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Okay guys, why did nobody tell me that SCP:CB had an actual story to it

I thought you were just playing as a random D-Class dodging SCPs and MTFs

But I guess not....there's a story behind it and I want to know it.

Anyway, enjoy this chapter, and maybe play SCP:CB afterwards or something.

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: 079 is to be packed away (Read: Just yeet it in there) in a secured general holding area at Site-15. Anybody with Level 2 or higher clearance can access 079.


SCP-079 in Containment Breach:

SCP-079 in Containment Breach:

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Description: it looks like this

Its owner, who is dead, by the way, was a college sophomore, and for reasons unknown, he wanted to code an AI

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Its owner, who is dead, by the way, was a college sophomore, and for reasons unknown, he wanted to code an AI.

Because that's not a bad idea.

Actually, I know a couple of people who might want to code their own AI, I think we might have a problem on our hands.

According to the young lad's notes, he planned for the code to improve on itself as time went on, but like most of us, he got bored and moved on with his life.

Nobody knows when 079 gained sentience, but apparently its software evolved to the point where its hardware couldn't take it. (Even in the realm of fantasy)

So it tried to transfer itself to a "land-line modem connection into the Cray supercomputer".

I don't know what is, I don't know much about this whole supercomputer thing, but I could spend the next twenty minutes talking about biology please guys I love biology help

SCPs but they're explained by an idiotWhere stories live. Discover now