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Chapter 31:

We left the sign and went back into the car and drove, we pulled up to the studio where the interview was being held, Charli and Chase were waiting at the front for me and Nick, we opened our doors and Nick walked over to my side and held my hand. 

Ch: Chase C: Charli N: Nick D: Dixie I: Interviewer 

C: hey love bird

Ch: took your time huh 

D: sorry, we arent late though 

N: we just made it

they laughed, and we walked inside, we met our interviewer and we sat Charli and I sat down on two chairs and Nick and Chase sat behind the camera. 

I: Welcome back to LA News, today we have Dixie and Charli Damelio 

D: hey guys 

C: hi everyone 

I: so how are you girls?

C: good thank you, how are you

I: I'm doing amazing thank you, so dixie how are you feeling after the accident

D: I'm feeling heaps and doing heaps better, it took a lot of healing but I'm pretty much almost done

I: great, we hope you make a full recovery 

D: thank you so much 

I: charli, how is Tik tok and everything going?

C: its going so well, I'm about to hit 80 million followers which is crazy and sureal to me, I'm so blessed though 

I: awe congrats girly 

C: thank you!

I: so onto the relationships we have Nick and Chase on set, Dixie starting with you, how did you and nick meet

D: so me and Nick met when i moved to LA, i was going through a breakup at the time, and i moved to LA to get away from everything. I moved into hype and that's where i met him and all my best friends.

I: how long has it been since you moved

D: around 9 months, almost 10

I: damn girl, sounds like its been a crazy 10 months 

D: *laughs* yes, but definitely worth it, i met my soulmate 

I: aw, that's sweet, charli how did you meet chase?

C: well, he followed me on tik tok, and i had been following him because i was a fan of him, but we don't talk about it, and then we started talking and then i moved out to LA and moved into hype and then we got close and started dating.

I: there you have it, both Damelio sisters are off the market and in love am i right girls

D: one hundred percent 

C: exactly right 

We finished the interview and i hugged nick. 

"can we go see Nessa and Mads and the group" i asked and smiled 

"of course baby" 

i hadn't seen them since the accident and i missed them a lot, Kio told me he had got a girl friend and i was super excited to meet her.  

Nick drove to Sway and we got out, when we knocked on the door, Josh answer 


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