orbs.

It was a hesitant response, one that held suspense for those who will answer, those who had asked, and the one eavesdropping. Wooyoung shakes his head, it was a small one, but enough to give Euna relief, "Use your words pretty boy." she cups his face, he sighs and said, "No. I don't love her."

And just like that, the two melt into each other's lips, even something more.

"It seems that I have lost, Uncle."

And just like that, Yeojung walks away.

soo we're getting the thanxx mv
im v excited tbh

and btw, thank you sooo much for spending time to read this<3

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