Memory lane

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Chapter 31

Dixie POV:

Nick held onto me tightly, I heard his soft sob as his head was buried into my neck. I was still weak but with the strength I had I wrapped my arms around him.

"I'm awake baby, I'm okay" I whispered into his ear

he was still softly crying as I ran my fingers through his hair.

"I love you dixie, please never leave me again" he said as he looked up and held my face.

"and I love you nick, I'm never going to leave you again, I promise my love"

1 week later.

Everything had calmed down, I was finally back home after leaving the hospital. It was hard getting back into a car. it made me nervous, nick held my hand the whole way through and never left my side. Coming home made me happy, I got to see Charli and my mom and dad and all my friends which I was happy about. I'm pretty much recovered, my body pretty much healed itself during my coma. I have exercises I have to do everyday to build up muscle in my body again. I also started a new birth control so i was a bit dizzy but that was it.

I laid in bed as nick was asleep with his arm across my bare stomach, it felt good to feel his touch again. i ran my fingers through his hair. it was 6am and me and charli had a interview at 11am. it was my first appearance since the accident and not going to lie i was a bit nervous. Nick promised he would be there the whole time which made me feel better.

i picked up my book and started reading, reading helped me regain focus on life again. it was nice just to relax in bed with nick and read a book.

(lol smut but not really)

"dixie baby are you okay?" nick said as he looked up and smile and kissed my lips softly

"I'm okay now, but i have a tiny request" i said while smirking.

"what would that be baby" he asked while holding my face

"i wanna do it again" i said hoping he would understand what i meant

"do what again my love" he laughed and rested his head on my chest

i whispered into his ear "i want your body ontop of mine again"

he jumped up and looked at me and smirked, "i don't want to hurt you my love"

"you wont i promise nick" i said while touching his bedhead

"only if your sure baby" he said

i nodded, he turned around and slowly started kissing my neck, he moved up to my lips.

"i missed your soft lips dixie"

"simp" i said while laughing

"wow" he smirked

"your my simp" i said while smiling

he kissed me again and slowly took off my bra leaving me naked, he kissed down my neck. he pulled down his pants and laid ontop of me. and I guess you could say the rest was history.

After we had finished I got up and walked had a shower not to long after nick followed me and had a shower.
"So what do you want to do today?" Nick said while a ran the shampoo through my hair

"Well me and charli have an interview at 11 today, but besides that I don't mind" I said while he rinsed the shampoo out of my hair

"We can go out for a bit if you want angel"

"Sure beb" I reached down and grabbed the shampoo bottle and poured some into my hand. Nick placed his hands on my hips as I stood on my tippy toes to put the shampoo in his hair. I really don't know why we do this but we always wash each other's hair.

10 minutes later

We finished in the shower and I went to go pick an outfit out

We finished in the shower and I went to go pick an outfit out

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Dixie's outfit

I got ready and did my makeup ready for our interview. I straightened my hair. Nick got ready as well and we walked down stairs to go get something to eat before we left. 

"hey dix" charli called from down the stairs 

"whats up char"

"chase and I are gonna leave a bit later"

i smiled "okay see you at 11"

"i love you dix"

"I love you too char" 

Me and Nick walked out the door and he opened my car door for me, i sat down and nick jumped into the drivers seat. He looked at me and i looked at him, he gave me a soft kiss on the lips and then we drove off. Nick didn't tell me where we were going but his hand was on my thigh and his eyes were focused on the road. We pulled up to star bucks and he ordered me my favorite drink then he kept driving.

after a while i knew we were headed to the Hollywood sign, i smiled as he parked the car

he ran around and opened my door "what are we doing here love" i said as i smiled

He held my hand and took me up to the exact spot where he asked me to be his girlfriend, we sat down on the ledge 

"i love you dixie, more than life itself" he smiled and kissed my forehead

"and i love you nick austin" 

"When you were in the hospital i thought i was going to lose you baby, when i wasn't at the hospital by your side i came here to get a break"

a tear rolled down my cheek, "I'm sorry lover"

he wiped my tears "its not your fault my Angel, look you came back to me"

I looked at the view then at nick, 

"Nick i wanna talk to you about someone special"

" of course baby "

i took a deep breath "well my childhood best friend, uhm she passed away and when i was in my coma i would always see her and shewould always tell me to keep fighting for you "

"I'm grateful for her" he smiled and held onto me "I'm sure shes proud of you lover" 

"thank you baby, i love you"

"forever and always Dix" 

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