Break Up

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chapter 1

*warning, before I start I mean no hate to Dixie and Griffin if they are dating. I'm happy for her. But for this story it's about Dixie and Nick. #nixieforever.

Griffin, I swear to god. Give me a good ass reason why I should not kill you right now. "It's not what it looks like baby". I'm not your baby anymore, I loved you and you do this to me. I moved across the country for you and you do this to me. Where did I go wrong. Holding back my tears I scream at him. I'm pissed, this is the third time he has cheated on me, and I keep staying. At this point I'm sick of it.

Griffin stares at me, he reaches out to grab my hand. I pull away trying to calm myself down so I don't do anything I regret. I look at him and say
"why griff, why did you do it again, you said you would stop seeing her and I catch you in our bed"
He looks down at the ground, I shake my head. " of course you don't have a reason, I'm sorry but I'm done griffin, I'm moving back home."

I storm off into the bedroom and pull a suitcase from out and under the bed. I'm thinking to myself "breath dix breath" "don't cry don't cry I don't cry".

QI pull out all my clothes and throw it into the suitcase, I walk into the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror, that's when the waterworks came, I couldn't stop crying. I jumped when I heard the front door slam.

I knew he was mad and when he was mad he could do horrible things. I finish gathering my stuff together and call Charli.

Phone call:

Charli: hey dix what's up?

Dixie: hi chars, uhm

I can't get the words out

Charli: are you okay Dixie


Charli: I'm so sorry Dixie I wish I could hug you right now.

Dixie: I know this is going to sound crazy but could I come stay with you in LA for a bit.

Charli; of course Dixie, I love you

Dixie: I love you too, I'm getting on the next flight I can. See you soon.

*call ends*

I zip up my suit case and grab my keys, purse and phone and walk out the door. As I walk down the hall way I look on the walls, all the photos of me and him, 5 years of our relationship ended just like that. I keep my head straight and walk towards the door.
I didn't hear him come back in before, "dix please don't do this to me" he pulls my arm. I pull my arm back, please don't do this griffin, he doesn't let go of me. "GRIFFIN LET GO OF ME" I pull my arm back and shove him, don't even try to contact me again. I walk out the door trying not to let my tears run down my face and I slam the door behind me. I walk out of the appartments building and wait outside to call a cab.

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