Levi Joshua Hall

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Chapter 44

8th Of January, 9:35pm

Me and Addison had the new year rush of our website and my modeling season had started up again after the Christmas break. I was also coming out with a new song in early March, so I had to get to the studio to record in a few days. Me and Nick sat cuddling in bed watching Netflix.

Bryce rushed into our room which gave me a fright, he looked panicked.

"Holy shit Bryce, you scared me"

"Are you okay"

"Addison's water broke"

Me and Nicks jumped out of bed and followed Bryce downstairs, Addison was sitting on a yoga ball having a contraction. Nick and Bryce ran and started packing the bags into the car.

Addison was cry because of the pain I ran over to her and rubbed her back

"Hey beb, you got this, I love you"

"I love you too dix"

"Just think, you get to meet baby boy soon and he will finally be in your arms"

"And I will get to be a mom, and Bryce will get to be a dad"

"Exactly addi" I hugged her and rubbed her back.

Her contraction ended and we quickly helped her up and into the car before another open started. Nick drove to the hospital and I sat in the passenger side. While Bryce and Addison were in the back, he was rubbing her stomach.

Location: LA Hospital

I quickly ran inside and got a wheel chair and Bryce and nick helped Addison out, Bryce and Addison went through and me and nick waited outside in the waiting room.

We decided to stay the night in the waiting room and me and Nick didn't really mind as we were the only ones in there.

I sat on nicks lap and I closed my eyes, Nick thought I was asleep and whispered something in my ear

"Hey baby, this is going to be you soon I promise. No matter how long it takes for you to get pregnant I'm always going to love you forever. Sleep well angel" he kissed my forehead and held me tightly

I drifted off to sleep.


Bryce ran out and woke us up.

"Guys I'm a father now" I could see that his eyes were super red from crying and his smile was the biggest I had seen it

We laughed and both hugged him. Nick held my hand as we walked into Addison's room. As we walked in Addison smiled

"Levi Joshua Hall this is your Aunty Dixie and Uncle Nick" she said while holding the little baby in her arms, Bryce kissed her forehead.

I felt my eyes burning and heating up and before I knew it a tear fell down my face.

"He's perfect guys"

We got to hold him then we left Addison and Bryce to spend time with Levi.

We got to hold him then we left Addison and Bryce to spend time with Levi

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Liked by @dixiedamelio @nickaustin and 50.2k others
@addisonrae: Levi Joshua Hall, born 9th Of January, I love you so much already💙
👤: @brycehall


@brycehall: little man🥰
^@addisonrae: our little man💘

@dixiedamelio: perfect little boy, ily addi💙
^@addisonrae: I love you beb🥰

@nickaustin: I love you all xx
^@addisonrae: I love you💜

@charlidamelio: aunty char is back💙
^@addisonrae: yes ma'am🥺

@lilhuddy: congrats guys, love ya x
^@addisonrae: love you chase x

@joshrichards: buddy🥺
^@addisonrae: ily josh💙

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