"Your my boyfriend now and i lo"

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Chapter 20

Warning, Dixie talks about her childhood which was a bit of a rough one, it has a part of an eating disorder. Just a heads up💗💗

Nick took me into his room and dropped me onto the bed softly. He kissed me. Every time I kiss him I feel butterflies in my stomach and fireworks go off. I was falling for nick, or should I say I fell for nick. I took off my crop top leaving on my Calvin Klein bra and my sweatpants from today on. Nick walked over to his side of the bed and took off his top and leaving his sweatpants on. I got under the blanket and he climbed into bed and we cuddled in silence for a few minutes

N: Dix
D: yeah baby
N: what was your childhood like if you don't mind me asking
I looked up at nick and took a breath
N: it's okay if you don't want to talk about it, it's just that charli has a hard time talking about it as well
D: no it's okay, your my boyfriend now and I lo
I stuttered, shit did I almost just say I love him, I looked up at him and see if he noticed what I almost said, he looked clueless.

Nick POV:

D: no it's okay, your my boyfriend now and I lo
Did she almost just say love, I already knew I loved Dixie from the day I saw her I knew I would love her. I needed to look clueless so she wouldn't be embarrassed.

Dixie POV:

D: and I trust you
N: take your time
D: when me and charli were little, we had the best life's. Our parents were amazing and they still are till this day. Me and charli went to school one day and when we got home our parents Heidi and Marc told us our mom was really sick. From that day on she was always at the hospital, dad was working full time to cover the hospital bills. Charli was still always positive and if I didn't have her, I don't know what would have happened to me. My first day grade 8 came, and dad took the day off the drive me and charli to school. They were always there for us even when everything was bad. But with all the bad stuff happening at home, and stuff started to happen at school. I would get bullied and I didn't have many friends, I would come home everyday in tears and charli would always say to me "it's okay dixie, I'm your best friend you always have me". I stopped eating and I lost heaps of weight, I was already so skinny my parents started to get worried. My mum was still in hospital and dad was still working. That lasted a year. Then charli came back to the same school as me and she would sit and made sure I ate every single day. Charlis my rock and without her I would be broken. That same year I met griffin, and he treated me like a queen. He was supportive he met my parents and they loved him and charli loved him. He was ticking every box. He was a few years older than me. That's when my mom finally recovered and she was healed. Everything was getting back to normal, but then griffin and his family moved away from Connecticut, so my parents let me move with him. I was always a responsible child so they trusted me. That's when my mental health got bad, charli would call me every night and make sure I was okay. I had to send her a photo of everything I ate so I wouldn't get back into a bad habit. That's why me and charli are so close.
I finished telling nick with tears streaming down my face, he just hugged me which was what I needed.
N: Dixie you are so strong and I'm so proud of you and charli. you deserve the world and I'm glad you shared that with me. I'm here for you forever and always, your my one and only
D: and your my one and only.
He kissed me and my phone started beeping.

H: hey Dixie baby, how are you.
D: I'm good mamas
H: that's good. Can you FaceTime?
D: of course

I looked at nick and he was cool with it

I picked up the face time call

D: hey mom
H: hey beautiful, i called charli and chase not to long ago
D: aw me and charli went out today with avani and addi
H: I can't wait to see them again honey
D: mom I would like you to meet my boyfriend nick
N: hi Mrs damelio
H: hi nick, thank you for making my daughter smile again
Nick smiled and wiped the tear running down my face
H: anyways dix, would you like to come home and visit?
D: I would love too mom, when?
H: 2 days? Charli and chase said they would come, so did you and nick want too
I looked at nick
N: we would love to Mrs damelio
H: call me Heidi love
D: alright mom, I love you so much, see you and dad in two days
H: alright love you too baby.

Call ends .

well it looks like you get to meet my parents, he smiles "I'm excited baby" I smiled and kiss him. I'm glad. I will be back, I'm got gonna so see charli. "Okay baby" I jump out of nicks bed and open the door. I look across the hall way and see Bryce and addisons door shut, I heard things I never want to hear again, I run off laughing and go downstairs to the other staircase.  The house is dark as it's already late. I walk thought the kitchen to the other staircase. I look to my left and I see daisy editing a new video. She smiles and waved at me, I decided to go and see her.

Da: hey dix
D: hi dais
Da: how are you
D: so tired and trying to find Charlis room
Da: same girl, well Charlis room is upstairs and right down the back of the hall way.
I smile and give her a hug and walk out of her room. I walk up the stairs and knock on one of the doors. I can hear Alex and kouvr laughing

A: come in
I open the door and Alex is filming again for his YouTube, I walk in and sit on the bed and hug kouvr and lay in the bed next to her.
A: Mrs Austin how can we help you
I laugh
D: just trying to find charli and I pretty sure I got the wrong room
K: well done dix
A: say hi to my vlog Dixie
D: hi vlog
A: this is nick Austin's wife
I laughed and give kouvr and Alex a goodnight hug.

I walked out and walked into the next room. I knock on the door but nobody answered, I open the door and I see something that scared my mind. Charli and chase making out. I was trying not to laugh, I tried to exit the room and then I tripped over Charlis shoe. I really fucked that one up. They both jumped and I tried to find but I didn't work

Ch: charli C: chase

Ch: Dixie what the hell are you doing
she started to laugh
Ch: shit Dixie I thought I was going to die
D: sorry guys *laugh*
C: so that's why nick calls you little miss clumsy
I roll my eyes
D: shut up. Anyways did mom tell you what time our flight is
Ch: not yet she's calling me tomorrow
D: alright, I will leave you guys alone
Ch: bye Mrs Austin
D: I love you guys
Ch: I love you too dix
C: love you too damelio

I walked out of the room and ran down the stairs into the kitchen. I grab a glass of water and then run through the living room back up to the hall way with nicks room. I walk in and he's already asleep. I kiss him softly on the lips and cuddle next to him falling asleep.

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