little miss clusmy

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Chapter 18

Hi yall, before I start, I would like to thank everyone for reading and supporting my story. this is the first story I have ever written. so I'm new to writing a plot and keeping to the plot. I'm trying to plan more of the chapters out so I have a good idea of where to begin. I don't want to waste a whole chapter on this, so the story will continue below. thank you for the love and support<3

Nick and I woke up earlier today as we went to bed earlier and the rest of the house was coming home from there bae-cation. I was excited for everyone to come back, but Nick and I wouldn't have much alone time. I was admiring the view of nick like I did every morning. except this morning was different. it wasn't different in a bad way but a good way, I think. I was falling for Nick Austin and I was falling extremely fast. normally I would be stressing but in all honestly, I was the happiest I could have ever been. I was finally in a non-toxic relationship and I was happy with the boy I was with. I was living in a house filled with positive people who cared about me and supported me.  I kissed nick softly on the lips like I did every morning and I got up. I went into nick clothes and I took one of his jumpers and put it over my bra and shorts. I walked into my room and I quickly went into my shower so I didn't wake up Nick. I started to sing in the shower like I did every time. I started to sing selfish by Maddison Beer. I was happy when she followed me back on Instagram a few days ago, I literally screamed. I was washing my hair and I attempted to do the high note and I finally did it. I was so happy when I got out of the shower. I wrapped my towel around me and went into the main section of my room. I walked out and I saw nick on my bed. "baby, I didn't know you could sing" I smiled and said, yeah I like to do it sometimes. he smiled and said, "you have the voice of an angel". it made me blush. he was just laying on my bed on his phone and I picked my outfit. I picked my "stop looking at my dick" sweat pants and paired it with a little white crop top. I put airforce ones on.

Nick sat up so I straddled him and he held me tight. we hugged and I could felt his hands going down to my ass. he supported me so i wouldn't fall. that's when he kissed me. I took me back because I didn't expect it. he slipped his tongue into my mouth and my tongue and his tongue connected. I grabbed onto the back of his neck and he held my ass tight. he stared to leave kisses along my neck. I was so distracted then I saw the time. "shit nick its already 10am, they are going to be home at 11" he kept kissing me for a bit and then he let me go so I could do my makeup. while I was doing my makeup he was hugging me from behind. "baby, you're beautiful. you don't need all this" I smiled at him and kissed him. my phone started ringing and Kio was face timing me.

N: nick D: dixie K: Kio

k: hey loser

D: hey idiot

N: hi babe

K: hi baby

I rolled my eyes and told Kio to back off he's mine

K: *laughs* anyways I have a date with this girl

D: oo who is she

N: are you cheating on me Kio

nick said as a joke, we all laughed. nick kept kissing my cheeks.

K: her names Olivia and shes an Instagram model.

D: let me know how it goes stupid

K: alright love you guys

N: love you too man

D: love you Kio

the call ends and nick keeps kissing me. "I'm just going to go get ready baby" I smiled and slapped his ass as he walked out. he laughed. *10 minutes later* nick walked in and we had on matching sweatpants and shoes, and he also had on a white top. it was so cute that he matched his outfit with mine. I laughed and smiled because it was so cute. I got up and gave him a kiss and he helped me make my bed with the new bedsheets, blankets and throw pillows. We made my bed look cute and we put lights around. I was on my bed putting up lights and I tripped over my feet a fell off the bed. "Shit baby is you okay" nick ran over to me and lifted me up. My head started to hurt, a tear ran down my cheek. He wiped my tear away and he hugged me. I had been cut a little on my cheek so nick picked me up and took me into the bathroom. I had hit my head pretty hard. He lifted me onto the counter and started to clean up my cut. Tears were rolling down my face and he wiped them away and put soft kisses on my lips.

N: baby are you okay
D: I'm okay my head just hurts
N: you took a hard fall bebs
D: I know it happens all the time
N: my little miss clumsy

He continued to clean my cut

D: ow ow

As nick was cleaning my cut it started to sting really badly

N: shit I'm sorry baby
D: it's fine bebs
N: almost done I promise

Nick finished cleaning my cut and he gave me a hug and held me tight. He lifted me and walked out of my room. He walked down the stairs with me clinging tightly on to him. He sat on the couch and I just cuddled with him. I was thinking to myself and I had a flashback.

*3 years ago*

D: hey griff could you please get off your game and help me
G: Dixie I said earlier wait till I'm done
D: I have been waiting for weeks, I'm gonna do it myself

I got onto the chair to replace the lightbulb that had blown a few weeks ago. I took the case off the light and I messed my footing and slipped and cut my chin open. I started to cry, the blood was getting really bad.

D: griffin help
G: Dixie I swear to god you're so clumsy
D: griffin I need help
G: wait to my game is over
D: your know what you're a dick head.

The blood was all over my hand and all over my shirt. I walked out the front door and knocked on the door to ask the neighbour for help.

*back to normal time*

It made me realise how different nick was to Griffin. I was in a toxic relationship for four whole years and I finally got out of it and got someone who actually cared about me. I was just laying on his chest and he was kissing my head. He turned on Netflix and started watching sex education. I felt safe when I was with him he always knew how to make me feel protected. My phone went off and I took looked at my messages.


C: hey Dix, we just landed should be home in an hour
C: I'm excited to see you
D: hey bebs, I'm excited to see you too💖

Nickkkkk they are almost home and I'm so excited. He laughed, "same baby, it's cute seeing you all excited" I kissed him. I held on to his neck and he put his hands around my waist. He turned me over and laid me down on my back. He took the time to look at me and pause. "You really are a beautiful girl, you're my beautiful girl" I blush and he slowly kisses my lips. I hold onto his neck and he holds on to my hip and the back of my head. He tilts my head up exposing my neck. He started to kiss my neck, leave hickeys all over my neck. He moved back up to my lips and kissed me passionately. "Dix, you mean the world to me and I never want to lose you". I smiled and sat up from under him. He laid on my chest and I held on to him. I kissed his head, I never want to lose you nick. We sat up and we walked into the kitchen. He lifted me on the bench and he got a packet of chips out of the cabinet. We opened them and I took them from nick as a joke. I start to feed nick the chips because he looked really cute. He's standing in between my legs and he's hugging me. I look up at him and we start kissing again. We got so distracted we didn't hear anyone come through the door. We stop kissing once we hair Charli yell, "WE ARE HOME BITCHES" everyone laughs and me and nick turn to look at them and they were all recording me and nick. Everyone started laughed and then nick pulled me off the bench so I could see everyone.

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