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l o c a t i o n: Chlematis Hospital
t i m e: 07.02

Yeojung happily strolls into the tall building after saying her 'see you later's with Wooyoung, the lad had dropped her off. "You're happy today." Jihyo said, after saying her greetings to the girl. Yeojung nods excitedly and dismissed herself, parting ways after checking attendance.

She whistles a tune and enters her office, seeing that Doyoung's was still off, not showing any signs of the older professor anywhere. Yeojung brushes it off and went to her desk, setting her bag and stuff down, before changing into her scrubs. Even though frequently mocked for having the ugliest shade and design, wearing a set of scrubs is a part of her comfortable work style.

Yeojung got ready for her first surgery schedule, not forgetting to call Wooyoung first. They had made a pact, seeing from the previous failed attempt, Wooyoung was frequently left hanging with no news from Yeojung, that's why they decided to always inform each other if they can.

She went down the halls to get to the elevator but soon backed away when she saw how crowded it is. Deciding to take the stairs in order to not be late, Yeojung made a dash to the emergency stairs a few meters away from her office space. She skips down the stairs while humming to some random tune she had heard.

As she made a turn in the corner, a figure wearing a disguise came into her peripheral vision, Yeojung tried to ignore him but seeing that he was not one of the staff members, nor someone she had seen around the area, the girl decided to ask him. "Excuse me sir, are you lost?" she taps the man gently on his shoulder.

Receiving no response, Yeojung initiatively taps him again, thinking her voice was unheard of, "Are you lost sir? Where are you going?." the man looks away, hiding his face from her, making Yeojung suspicious of him. "Are you a patient?"

Thinking that he is a patient trying to run away, Yeojung was about to grab his arm so he won't run away. As he hand was about to make contact with the limb, he had slapped her hand away, "No, Thank you." before Yeojung could say anything else, he ran away, climbing up the stairs while dropping something.

The girl was about to go after him, but she glances at her now ringing phone, indicating that she has no time to go up again and chase the mysterious man. So she decided to grab the small folded paper into her hands and went down the stairs while answering the call from her first assistant.

Curious on the content in it, Yeojung unfolds the paper, revealing something written hastily and messily. She scrutinizes the horribly scribbled text on the small piece, analyzing it. Before she reached the OR, the doctor had pointed out the numbers 0, 2, 1, and 4 and also a four letters, r, a, u and an unidentifiable one.

Yeojung shoves the note into her coat and got ready for the surgery. She briefed the guardians and scrubbed her hands, her mind not leaving the mysterious note. She walks towards the room labeled with number four and walks inside, the scrub nurses prepping her up.

"Let's start the surgery, shall we?"

As her hands came in contact with the scalpel, a thought crosses her head,

Oura 1204?


l o c a t i o n: Oura Apartment Complex, unit 1204
t i m e: 07.43

The girl ran around the flat trying to find her necktie, she was sure that she had left the item on her desk but when she checked it was gone. Pressing her phone to her ear and cursing lightly when her big sister didn't pick it up, Yeolli decided to just make a run for it and face the consequence for dress code, since it is way better than running around the field for being late.

She shuts all of the lights, checks the kitchen and bathroom for any anomalies and grabs her shoes to depart for school. Without any hesitation she opens the door wide, not aware of the person behind the door. The handle hits his stomach and the man winces in pain, grasping his black shirt over the hit place.

"Oh my! I'm so sor—" Yeolli's apologize was cut short when she takes a better look at the person she just hit. Without any words, she steps back into the apartment and slams the door shut, holding the handle tightly with a hand and her other dialing her elder sister.

She curses mentally when the call was sent into voicemail and panics when the familiar beeping of the door lock was heard. "I know your house's password Yeolli! It's no use!" Jo Taejin cackles and inputs the last digit, then the door was unlocked. With her last hope, she dials this particular number only for her phone to fly away from her grip, landing a few meters behind her.

The girl gives a glare towards him, stepping back as he moves forward, but she soon whimpers as she sees the same smirk, same eyes, and same intention as the one she saw in that place. "How did you find me?" she grits her teeth, her legs starting on to feel all jittery and weak.

Taejin chuckles and crosses his arms, not advancing forward anymore. "I placed a tracker on you, remember? I just need to break into your sister's office to find out which unit, and luckily, Dr. Smarty was not that smart enough and wrote the password in her journal, easing my job."

A dead silence creeps over the place, "What do you want from me?" the girl spoke up again, making him smirks and walks towards her, Yeolli kept backing away until she can't anymore, the dining table blocking her way. "I did say that we will finish what we've started." he whispered into her ears, causing a sensation throughout her body, a reaction of disgust.

Yeolli grits her teeth and pushes him away with shaky hands, "Go away from me, Jo Taejin." she shoves him hard enough for him to lose his balance and tumble a few steps back. "You don't get to play rough with me and not expect me to return the favor honey." feeling excited instead of anger, Taejin strides forward to grab her, as his hands grips both of her arms strongly, Yeolli resists harshly, screaming for help.

Amused of the fight she's putting up, he chuckles and was about to knock her out, his hands held up high and ready to strike. Yeolli closes her eyes and got ready for the impact, but it never came. As she opens them slowly, it was seen that the man in front of her lays down on the ground flat, unconscious. She diverts her stare to the one whom had saved her and with her last strength, she mumbles.

"Professor Kim."

thoughts on ios14?

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