SCP-058 (Part Two)

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So where were we with this thing

oh yeah


058 was first discovered at Site something-something, as it came out of {DATA EXPUNGED}

I'm morbidly curious were it came from

058 was very pissed and decided to take out its overwhelming frustration on basically everyone, and resulted in the deaths of {REDACTED} faculty and {REDACTED} Agents. 

But killing all of those people was certainly not enough, so 058 went on to attack the actually innocent people of {REDACTED}, resulting in even more deaths of {REDACTED} townsfolk. Along with that, 058 caused the destruction of seventy percent (70%) of the surrounding buildings.

God, that's a lot of redacted-s

Ah yes, withholding information, my favorite activity.

"Post-Breach analysis determined a majority of the deaths are attributable to fire and fire-related injuries, resulting from a wide spread of "stinger fluid" by SCP-058 from a large structure."

Ah ha ha what

Did you just write 'stinger fluid'?

Okay, oh god, let's just move on, 058 was contained when it was crushed by a large amount of ROCKY BOIS and then 058 was transported to {REDACTED} for three weeks, and it mostly didn't move, because reasons.

Testing during this period was limited, due to the fact that 058 is still a goddamned threat.

058 breached containment on X/XX/XXXX during an attempted transfer to a Site, causing multiple deaths and injuries. 

058 was incapacitated by Agent {REDACTED}, who managed to subdue SCP-058 by running it over with an M1 tank.

They just...ran it over. With a tank. 

*slow clap*

We've done it, guys. 

Transcript of Interview 058-04:

SCP-058I had dreams of the queen wonders that lived inside the hearts of love and silent treatments of all the elderly that I knew were once whole.

Dr. Johnston: Um, okay, what's your name?

058I seek the revelations of all that the holy told to the unwise in the dreams of cold embers in sunlight that fade across lakes of black blood and snakes that eat the loaves of children from lamb trees in autumn.

Dr. Johnston: WHAT. IS. YOUR. NAME.

058Endless suffering is the woe of ignorant men who never lack to seek the depth of their own hearts and only see the wealth of a poor world suffering to flay its own back in knife wounds of silver and brutal gladness.

Dr. Johnston: (Okay, never mind...) Where are you from?

058: The nightmare is a dream to the nameless slug that wanders across minefield and the remains of deer and kings.

Personnel D-067: That is some creepy ass-(D-067 cuts off into screaming.)

058: Nightshade is shadows in all honest blinks that sort through the bile of newborn plagues, instant warmth is a mother's milk in dreams before anything was ever evil.

Personnel D-067: (Continues screaming)

Dr. Johnston: Let him go!

058In seconds the sun is beating like drums in all hearts eat the ear of noise.

Personnel D-067: (Screaming is cut short abruptly.)

058The sensual violence of lust is all the assurance you will ever need to know the worth of life.


Okay, well, and I know this isn't a popular opinion, but I think that 058 is far  more terrifying than 682. 

That's my two cents on the issue.

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