Beach day

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Chapter 36

Nick and I fell asleep on the couch, he looked so peaceful while he was asleep, I grabbed my phone and laid back onto his chest.



Me: omg bae! Now did it go?

Mads💘: omfg


Ness💕: he was so happy when I told him


Addi💞: I'm glad bby

Char💗: Aunty time y'all

Me: periodt.

I put down my phone and looked over at nick, I'm so happy for nessa and josh they deserve it and I'm sure there little baby is going to be so blessed. I'm just hoping that one day me and nick can have our own little baby.

"Morning princess"

"New nickname huh" I smiled and kissed him

"I love you beautiful"

"I love you too lover"

"So josh called me all excited yesterday, Ness is having a baby"

"Yeah she told us girls yesterday, I'm so happy for them" I said while smiling and playing with his hair

"One day that's gonna be us baby girl" he kissed my forehead

"I can't wait for that day my love"

"What do you want for your birthday Dix"

"You" I smirked at him

"You can have me any day you want baby" he winked

"Surprise me lover"

"Let's get ready for the beach"

I smiled "I love the beach"

"I know you do silly, let's go get ready"

I jumped off the couch and nick slapped my bum, I turned around and looked at him

"What? Your ass looks cute"

I laughed and ran upstairs.

(The bikini she chose)

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(The bikini she chose)

It didn't take long for me and nick to both get ready, we jumped into his car and we drove straight to the beach, we didn't go to the busy beach we always went to nick was driving somewhere else

He took my hand and led me onto the sand, the beach was very quiet and nobody was there

"This is where I come to think" he said as we set our stuff down

I looked around, the beach was very beautiful, the water was gorgeous and the sand was soft on my feet, there was a big cliff behind us with heaps of green vines hanging down, you could tell not many people came here.

"It's beautiful lover" I smiled

"I thought we could sit here and talk for a bit"

"Of course Nick"

He pulled out the pillows and the white sheet we had brought with us and set it up so we could lay down.


"We I'm not very open about my childhood dix, as you already know"

Nick never really told me about is childhood, I mean I had talked to his mom and little brother a few times but that was all.

"When I was 10 and my little brother was only 4, my father left us with no explanation except I found someone new"

"My mom became depressed, I was only 10 and I was left with so much pressure trying to make sure my mom would be okay, and at the time I was so so confused I didn't really understand. I just remember coming home from school one day and my parents yelling at each other"

"Nick and Ryder need you"

"I haven't seen my dad in a while and the last time I did it didn't end well, and I guess that's why I got scared for relationships till I met you, because me and my dad were always so close then he left me and he abandoned me and ry and my mom for another person"

Nick looked heart broken, I saw a tear fall down his cheek, I wiped it off with my thumb and he opened his arms out. I jumped into his embrace holding on to him.

"I'm so sorry lover, I'm never going to leave you"

"You promise?"

"I promise Nick Austin, your my one and only"

"And your my one and only Dixie Damelio"

I kissed him and we talked for a bit more.

"Wanna go for a swim dix"

"Yeah of course lover"

"Oi question baby?"

"What's up lover"

"Have you ever gone skinny dipping"

I laughed at his question

"No my love, have you?"

"Nope, but it's going to change today" he smirked and took off all his clothes

I laughed as he ran into the ocean freely and naked

"Your turn" he shouted

I was questioning myself but then I told myself out loud

"Why the fuck not"

I took off my bikini top then my bottoms off and ran into the ocean and ran into nicks arms. We were both laughing and splashing each other.

"Have you ever done it in the ocean lover"

"Nope, the only water I have done it in is the shower with you dix"

I felt my cheeks heat up, I laughed, that's when the words came out

"Give it to me now"

Nick looked shocked
" are you sure baby girl?"

"100 percent"

I guess I could always say, I did the dirty with Nick in the ocean while skinny dipping, I laughed at my thoughts.

We got out of the water and wrapped towels around ourselves. We brought food with us to we ate for a bit and just talked while watching the sunset.

my one and only.|| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now