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l o c a t i o n: Uncle's Teashop
t i m e: 18.01

The girl had agreed on Wooyoung's offer, but she suggests going out to a different place rather than getting coffee. "I used to come here every time I get stressed while studying." Yeojung said, leading Wooyoung to a small building with the sign on top.

The girl climbed a set of stairs, heading towards the rooftop. "Ever since working at Chlematis, I visited this place less and less, because I've been too busy." Yeojung opens the door, revealing a neatly decorated shop with various tea leaves and tea sets here and there.

The owner, who seems to be an old man, turns around to greet the new customer but when he locked gaze with Yeojung, his eyes widened. "Little flower! What brings you here?" The man exits the cashier compartment to hug Yeojung.

The female opens her arms wide, accepting the gesture and laughs. "Of course for a cup of tea, Ahjussi." She said, releasing the hug. "I see you're here with a friend." He said, looking at Wooyoung.

Yeojung looks at the smiling man behind him, greeting the owner. "How did you know Wooyoung's my friend? Majority of the people we met thought we're dating." She asks him.

Uncle Zu laughed, "Of course he's your friend!" showing off his set of teeth, "Little flower is busy enough to skip her cup of tea, obviously she's busy enough to look for men." Uncle Zu winks playfully. "Now come, let me serve you my favorite tea leaf."

He guides the two to a table near the window, taking a full display of the dimming skies of Seoul. After what Uncle Zu said, Wooyoung had his head running, thinking if he actually wanted their relationship to be official or just a fling.

Soon after, a worker brought them a pot and two cups, placing them on the table. "You can refill it by turning the tap on your table, it dispenses hot water so be careful to not burn yourselves." The girl walks away with her tray, finishing her duty.

Yeojung sets the cup in front of the both of them, getting the pot and pouring the warm tea out, the scent filling into their nostrils. "Hmm, it smells wonderful." Wooyoung said, cupping the ceramic and bringing it closer to his nose.

Yeojung did the same and nods, smiling as it calms her mind from stress. "That, is our signature Jasmine tea, but the process of growing, harvesting, and drying the leaves are way complicated." Uncle Zu said, laying out a side of Chinese cookies and snacks in front of them.

The two thanked Uncle Zu, who soon left them to chat by their own. "I'm sorry I've been ignoring your calls and texts messages," Yeojung fiddles with the cup, "I had three surgeries in the past four days, so I've missed out a lot."

Wooyoung held his hands up, shaking them while shaking his head on the same time. "Don't worry, it's okay. I understand you." He said, trying not to voice out his disappointment, "At least we're having tea right now." Wooyoung said.

The two talked quite a bit, giving each other updates about their lives and what they're up to these days. Of course, Yeojung only had hospital work to do, but for Wooyoung, after the showcase was done, his routine changed. Wooyoung had more free time, meeting his students less because their schedule were not as packed as before.

They came to a silence, running out of things to talk about, hating the situation, Wooyoung decided to speak up. "I'm going to be frank with you, Yeojung." He said, looking down. "The first time I saw you, I was immediately interested in you." Wooyoung confesses, not daring to look at Yeojung.

He glances slightly at the girl, Yeojung had the usual expression she would display, as if she's telling him to continue. "And I want to be serious with you." Wooyoung lets out. "What do you mean?" Yeojung asked, not quite getting what he meant. "I mean," He takes a deep breath,

"I want us to date."

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ – ✧)

l o c a t i o n: Oura Apartment Complex, unit 1204
t i m e: 21.05

Yeojung walks back and forth in the tiny apartment the two siblings share, her phone pressed against her ear as she bites her nails nervously. "Yeosang?" She stops biting it and looks up, seeing that her apartment door was opened.

"What happened?" A semi wet Yeosang enters the apartment, shaking his drenched hair. Yeojung sighs and ends the dial, the one answering being not the one she was calling. "She's not picking up." Yeojung dials the same number again.

The boy took of his shoes and wore the house slippers provided for him every time he visits. "Did you try calling her homeroom teacher?" Yeosang asked, getting his phone out also to call the school's teacher.

Yeojung nods, "She said that Yeolli left as soon as she dismissed the group," Yeojung detaches the phone from her ear, "and she didn't say anything." The girl stood in place, tapping her foot continuously.

Yeolli hasn't returned home yet, a weird and unusual thing for her, and especially when she doesn't say anything. Even though her phone died, Yeolli would use the public phone, or borrow someone's phone because she knows her sister's number by heart. But this, Yeojung hasn't even heard her voice the whole day.

Her hands fumble around with her phone, typing in something hurriedly, her feet tapping also gets more rapid and rigid. "I'm scared Yeo, I'm scared." She said, almost mumbling.

Yeosang got up from the dining table and hugs Yeojung, patting her back rhythmically, "Don't worry, Yeolli's a strong girl and we will find her." He whispers soothingly.

Yeojung is not a crybaby.

She didn't cry when she scraped her knee. She didn't cry when her dad disciplines her for getting bad grades. She didn't cry when her mom scolds her for losing her stuff. She didn't cry when she lost both of them.

She didn't cry when her closest friends left her. She didn't cry when she needs to give up on herself to take care of her sister. She didn't cry when her lecturers failed her papers on purpose. She didn't cry when she failed to save her patient.

Yeojung doesn't cry.

But losing her baby sister makes weak and sick to her stomach. The thought of not being able to tease her sister again. The thought that she'll never be able to hear her laugh again. The agony of failing to protect her sister.

Makes Yeojung cry

im sad🥺

the narrative is sooooo emo idk how i managed to write it like that.

and also, drama 1.0 is here!

but anyways! im in the middle of a zoom meeting rn, and to all the students that have started school, study well! an have a nice day all of you<3

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